Wednesday, December 21, 2016

It's Christmas break !!!! WOO HOOO. But this also means that I am a nauseous ball of nerves thinking about packing and traveling.  I wish it would just go away.  The worry of a car accident or something else awful will just not leave my brain and it's making me insane.

Good news! My old neighbor and friend Dicheal came and gave me wrapping lessons ! I think I've turned things around !! Thanks Dicheal !

Photos from the week.....

At her school Polar Express Christmas Party

We went to see Moana!  Such a cute movie !

Brownies, please!

I have not been diligent in my photo taking of Evie this week...

She also had a car race and brought ingredients to make Christmas crunch...but I can't seem to remember what else at the moment... and I can tell you that I'm starting to run out of Pinterest low key options.

The DeShazo and I won't be blogging for a couple of weeks, so we thought it would be fun to take a couple's survey for this week and see how well we do!

What is something I say all the time?  " I need to log some steps on my fitbit" ... "We need to get some steps in "..."We sit in these chairs all day.  It's ridiculous how much we don't move"
What makes me happy?    Being alone, cookie cake, peanut m & m's
How tall am I?   5'3"- I know we measured one day in our office and it took a few tries... I hope this is right.
What is my favorite thing to do?     Be alone :)
What do I do when no one is around?  Sit silently and think up things...and then binge watch tv.
If I ever become famous, what will it be for?  Blogging?  I have several other thoughts in mind, but I know better than to put them in writing !
What is my favorite food?  bratz & burgers & queso & chips?
What is my favorite restaurant?     Ted's & Queso's
If I could go anywhere, where would it be? Home
What is my favorite movie? Elf
You get a call that I’m in trouble.  Who am I with?  Me, Duh!  Or Jason.

So how did I do DeShazo?

We also decided to make some goals for 2017. I've only followed through one other time - in 2012 when I vowed to never be over 200 pounds again and lose weight. So 2017- bring it on !

We made resolutions for ourselves and then one for each other.


1) I want to lose 15 more pounds.  Let's be real- I need to lose another 30, but I'm not gonna work out to do it.  I'd rather clean toilets that don't belong to me than to do that.
2) Quit the skipping of church service. After I had B and was bf, it became a habit to leave church after SS so that I could pump.....but it stayed around.  That extra hour was so nice that we just sort of let it happen too much.  We've been trying to rectify the error of our ways, but we could get better.  There's no excuse. We know better.  I don't want to put a number on it....but I'm saying no more than 10 skips this year.  I can see some of ya'll's eyes  are popping out of your heads because you can't fathom how we can even miss that much.  Keep your judgments to yourselves! Vacations, sick days with kids- it can add up quickly.  This goal is to keep us from lazily skipping service.

3) Daily Bible Reading - The DeShazo and I are going to read Jesus Is Calling this year.  I've seen posts about how this is a bad devotional book- and I've seen posts raving about it. We shall see.

4) The DeShazo and I have talked for a few years about copying Mix and Match Mama's Holiday Party.  We are making that party happen December 2017.

5) I never remember in time to do Christmas cards.  I'll also confess that sometimes I just haven't wanted too- but 2017- I'm making the effort.

6) Spend less money on material things for my kids and more on experiences for them.

7) Manage my time a little more efficiently at home- which means phone time needs to cease.

8) Clean out the attic.  It's scary up there.

9) Potty train Beckham. I've been warned by many that the little fellas aren't as easy to potty train as girls- so I'm trying to prepare myself that I may not make it before age two like Livi- but I'm still going to make the effort.

10)  Work out 10 minutes a week.  This is from The Deshazo.  I tried to convince her to do 10 minutes a month- but I failed. She also advised that cleaning house didn't count- because we used to text each other early in the morning to get up and work out- and while she was exercising I was mopping floors.

Check out The DeShazo's blog here.

Until Next Time....