Thursday, February 1, 2018

A Day in the Life

The DeShazo and I decided to do a "Day in the Life" because we both like reading those kinds of posts. We eliminated days that neither one of us wanted to keep track of this week- and then coin tossed for the remaining two days.  Wednesday it was !

5AM wake up call !
Turn on Keurig/ put laundry from night before in dryer/ make coffee/ shower

 Time to transform the face and get some caffeine in.

 And sometime before 6AM, in walks this little fella...
And his dad put him back to bed.
Somewhere in there, I do all my makeup except lips and halfway do my hair (non hair washing day ....most days areπŸ˜‰).
And it's chore time...
Thankfully, this guys helps with the morning busyness !

While we unloaded the dishwasher, my breakfast was cooking (egg and pb toast).
And B was ready to be up again- so we had breakfast...

  While we ate, Dad started laundry and then we helped him finish. 

It was time for mom to get dressed and finish her hair.  B has been super choosy about who gets him ready for the day- and dad it was!
Little sis woke up early, too!

Beckham decided he wanted more breakfast.
I get B's lunch packed up and he and Dad leave! (I pack my kiddos' lunches -the refrigerated things only- on the weekend, so that I only have to add the dry goods and we save time). 

I did the second load of laundry while Liv got herself ready, and then I got her hair done.

Thursday is spelling test day, which means we have to practice before school because there is little time before church on Wednesday to study.


While I called out spelling words, she wrote them.  I also used this time to do a cleaning chore.  Each morning, I do some house cleaning chore- yesterday was dusting and changing out bathroom hand towels. 

Then I finished packing her lunch and mine and we got ready to load the car and off to school we went.
Now this, may have been the most important task of the day...

Every Wednesday, I go pickup a Papa Angelos pizza before work and refill my gum stash.  This is my family's Friday night dinner most of the time.
My head nearly exploded yesterday morning when I went to retrieve the pizza and it was not in its regular spot.  A sweet stocker must have noticed my look of panic mixed with venom and quickly informed me of the Papa Angelos pizzas ' new location.

I then made my way to the office where I worked (which was filled with lots of funny and bizarre stories yesterday) binge watched ER, and ate my second breakfast, first lunch , animal crackers and second lunch. I'm super blessed that I get to work with one the best friends I've had in my entire life. We tend to discuss many random things- and one discovery - is that The DeShazo cannot wink.


"second breakfast"- overnight oatmeal

"first lunch"- leftover Bacon Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole
"second lunch"- spinach salad with chopped turkey pepperoni/shredded cheese (I eat it dry)
(Side note:  I usually only eat dinner on Friday nights and on Bunco nights.)
Work ended at 4:00pm, so I headed to get Beckham.
I took this photo at a stoplight.  Any time the car stops, he yells "Go mommy, go!".

Home at 4:25pm and get to see my girl! We have a high school student who picks her up from school M-Th and brings her home.  On Wednesdays, Katie feeds her dinner and makes sure she's showered/bathed before church so that she doesn't have to do it after church.
Martinez is on call this week, so he gets home earlier in the afternoon.  That made the about 1 hour I had at home much easier with getting backpacks, containers, and things set out for the next day much easier.  

Clothing change for me, ate a cutie, and out the door for church at 5:20pm.  I was able to leave earlier since Martinez was home and intended to get gas on the way.  I was unbuckling in the church parking lot when I realized I forgot to stop for gas.

We had Awanas and children's choir practice until 8:00pm.
Doesn't everyone like singing The Ten Commandment Boogie? (Thanks Stephanie for taking this photo)
Our church has some of the most amazing people in it.  The ladies I get to hang out with on Wednesdays are precious to me.

Kevin has adult choir practice after church, so he brings Beckham, drops him off with me, and then he goes to choir and the kids and I go home.

 8:29pm- we are home!

Beckham was so tired last night.  When we walked in the house he said, "I nap!".

This little girl then got changed and in bed.....
I tidied up the house, started the dishwasher, turned my heating blanket on, took my makeup off and examined my wrinkles while watching a little ER.

Every night, I try to take a super hot bath.  I'm always freezing cold and this is about the only way I can warm up- and it helps calm the crazy in my head most nights. Well, probably not really.  I refrained from taking a picture of that.  
I wouldn't want anyone getting jealous 😜
I read the book of Ruth while in the tub, and somewhere around 9:15ish Martinez got in.
After putting on my face and eye creams, I went to bed, surfed Facebook and tried to stay awake to watch Scorpion (one of the shows Martinez and I watch together), but I quickly had to give myself over to sleep.
And with that.... 9:47pm ended my day.