Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why do we have to title these things????

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!!

It's been quite a while since my last post.  Since writing my last thoughts, we've visited our friends in Dallas, survived the stomach virus (barely) and had a fabulous Christmas!

Dallas - We ended up getting a later start than I'd hoped for...which resulted in horrid traffic.....which resulted in Sammie barfing in the car....which resulted in LG holding her nose in the back seat.....which resulted in the windows being rolled down.....which resulted in freezing! 

We loved seeing and spending time with our friends.  We basically just hung out around the house... and then ate out.... which resulted in a 4lb weight gain. Not cool...but my fault.  I keep going back and forth.

This Dallas trip made me realize that I need to revisit my previously posted New Year's resolutions..

See changes below...

1) To become less negative/critical of things

2) To become a better cook

3) To lose the 20lbs I've been harping about since I started this blog :)

4) Insert some physical goal here:)

5) Try to become less controlling

Now... I previously provided explanations for most of these goals.  Here was my explanation for #5:

I'm pretty crazy about certain making Martinez' lunches weeks in advance (except the sandwiches), picking my clothes out two weeks in advance... packing for trips too early... I need to take a step back...and I've already started! We leave for Dallas on Friday and I haven't packed a thing ! Whew....

I am taking back my 5th goal and I'm replacing it with:

5) Try to become MORE controlling


Not packing for Dallas in advance (even though it was less than a 48 hour trip) resulting in almost forgetting LG's shoes, forgetting my razor, tights, LG's meds.. and there were other things too I've just forgotten that too!!!!

Stomach virus.......

I believe that the stomach virus is a little taste of what Hell is like.  True story.  It's disgusting and when your little one is constantly throwing up and then dry heaving, it's heartbreaking.  Poor LG slept very little for two nights, which meant we didn't either.  On Saturday...after visiting the pediatrician.... Martinez and I made cinnamon rolls, peanut butter cookies and cleaned the whole house.  I thought we were wired from lack of sleep.....I thought wrong.  I'm pretty sure we were allowed to do all that b/c we would be VOMITING and on the pot for the next day !!  Bright side...we didn't gain any holiday weight !!!!! I lost 4 lbs, plus the 4 I'd gained !

Thankfully, we mustered up enough energy to put together Liv's new kitchen for Santa... and by we...I mean Martinez:)

Our sweet girl really enjoyed her Christmas day! It was so fun to watch her little face as she opened her gifts!

Mom & Dad enjoyed our gifts too :)


My most favorite stocking stuffer....

Tomorrow is back to work !  Even though over half of my break has been sick cleaning up vomit or vomiting, I've enjoyed being home with my family!  One workday this week, then a doctor's appointment for LG on Friday, then hopefully a relaxing 4 day weekend!  Thank boss man:)! I'll make sure to get those lame witness/exhibit lists completed.... and I'll even remember  try to properly format them........only The DeShazo will find humor in this.:)

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I weighed this morning. 174! I've finally lost the 6 lbs I gained!!!! It certainly took longer to get it off than to put it on.

Ok...I've been thinking about my New Year's Resolution for several weeks.   Like most other things.. I think about something for a while... a long while.. 

Here's what my list is so far:

1) To become less negative/critical of things

I realize this is going to take some time.  I seem to thing about the negatives about something before it even happens, and I don't want to be like that b/c it's just gonna teach LG to be the same way.  I'm going to have to put some work in on this one.  I often make excuses and say "I'm just being realistic"...but it's negative.

2) To become a better cook

Please refrain from eye rolling.

I really want LG to think about my cooking like I do my mom's......I pretty sure this is going to be a resolution for years to come... But let's face it... I need to seriously step it up... I'm still smelling the buffalo pizza when I open the oven.  Martinez wouldn't let me spray Febreze in it.

3) To lose the 20lbs I've been harping about since I started this blog :)

4) Insert some physical goal here:)

5) Try to become less controlling

I'm pretty crazy about certain making Martinez' lunches weeks in advance (except the sandwiches), picking my clothes out two weeks in advance... packing for trips too early... I need to take a step back...and I've already started!  We leave for Dallas on Friday and I haven't packed a thing ! Whew....

End of the Year Resolution:

To learn to curl my hair properly with a curling iron...without looking like a mushroom....turtle...or a crow.  Martinez can back me up on this.

Until Next Time

Ma'dam Martinez

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pie & Bras

Let's revert back to Friday...

Weigh in.... 1 pound loss since last Friday, putting me back at a 50 pound weight loss... but I still have 1 more pound to go to be back where I was before our holiday trip and my 6 pound weight gain.  Were the yummy foods worth it?  Well....yes and no.  I should have had more portion control:)

I know you guys are tired of reading about the sweet tator pie...but that's too bad.  My momma rocks...and since I'm not much of a "homemade" cookin' gal, making this pie was a challenge...and I made them.  My mom's recipe makes two... and man did they turn out yummy !

Be jealous.  I do need to learn to take them out of the oven a little better.  They had no cracks before I removed them.

I only had to call my mom 4 times for help and it only took 2 hours of my day.......(refrain from eye rolling)

Unfortunately, a cold has made its way in my home again...and I'm not a fan...LG has the sniffles too...and that makes for a cranky momma and little one.

Speaking of cranky... I expressed to my mom that Martinez and I are dealing with a toddler that seems to be triple testing the waters around here.  This led to me learning that at 3 years old, I told my mom, "I'm bored" with an attitude.  Why am I telling you this??  As a result of my sassy comment, I was taught to sort laundry and fold it - thus preventing any future comments of "I'm bored".  Again, Why am I telling you this??  Mostly to let The DeShazo and Vic know that this must be where I got the love and need of doing laundry every day:)

I can't wait til LG tells me she's bored.  I'm gonna hand her a rag and some dusting polish and let her swipe baseboards!

So.... last night... Martinez informs me that he would like to give me one of my Christmas gifts early.  Even though I harass him to tell me what he gets me... and everyone else for that matter... I really love surprises and don't wanna know.  Our conversation went something like this:

Martinez:  I think I wanna give you one of your Christmas gifts early.

Me:           Why?

Martinez:   Cuz you need it.

Me:             I really don't need anything except some pie.

Martinez:    Ya, you do.

Me:              No I don't.  Oh wait.  Is it jeans?  I can wait and we are going to Dallas next week anyway.

Martinez:     It's not jeans.  I was gonna get you a giftcard to this place, but I think I'll just take you tomorrow if you are feeling better.  I even tried to win you some!

Me:               Oh. My. Gosh.  It's bras isn't it???  Wait...YOU TRIED TO WIN SOME?

Ok ya'll.  I love Martinez.  I find this whole conversation entertaining and I know two others that will as well.  You're welcome.

To further explain this conversation, Martinez heard about "The Lingerie Store" on the radio this week and apparently Joey and Heather did an entire segment about this store... and had a prize for the person who called in at the right time.  Martinez gave me a lesson on "proper bra measurement" and informed me that "this is definitely the right place".

After laughing forever... The following popped in my mind:

1)  Do I complain about the girls so much that Martinez is finding a solution? ( YES)
2)  Do I complain about the girls so much that Martinez has noticed the problem? (Oh man, I hope not... but of course he has cuz you showed him the genie bra with conviction)
3)  Is is that obvious????? ( SOMEBODY THROW ME A BONE!!!!!!)

Despite my nose running, and feeling crazy in my head this morning, Martinez and I had a few errands to run, and one of those errands was visiting The Lingerie Store in Nichols Hills. must go there!  I'm not disclosing my "new/proper" measurement..mostly for your benefit, but I did think that the lady made this measurement up until I actually saw the size written in my new gear!


I tried a new Pinterest seems that I'm slipping into my old ways....

Though it looked like the Buffalo Chicken Pizza minus the green onions on certainly didn't taste as good as it looked.  Apparently, I should have gone with some earlier advice before buying blue cheese dressing and trying it first. 

I kinda gagged a little..ok... a lot... while making the pizza...and while looking at this photo, but man oh man... tasting it made me almost throw up my pie.  Martinez laughed the whole time I was dry heaving......Ya'll... if ya don't know what blue cheese dressing and Frank's Buffalo sauce smells/tastes like....DON'T DO IT!  I wasted $10 bucks on that recipe... that could have been used for more pie supplies...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Biggest Loser Rant

5am- It's just really not happening ya'll.  I keep telling myself that it's ok if I exercise at night if I don't get up, but with all the stuff going on for us this week, it hasn't happened.

I'm interested to see what my weight is on Friday. I'm really only expecting a pound or two loss due to my frozen pizza and fudge indulgence.

Something highly disturbing..,,20653562,00.html

I'm so sad and happy at the same time for the teenagers on The Biggest Loser.  I'm happy that they are getting help, yet sad at the same time that they even qualify. This article really made me think about what I feed LG.  As a mom who does the cooking/grocery shopping, it's MY responsibility to feed her good foods. I'm all about treats- obviously- but there has to be a limit.  They are overweight/obese kids everywhere- not just the three referenced in this People article.  It's NOT the kids' fault.  It's the parents' fault. WE are the ones buying the food and distributing it.  Just STOP buying all the junk food and take control of what is offered and how much.  Cookies, chips, sausage balls (b/c I've eaten these myself at times) are NOT acceptable breakfasts, ect.  I'm preaching to myself about this too... as I've been guilty of allowing LG to eat crap b/c I have one of those kids who doesn't always want to eat.  I've got to be stricter in this area!  Not only are these kids at risk for a long list of health scares..... obesity leads to death!  Come on parents! We've got to take control ! Another thing....let's think about the emotional side of this.  Overweight adults experience an emotional roller coaster when thinking about how they look, feel, ect.  So how in the world do these kids feel?  I would imagine (b/c I've seen this happen) that they are made fun of constantly- which drives them to eat more to try to make themselves feel better.  I would also imagine that their self esteem is at  a low all the time- even if they don't always show it.

I guess I'm off my soap box now:)

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Peanut Butter Kashi Bar - 120 cal

Snack - Coffee -10 cal

Lunch- half of a flatbread wrap - 130 cal

snack- nutri grain bar and a piece of fudge (people..don't bring any more sweet treats to the office!)- 210 cal

Dinner - Sausage & Cream Cheese crescent rolls and eggs- 720

Total 1,190

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snickerdoodles & Calories

This weekend...

Friday morning- I weighed and I've lost 4 out of the 6 pounds I gained while on our holiday trip leaving me at 176. I'll weigh again this Friday!

Martinez and I went Christmas shopping Friday night and then had dinner at Earl's.  It was fun.  We both had stores to visit for each are gonna think we are nerds....(we kind of are).. we each took a huge gift bag to put our purchases in so the other couldn't see... it worked... and it was fun!


We attempted to make Christmas snicker-doodles....

#1 Chef

We started out we thought...

But they didn't look so good after baking....

Ok...they looked terrible... We just can't bake:)

The ending batch looked pretty good...

And they were yummy !

We ended the day watching corny/wonderful Hallmark Christmas movies!

Sunday- Church, nap, & Christmas movies!

Gertrude is definitely the name of our elliptical.  Just thought I'd share a photo of Martinez & Gertie (from last week)!

Monday's Calorie Intake...not good... but I'm being honest.

BF- Kashi Peanut Butter Bar - 120 cal

Lunch - flatbread wrap with laughing cow cheese, turkey lunch meat & peppers - 175 cal

snack- hummas & mini toasts - 150 cal

dinner- frozen pizza -1200 cal

Total 1,645

Ok- so, last night, Martinez and I went to look at a house and didn't get home until 7...which is unacceptable to me.  Liv is usually in the bath tub at 7. I had a migraine before going to see the house, which only worsened of course as the night progressed...which resulted in the frozen pizza for dinner.  I need to go back to freezing some healthier meals like I did earlier this year.  It's the only way to prevent taking in too many calories like last night for late nights. I suppose we could have stopped at Subway or something, but I needed to go to bed ASAP.  That also meant that Gertie and I didn't spend any time together. LAME.

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Hot Chocolate ( Thanks Martinez for making this for me to soothe my sore throat) - 160 cal

snack- Kashi Peanut Butter Bar - 120 cal

Lunch - three pieces of fudge (for real) and a granola bar - 360 cal

Sugar Free Red Bull -10 cal

Dinner -Shredded crockpot barbecue, toasted bread and corn on the cob - 470 cal

Total - 1,120

That's all for now.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

5am:  HAHAHA. Elliptizing didn't happen b/c I sure as heck wasn't getting up.

Today's Calorie Intake

Bf- Sweet Potato Pie -140 cal

Lunch- flatbread wrap with turkey lunch meat and peppers -145 cal

snack - kashi bar-120 cal

sugar free red bull - 10 cal

snack- another.....piece.....of sweet potato pie..... 140 cal ( I'm being honest)

Dinner- two slices of the taco ring -616 cal

Total 1,171

I've received 4 name suggestions for my elliptical..

1) Gertrude - LOVE.  I could call her Gertie for short when I'm in pain.

2) Melba - I'm thinking I can't do this one b/c I know where the inspiration for this name came from- and since I'll probably be angry while elliptizing....I can't use it.... I mean.... it'd be wrong to yell at something named after someone who sweetly crocheted me a dish rag.

3)  Lola-  What?

4) Mildred-  This is now the name for my steam mop:)

I'm over today.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sweet Tater Pie

5am...I reset my alarm, due to the snoring of Martinez and the noises made by my dog all night. It's an excuse, but a good one..and true!

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Chocolate Slim Fast - 190 cal

snack- slice of sweet potato pie - 140 cal

Lunch- flatbread wrap with turkey bacon and peppers - 175 cal

Sugar free Red Bull -10 cal

Dinner- three slices of Papa Murphy's Pepperoni DeLITE - 585

snack -100 cal treat

Total - 1200 (Don't judge.  I was starving like Marvin today.)

Oh... I need to add 10 calories to yesterday's total.  I forgot about the sugar free red bull.

Ok... Remember me telling you guys how the gals at work have never had a sweet potato pie?  Well, Mom L kindly made an extra pie that I could bring it back home for the gals.  Don't worry, it was frozen the whole way home!  Today was the day.... and luckily, they LOVED it!  I suppose they'll listen the next time I tell them about a southern food...

Martinez and I are going Friday to finish up our Christmas shopping! I used to be so organized and finished with Christmas shopping by September.  What happened?  Even so, I'm sure we will have fun!

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Two & Back in Routine

5:00am exercise HAPPENED!!!!  It happened for 8 minutes.  Go ahead, snicker at me...unless you're being lazy, eating candy bars and catching up your DVR (which is what I want to do).

Random thought:  I'm gonna try really hard to minimize the's getting out of control.

This morning, I woke at 4:00am with my mind racing!  I was thinking that I have to secure a babysitter over Christmas break( which is now handled- thanks S!)- get Christmas finished- organize some fun Christmas activities for LG- and the list goes on and on!

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Strawberry Slim-fast- 180 cal

snack-  dark chocolate coconut kashi bar -120 cal

lunch- flat bread wrap (thanks mom M!) with turkey bacon and bell peppers -175 cal

snack- 100 calorie treat

Dinner- chicken anch cheese ravioli with broccoli -310 cal

snack - nutri grain bar -120 cal

Total 1,005 cal

So... my new elliptical....she's very mean right now.  She made my chest hurt... in less than 8 minutes.... she made my spit get thick.... she made me sweat.  This calls for her to be named.  Since my space heater at work is named Beatrice and my former space heater was named Myrtle, I am pretty sure a sassy old fashioned name is in order.  I'm taking suggestions.

Even though I didn't want to have to get ready for work this morning and wake LG, I'm so happy to be back to the norm. LG is back playing at Mrs. A's house with her buddies & mom is back to sanity:)

That is all.

Until Next Time......

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, November 26, 2012

What's Your Number???

180.6......that's my number today.....10 days ago.. before our Thanksgiving trip.... my number was 174.8.

Let's revert back 10 days and figure out where these 6 pounds came from....

Friday (11/16) - I did very well...

Saturday - I can't remember.

Sunday - Fabulous pot roast with taters and carrots and homeade buttermilk biscuits......DELICIOUS...and.... 2 slices of pecan pie........  That's all I can remember..

Monday- homeade biscuits, fried deer steak, mashed potatoes, peas....that's all I can remember...

Tuesday-Grilled BBQ burgers, baked taters-sliced and loaded with butter....and an arrangement of desserts on a platter which consisted of mini brownies, mini cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies and banana bread....

Wednesday- I can't remember

Thursday- We don't need to discuss it.

Friday- fabulous chili dip & pizza

Saturday- Buttermilk pancakes (yum)... grilled steak, buttery potatoes, green bean bundles, rolls.......and.........too many pecan bar slices to the sausage balls...

Sunday - in the car..... pecan bar slices and sausage balls provided for our road trip back from cousin T.

I'm sure you can see where the 6 pounds came from......and they were a delicious 6 pounds.... but now... I feel gross:)

Martinez, LG & I had a great time on our trip.  We are exhausted and trying to get back in routine.  Poor little LG had a rough couple of days at the end of our trip.....but she seems to be doing better except for the whole part of wanting to be held since she was constantly entertained for over a week!

LG  with a little time at Uncle G and Aunt D's opening an early Christmas gift...

Spending some time with Mamaw M....

and snuggling....

Spending some time outdoors a Mamaw & Papaw L's..

and sliding....

and riding ....


and some quality time with Ty...

and riding with Uncle C...

and just a touch of opening Christmas gifts......


One of momma's favorites of LG's gifts.....

and LG and Cousin N.....

Martinez and I stayed our last night on our trip in Hot Springs.  We went to Garvan Woodland Gardens to see the fabulous Christmas lights!  It was so fun!  We were driven around on a golf cart by the sweetest/cutest old man and wrapped in blankets.  I was a little cold ....until I felt a great deal of warmth on my lap.....a warmth that traveled down my legs.....
After a moment of thought.... I realized the toddler on my lap peed on me.  All I could do was laugh, as did Martinez, W & T!

A few things that I was told or heard while in the south for week........

1.  Be careful and watch for deer!

2.  Anna! Don't go to fast and watch for stump holes!

3.  While walking with my mother...
      Me:  " I really need to pee."

      Mom:  " I'd tell ya to just go behind one of those trees, but the hunters will see you."

Proof that I'm the black sheep in my I have no ability/ desire to fire a gun.

C (my brother):  "Put the gun on your shoulder. WHAT YOU DOING?? YOU DON'T PUT THE GUN ON TOP OF YOUR SHOULDER"

ME:                    "You should have said put it against  my shoulder.  I was just following orders."

C:                        Why do you choose now to obey something word for word?

Ok...... I'm about to show you guys a real unflattering picture from last December I saw hanging up at my mom's house....

I look like a pregnant chipmunk... and I wasn't pregnant....just a fat chipmunk.

I'm happy I don't look like that now!

Thanks to lovely Thanksgiving weekend deals..... Martinez and I are pround owners of an I have NO excuse not to exercise!!  It's all put together and has a new home in our office! 

We also managed to clean out LG's toys today.  We filled a big tub of toys she no longer plays with to go in the attic so we could make room for the ones she received this week and the ones coming!  It's hard going through toys with an 18 month little one grabbing everything you touch.

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Kashi Dark Chocolate Coconut Bar -120 cal ( Thanks for the heads up on these Aunt D!)

Lunch- Hummas and Mini Toasts - 150 cal

Snack - sugar cookie- 110 cal

Dinner - 2 chicken enchiladas with sour cream and salsa with a side of broccoli - 564 cal

Total - 944 cal

IF I get hungry and get snack before'll be a nutri grain bar!  I'm SERIOUS about getting more weight off.  I'm mentally ready right I was at the beginning of the year.  I've written my food intake on my notepad, got a plan......and an exercise machine I can actually stand to be in my house.  Some of you know, I once had a treadmill, but I'm so picky about things being in my house that I only allowed outside on my back porch...which meant it was never used.  I'm still not happy about something sitting in our office, but I can at least tolerate it!

Tomorrow I plan on getting up at 5am and getting on our new elliptical !

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez            


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Over Analyzing & Judge Judy !

I only have 2 more nights in my own bed..... I've changed my outfits again....and I've added to the other the giant bag that's holding the miscellaneous items....and I still need to add band aids, ect....Vic...HELP!

So...I've confessed to you guys I'm having issues remembering to zip my pants.  I'm happy to report that I wore jeans yesterday and zipped them every single time! Well, at least when I remembered to look and see if they were zipped.  Last week, Robert Pattinson was on Ellen... and he can't keep his pants zipped either.

Judge Judy...

Monday... Judge Judy was on Katie.  I love Judge Judy.  Little did I know, she's a really kind/nice person... and she's tiny...I knew that part... and she's 70!!!!  While watching her interview, I couldn't help but remember watching her show as a child.  When I was young, my dad and I would watch her and I would laugh at her facial expressions and snappy remarks...but I didn't really understand anything else...and I didn't know what a Plaintiff and Defendant were... I remember telling my dad that Plaintiffs and Defendants must be trouble...because I thought those were the last names of everyone who was ever on the show.....Kind of ironic that I work in a law office and have a very clear understanding of what a Plaintiff and Defendant are. Weird.

Only 2 more nights in my own bed...and then a long trip in a car...not my SUV...meaning I'm gonna go crazy...

I'm seriously worried about gaining weight on this trip.  I won't be around foods in my house like  my 50 cal bread or low fat sour cream or turkey know what I's just kinda scary ..really scary .. there will be restaurants I will want to eat at...peanut butter balls made by Mamaw that I will want to consume (Thanks K for reminding me about those)...Pie made by my mother that I will want to consume... It's just terrifying... I've decided I'm going to at least go for a walk as often as I can while I'm gone in order to get some type of exercise....

K and I are getting a pedi on Saturday !  I'm super excited about this!

My thoughts are so scattered right now..... only 2 more nights in my own bed...

Little Miss LG this morning...

Such a sweet and funny little thing...

I really hope I catch my DVR up before we leavein less than 48 hours.... I'm an episode and half behind on Ellen... I don't always watch Katie unless she has someone really good... but I haven't even looked that.... Oh dear...

I'm really out of right now...and I need some sleep....but I can't sleep b/c I'm stressed about this long trip... and still dreaming of Steven.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dreams of Steven...

I'm still living in a dream....with Steven Tyler.

Ya'll - I know you are probably sick of hearing about Steven....but I'm seriously still reliving the entire experience.   I can't help it... I tried.

I keep waking up in the night in a concert.  If this lasts another four days... I might need a therapist.  My love/admiration of Steven keeps much so that when I finally caught up The Voice from last week and it was announced that Valerie would be singing Dream On... I got a little angry instantly.  I felt Martinez staring holes in my face to see what my reaction would be... and I couldn't even look at him....I loved her performance... and can't believe that I did.  It takes guts to even think you can touch that song...but she did a great my anger left:)  I think I might be crazy at this point.

This weekend resulted in Martinez working practically all weekend... and then working on top of that- so... I packed for our holiday trip.  We leave Friday and I'm stressed! I just do not want to travel....I want to stay in my home...yet still visit just ain't gonna happen. I need a "suck it up" pill to take and maybe I'll get over this thought of not wanting to leave my house. It's so hard.  I love to go places...but I want to fly...not drive...and after a few days... I want back in my home, with my things, my bed and my cleaning supplies...

Saturday night - Martinez, LG & I went to a friend's birthday party! Loads of fun... and the best cake ever.....

Typing "cake" makes me think about my food intake... I've been eating pretty clean during the week... but not on the weekends... which is why I'm only maintaining my weight loss.  The DeShazo and I talked about this ... we both need to do better on weekends... which will be a major boost.

How are you guys doing with your weight loss??

Today we enjoyed the Veteran's Day parade outside our office... Vic got a little confused about which holiday it was... as she enthusiastically said "trick or treat" to the lady who filled her bag with candy...with no shame. Oh dear.

Wheww.. only four more nights to sleep in my own bed until I have to leave my house for 9 nights and 10 ten days.  Yes... I'm thinking about this again.

More random thoughts in my mind.... I really need to catch up my DVR... and I really need to start scratching off more things on my bucket list...

Ma'dam Martinez' Bucket List..just the short list... (in no specific order...except the part about Steven)

1)  Meet Steven Tyler and get a scarf from him..specifically chosen for me.
2)  See Steven in concert
3)  Attend a high school football game (No...I've never watched one.. I only worked in the concession stand once for National Honor Society hours)
4)  Taste egg nog
5)  Vacation in New York
6)  Spend Christmas with Martinez and LG on a cruise
7)  Meet Steven King (so I can ask him if he scares himself)
8)  Learn to play the drums...and look cool...
9)  Go skiing/snow tubing
10) Attend the CMA's
11) Go to a Comedy Club
12)  Learn to dance..hip hop style...not that ballroom stuff... and perform with The Black Eyed Peas
13) Convince the television stations to NEVER play The Sound of Music Again (I say this b/c it's that time of year when it'll come on too many times...)

Speaking of The Sound of Music... I'm reminded of a conversation last week with the gals...who love Mary Poppins....

I've never seen Mary Poppins... and after getting a lesson about her and learning that Julie Andrews plays Mary...I'm glad I sometimes live in oblivion... Vic made me listen to some song about spoonfuls of sugar... I had to stop the literally made me nervous/crazy/nauseous..I couldn't take it!  It would have been a punishment for me to have to watch that mess! No offense people...just my opinion and the truth about my feelings.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Hubs & Steven

Guys..... Let's face it....I have the greatest husband ever.  I'm really sorry to have to break it to you so bluntly....but it's the truth.   He's sweet, caring, funny, good looking and a ton of other things... More importantly- he loves his wife and daughter... and puts up with his crazy wife:)

Wednesday morning.....

My initial thought was that those smiley faces meant Martinez didn't want to purchase tickets to see one of my FAVORITE entertainers ever.....
Those smiley faces meant that I would be seeing Aerosmith the following night and a sitter was booked! 

Isn't he beautiful..

He's even got a tiny mohawk going and I swear it was his idea!

Let's discuss Steven.....

 Yes.  I realize that Steven &  Joe have snorted cocaine most of their lives and haven't been good examples for people.  However, they've come around in their later years and are still the GREATEST band EVER.  There are no others even close... and won't be in the future.  I mean.... surely you agree...or else you have NO taste in music.

Martinez got some great seats! We were on the 5th row and so close that most of my pics are too bright to make out a whole lot b/c Steven was glowing in his white attire..

I sincerely think that Steven is a kind person, fabulous dresser and a bottle of talent....and I wouldn't argue with me.  I'm a little passionate about him. 

To the lady who got one of his scarves and whoever else got his coat... I.AM. JEALOUS.  I'm pretty sure he meant for me to have them... since I painted my nails like him..

So...This was my first ever Rock and Roll concert.... and it definitely won't be the last.  Something I realized is that you don't even have to worry about whether or not you can dance b/c no one else can either... and .... Steven makes up his own moves that can sometimes resemble a mix between a duck waddling/flying, so it's all good !  I couldn't sit still.... I had actually worried about this before the concert started and got my stomach all in a mess at work ( keep in mind that the strangest things I totally overanaylze and get nervous about )....

It definitely "relaxed".  I'm surprised my earrings didn't fall out from my head-slinging.

One of the things I love about Steven Tyler is that he is just himself... all of the time... no double personality.. not acting one way one minute and another the next.  He's just himself.  He wears what he wants, sings what he wants,ect.  I'm not saying that everything he says or does is always good...but that's with anyone.  I realize he's in a position to influence a great number of people...  but I fully believe that we all influence people positively and negatively and we do not even realize or think about it... Just my opinion and I don't feel entertainers should be held to any higher of a standard. I totally wish I could easily just be "free" like he is in the sense of not caring about the opinions of others.

I'm pretty sure Steven read my FB status.... because he sang my two favorites... in order... last.  Sigh.... He's certainly aging....but he can still no other...

Look who else showed up!  The dog!

Just to clarify.....the concert was amazing!!

Just thought I'd share a great moment......

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did you Vote? I didn't!

Weekend update..

We had a blast with our friends... W & D came in and we really didn't do a whole lot of stuff- mostly just enjoyed being with one another...

LG went golfing with daddy and Uncle Will.... and thoroughly enjoyed herself... apparently... she also went running through some mud...

Being Miss Priss...

Mommy and Aunt D went to get a pedi.... a much needed pedi....needed so much that the little lady told me I had dry heels and that for $65 she would give me a deluxe pedi to get rid of them.  I kept my $65.....and my dry heels.   Mall pedi's are rip offs......I shouldn't have cheated on Kayla's Nails.

Just to revert back to last week....

The day after Halloween, I thought about how if I hadn't lost any weight  I probably wouldn't have walked LG around to trick or treat.  I probably would have stayed home to pass out candy or gotten out LG's stroller.  It's the little things like that that make me even more proud of myself for losing weight... I would have missed out. I'm glad I'm losing this weight now... so that I won't miss any more important things with my family.  I want to be able to enjoy EVERYTHING.  I'm still maintaining my 51 pound weight loss...and I know I will get the rest off.  We are planning a fall vacation will W & D (if everything works out with vacation time at everyone's work) in Tennessee....I'm super excited about a fall vacation!  Apparently, per W, Tennessee is gorgeous in the fall and we will have much to do.....but I'm telling you now.... I will wear my Razorback gear head to toe before I'm wearing Volunteer orange.  The team chants really make NO sense ..."Go big orange"  What?
Anyway, I brought up vacation to say that we are planning a hike.... and guess what? I'll actually be able to GO b/c I'm NOT OBESE anymore!  Again, it's the little things that pop in my mind right now......

Speaking of things that pop in my mind.... today is election we haven't heard enough about it.  I've already mentally prepared myself that the day will be filled with people filling up my Facebook newsfeed with "I voted!" or "Go Vote!" or "Vote for Steven Tyler!"... ok maybe not the last one.
I decided maybe I should fill my newsfeed with "Did you clean your bathrooms today?" ... "I cleaned the floors!"..." I cleaned the blinds, did you?"....just to get the important stuff out there.


Over the last...say....5 weeks or so, I've noticed that I keep forgetting to zip up my jeans.  True story.  I have NO idea why!  It's not like I'm catching it before I come to work either... I'm doing it at work all day. It's with all my jeans....I'm LOSING MY MIND. Vic suggested putting a sign on the door saying " Don't forget to zip!".  What is wrong with me??

Have a great day folks !

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Planning, Packing & Halloween!

Another random thing in my mind right now... Well, this has actually been in my mind for about two weeks....packing for Thanksgiving.  Martinez and I finally figured out what days we are going down to see our family- which meant a schedule needed to be made so that I can keep things straight, and so the family knows where we will be and when- and mostly so I know it's fairly split up.    We also took the advice from a church member this year- we are staying at one house for each family in order to eliminate packing up different days and going to different houses, ect.  It's too stressful and honestly doesn't make sense when you think about it. Hopefully, everyone will understand this- as it's not done to be rude- it's just the most sensible thing. We'll see how this works... but I really hope it makes for a smooth trip- I get stressed out enough traveling as it is...and 4 days is usually my max (including vacations) on sanity with this... and we will be gone 10 days...Oh dear!  Usually, I get so nervous before going "home" that I throw up at least once.  I'm hoping to skip that part this year.


When packing for a trip- I'm not normal..... I know weeks in advance what things I'm taking, specifically, my clothes.  I HAVE to know what I'm's a mental thing. This year has proven to be NO different.. and this is bad because my bad habit of over packing has worsened....For real... and.... I can no longer remember in my head everything I need... I have to write it down....I think it's because Martinez is almost 30:) Just go with it.

Vic is helping me minimize my luggage this year.... because it's SO out of hand. We narrowed "my" list of possible outfits down to what is reasonable... and then I've changed it a couple of times.  Let me be clear... it's NOT because I'm so vain that I need to make sure I have the "right" clothes or whatever... I just need options and to know that I have shirts that can be worn with trousers and shirts that can be worn with regular jeans, ect.... and...let's face it...ya need to pack some "fat clothes" for Thanksgiving...cuz you know you're gonna eat a lot and you don't want those buttons popping off and hurting someone!  Another thing- south AR can be hot one hour and cold the next...which makes packing even worse!  I've added the random things to my list like the camera, video camera, ect.... and I'm sure I'm STILL gonna forget something!  I feel like I'll be somewhat successful with this packing thing this year- because we are planning to take the car and not my SUV in order to save on gas. It's like I'm restricted already!


Cutest Dorothy I've ever seen...

All business and looking so grown up that momma is having a hard time..

The twins.....

On a mission.....

Our neighborhood was not hopping with trick or treaters this year like it has in the past...because our people weren't passing out candy:( Nevertheless, LG still had a blast and thought for sure she as a big girl!  I think Halloween is SO much fun and I want to make sure that LG has an opportunity to experience dressing up and trick or treating.  I think next year we are going to a different neighbor.  I kinda of look at going elsewhere as "stealing"...but if our neighbor isn't gonna be fun...I'm taking LG to the fun!

After trick or treating.... someone fell asleep and I didn't even realize it until I heard the snoring....I thought we were gonna stay up and watch TV:)

This weekend is gonna be fun!  W & D are coming in for the weekend and I'm sure we will have loads of fun !

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bras & Injuries

Ok- So it's been a minute since I've blogged... and I have so many things rolling around in my head to share... but let's face it... only some of them are appropriate enough to share... such as the topic below.  Fellas... you may not want to read this.  Your gals aren't washing their undergarments....seriously.

* I know this blog was mostly to share about weight loss... but sometimes... other things are more important....


WHY DO WOMEN NOT WASH THEIR BRAS??????? I didn't ask the men....haha.  Am I seriously the only girl in the world who didn't know that people didn't wash them after they wear them..every single time?
Last week, I informed The DeShazo that again... I'm on the search for new bras.  I did this about 6 weeks ago.. so she was curious.  After questioning me on why my latest bras are no longer doing the job and are "flimsy", she asks the million dollar questions (yes, two)..."How often are you wearing them?" and........the big one....." How often are you washing them?"......followed by "You're drying them too???"...

Ok...There has to be someone else out there who washes a bra after every single wear and dries them in the dryer...there has to be, right?  I find it absolutely crazy that #1 - I didn't know this.. and #2 that it's even ACCEPTABLE!!!!!!  HELLO?!?! It's an article of clothing!!!!  You guys do wash your undies, right? RIGHT???????
As I'm trying to process this information last week... and told her to prove to me that you shouldn't wash them after every wear...I just knew in my mind that this was a joke, since the gals tease me often about doing laundry everyday.....Google failed me.... The DeShazo pulled up numerous reviews, ect. stating that bras should be worn (if not sweaty) 2-3 times before washing and should NEVER be put in the dryer.  I mean, really???? I also learned that bras should be replaced every 9 months... I've NEVER had one that long!!!!!

I decided to take a poll among some people from different places....13 people to be exact...SAME response from all!! They all wear them 2-3 times before washing!!!!!!!  I'm still struggling to grasp this. OHHH... I almost forgot.... There is another rule involved in this bra washing/wearing thing!!! You shouldn't wear the same bra two days in a row! You have to skip at least a day in between!! WHAT?!! As if I don't have enough OCD things to keep up with... now I've got to have a Mon/Wed bra, Tues/Thurs bra, ect.....just to keep up with how many times it's been worn!!!!  Oh, dear.  I don't understand why you wear your socks - wash them - shirts- wash them - undies - wash them- britches....oh wait... I recently found out that you should wear jeans 2-3 times before washing too!!!!!!!!
I'm just gonna put it out there....if you want to wear your clothes a few times before washing them, go for it.  I'm not gonna judge... but I'm not doing it....I cannot wrap my head around why you shouldn't wash your's just not gonna happen.

I am.... gonna try out the bra wearing/washing thing.....ONLY because the expense of new ones that only work for a month is outrageous.  I've bought new ones and I'm starting over.... and I'm testing it out.  It's really hard for me to place a worn, unwashed bra in my drawer. You have no idea.  It's almost repulsive... and just to be clear... I'm not gonna wear my jeans more than once. Not.Gonna.Happen.Ever.

The end of my bra rant.


Martinez was injured on Sunday......

Pulled quadricep.... This was day one... It's brownish now....and apparently...quite painful.

My favorite part of this picture?? Check out the toe curls...
He was quite the MVP on Sunday.....and Ma'dam Martinez wasn't so bad herself....and V joined us !!!!!

So...I've been eating better this week... exercise is happening.. in fact 4:57 am is happening....I'm walking Sammie in the morning and then taking LG for a stroll in the evenings.... let's see if I can keep this up!

Until Next Time.......

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, October 15, 2012

1st Day Back on Track !

Yesterday.. we took LG to the park in our neighborhood. She had a blast... but certainly didn't want to leave!

Totally random information for you readers.... if you paint your nails and then spray Pam on WILL dry them super fast... I saw it Pinterest... was super skeptical.. but it really works....True Story..and much cheaper than O.P.I. drip dry.

Ok.. I weighed yesterday... first time in several days... and I was really scared, due to eating like a fatty ( if you are eating out a lot and not making healthy choices, or just not making healthy choices in general, then you are eating like a fatty...even if you are skinny... true story... and if you are offended...GREAT..then maybe you'll start eating healthy). Thankfully, I didn't have a coronary...175.8... my lowest number has been 174.2... so considering my eating habits and lack of exercise, I'm a happy girl.  I gave Martinez the scale so that I can't weigh every day.  I'll get it back Thursday or Friday.

5:15am... Martinez and I were SUPPOSED to get up to do our exercise with the newly purchased medicine balls...
Did. Not. Happen.  They are out of the box now... so that counts....right??

Martinez has workouts printed out for me (using these things) to help me lose my "baby apron".  A baby what I called a frumple that exists on some overweight people... on a lot men specifically... that hangs in the front....Before I got one... then the term changed.  I will say again that I DID NOT HAVE THIS BEFORE HAVING LG.   This disgusting, repulsive saggy skin must we shall see if the balls work:)

I finally managed to hoist get myself out of bed at 5:38am...and decided that I would get ready super fast in order to clean order to save time order to do the exercises order to make up for my order to lose the 20 lbs I've been harping about for over a month.  I succeeded. I was able to swiffer and mop tile the in the hallway and get a load of laundry in before work, so I felt pretty productive....

and..... NO workout tonight. I'm too busy blogging.

Today's Calorie Intake
 BF - 2 egg muffins - 136 cal
Coffee - 35 cal

Skinny Cinnamon Latte from S'bucks (courtesy of the boss...little did we know this was a preface for him taking his Ritalin (another true story..but he didn't chase it with a Mountain Dew today...whew)... which makes him talk and work quickly...super quickly that we drift off to the Twilight Zone.  I don't really know what that means.   130 cal

Lunch - low cal BLT 200 cal

Snack - 5 medium strawberries - 20 cal
            Nutri grain bar                -120 cal

Dinner- grilled Steak -212 cal
             Corn on the cob -96 cal

3/4c special K -110 cal
1 mini hershey bar -50 cal

Total 1,109

Just for a smile, click the link below and watch this super cute video..

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez