Thursday, September 29, 2016

First Love

Hello Friends-

I hope your week has been fabulous.

So far, mine has been pretty good....minus that one moment when I was mowing Monday night and drove the lawn mower off the curb and had to get Martinez to hobble on out on his crutches to fix the situation.
I would have to say the "Nothing Runs Like a Deere" quote didn't quite apply with one wheel hanging off the curb.

First Love- Topic 2

It was a beautiful, sunny day when I met him and I knew immediately.
We would spend hours sitting outside on my front porch while he sang songs and played his guitar.  I can't sing, so I would just listen and soak it all in and paint my toenails. When he wasn't singing to me, we would ride horses and four wheelers and just enjoy being outside.   He was very artistic, which is totally opposite from me, and a welcome change.  We were together for two years before he moved away because his band was getting big.  It was sad, but I knew I had to let him go. We both needed to move on with our lives and do the things we were supposed to do and meet those perfect people for us.

All lies. And yes, that's exactly how I'd imagine it would be if Steven Tyler was a young fella in my time.

So if you are wondering why we even have this topic, then you can get the background here.

When the DeShazo and I were first introduced to this topic via Pinterest, there was some eye rolling because neither one of us have a mushy bone in our body and we immediately were thinking we would have to write out our love lives.  And we are so not those people.  Then, the light bulb went off and we realized we could take an different approach.

I've been trying to figure out what my first love was.  What/Who was the first thing I can remember really loving?

Was it the Little Debbie shortcake rolls that I used to pop in the freezer and then unroll and eat?  Please remember, yet again, that this blog was originally for weight maintenance......

Or was it fishing in the pond we used to have when I was kid in our side yard in the evenings with my brother?  Since he's MUCH older (love you bro ), he would always be a dear and take my fish off the hook for me, as I seemed to always fail miserably at this and get finned and then I'd whine.

 We really need some updated photographs.

Or was it riding horses?  Music?

This topic was a tough one for me.

I ultimately decided on reading.  I know. Lame.
I can't even remember when I knew I loved to read.  It just happened.
I spent hours and hours reading book after book.
I would read just about anything ... except my history book that I should have been reading.

In the summers, my mom would take me to the library every Monday to get a new set of books for the week.  Monday was her "grocery shopping day",  so we hit the library up before that.  Geez, I wonder why I do things on certain days??
After I tried to sneak a Stephen King book in the stack somewhere around age 9, she cracked down on my choices.....
I mean, I liked scary movies just like her.....but I remember very clearly that that defense wasn't helping my situation at all. 

My days would be spent in a fantasy world of whatever book I was reading.  It's an escape in your mind- you are in a different place- a different person.... and then I'd be shaken from the spot on the couch I'd been in for hours to "get up and water the horses" or "fold the laundry" because after all, I'd been in that spot an entire day and onto my second book before I realized how much time had passed.

.....This sums me up.....

Reading was so fun then and still is to me now- there's just little time now to squeeze it in.

A few photos from this week....

Check out The DeShazo's blog here.

Until Next Time.......

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Best Parts of Fall

The DeShazo had a thought.
Why don't we have a list of blog topics and choose one each week to write about?
Good thought, right?

We pondered over whether or not to actually commit to this.  I mean, this is us (oh- if you haven't watched the new show "This Is Us"- watch it now.  Right. Now.)  We tend to make up all sorts of things for us to do and then we never follow through.
Ultimately, we remembered that in the old days, three years ago, we liked reading what the other would post, even though we knew what it would say and that we might catch some criticism from those that read our words. She had a blog to keep her accountable to exercise and I had one to keep myself accountable for weight loss.....and we both had one because Vic wanted us to have one (so Vic....please resurrect Chillin with Mrs. Dillon. We are all no excuses!)

We wrote down a list of topics from good ole' Pinterest and then in true form, eliminated every single deep, emotional, mushy and sappy topic.  It's just not us.
We then went through the list and weeded it out more.
One of our rules was that we would write about the topic chosen from our fabulous container, no matter what we drew out.
Also in true form, the first topic we drew went back and we chose another. Control issues???

I'm gonna say this- if you are someone who has clicked on this blog and you think this is dumb/immature/insert anything negative, just remember you do not have to read these words.  It's a choice you are making. We all do different things in the spare minutes we have- and this something we've chosen to do for a while in ours.  Also, my intent will never be to offend- but if you are offended about something I've written....again, remember that reading this is a choice.

And with that....

The Best Parts of Fall

1) Hello....Candy Corn

You know, some of us love it so much that in order to maintain our weight loss status, we have to use portion control and bag them up by days.

I will confess that if I have a broken piece - I get another broken piece and count that as one...

2) Pumpkin Patch!

I look forward to taking the kids to the pumpkin patch so much.  Open fields, hay rides, pony rides, pumpkins everywhere....and I love it when it's just a tad cool and beautiful sunshine !

I do not remember ever going to the pumpkin patch as a child.  We may have gone, but I don't remember and I cannot get enough of the pumpkin patch.  So basically, I'm saying that my kids will probably hate going at some point because I will enforce going as long as I can!

A few photos from the last couple of years....

I told Martinez that he better be able to attend the pumpkin patch in a few weeks.  He had a partial knee replacement last week that turned out to be more that either of us thought!  It's kicked our family's rear!

3) Perfect Temps/ Bonfires

Maybe in a few more weeks? I'm so ready to break out the plaid, jeggings/leggings/ boots!
And this also means being able to stay outside more. I love being outside with my babies !!

4)  All things pumpkin

Pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice coffee (please say it as cawfee to get the full affect), decor....

5) The CMA's

Every November, I watch the CMA's.  I love it.  I know that many people feel "today's country music" is awful.  I don't disagree that it has certainly changed, but I like the old, the middle and the new!  I mean, I miss Diamond Rio, Shenandoah, Blackhawk, Vincee Poo, you know, all those good songs, but the new is good too. I will confess to keeping recorded CMA shows from years past on my dvr for months and re-watching them over and over. It's pathetic.  I realize it.  Now that we no longer have a dvr, that option is out and Martinez is saying "Amen". I've already let Mrs. L know that I will not be at Awanas on November 2nd- or for the Wednesday each November in the future that it airs because I will be at my house staring at my tv... and ..screaming.... and... crying and.... laughing.... and listening.  I would equate this to how some watch football.
This is my football.

And if you haven't heard "Forever Country".... I've listened so many times I've lost count.  I've watched it so many times I've lost count, and while my sweet Randy couldn't sing, he is visible for about 2 seconds. That makes my heart melt.
And though I have earbuds in, when The DeShazo hears the screeching, high pitched squeal escaping my body that may resemble the sound of an ostrich.... she knows I'm trying to "hit that note"....

I want to attend the CMA's so much.  Maybe one day !

6)  Beautiful leaves changing and falling

7) Halloween

Halloween is a noteworthy holiday for our family.  I always make chili, my kids will always (unless there is a circumstance preventing it) go trick or treating the old fashioned door- to - door way, and they will always be able to dress up.  It's fun.  I know that many people feel like it's Satan's day- or it's too dangerous- or whatever.  I don't have time for that.  In our house it's not treated in such a way- it's treated as a fun day to be whoever you want to be- go get lots of candy and see your friends and others dressed as who they want.

8) Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus will air about 10 times and I will try to catch it every time.  I mean, is there a need to explain?

Maybe I'll be Winifred for Halloween this year.
9) Thanksgiving

10) Did I mention the candy corn???

This is totally weird, but I like to eat each piece cautiously and carefully.  Start with the white point, and just nibble your way up....I mean, that yellow end die for.... (Please note that this blog was originally for weight loss... I wonder why?)

I'm planning to make these again with my big girl in a couple weeks...

She was so tiny here !

Make sure to catch The DeShazo's post here.

Until Next Time,