Thursday, December 15, 2016

Bad Habits

Hi Friends!

Who wants to come wrap the rest of the Christmas presents at my house???  Any takers?

Evie this week

She turned the milk green.  Liv loved this and told me "It still tastes like real milk".

So we did!

I will confess that I knocked over my iced coffee with a pan of cookies and may have lost my mind momentarily during the cookie making.  I was desperate for that coffee!
Karaoke Evie

Serious game of Bingo

One night she hung from the ceiling fan and I forgot to get a pic.

Playing Minecraft....whatever that is.

Bad Habits- Topic 2 on new prompts with The DeShazo

I mean, do I even have any?

Ok, maybe 1 or 27.

1) Nail biting

2) Misplacing/losing things and BLAMING someone....mostly The DeShazo.  For instance, if I misplace my stapler....or my phone....or Mariah Carey Christmas CD- I will loudly accuse her of stealing it.  All the time. And I always say it was stolen.  Not just moved.

I'm also thinking right now of a trip to Arkansas for Thanksgiving a few years ago wherein I forgot to pack my bras.  And just so that you aren't jumping out of your skin....I had the one I was wearing.
I told Martinez that someone clearly got them out of my suitcase while we were getting gas and distracted because there is no way I would forget to pack my bras.

Poor Martinez.

3) I tailgate people sometimes.

A lot.

4) I really try not to drive in the right lane on the highway. I want to go in the fastest lane all the time.

5) I think the worse case scenario of most everything all the time....and I try to formulate a plan for if the worse thing happens, instead of just praying about it and letting it go.  I also have conversations in my head about how I think things are going to go if it's something super big. (and it never happens how I spend hours thinking about it. What a huge waste of time).

6) I chew my gum LOUD and proud....especially if I'm thinking hard on something or about to lose my mind because someone acted up at work...or a client went crazy on the phone.  Maybe gum chewing in general.  I need two packs a week and sometimes that isn't enough.

 7) Apparently, I shake the bed at night moving my feet back and forth.
I have no idea where Martinez got that idea.

8) I never really empty the dryer vent thing.  Martinez does it. Then he mumbles something about "a quilt in there....".

9) Throwing things away.   I hate things sticking I donate or throw them out. I feel absolutely HORRIBLE about this...but... Livi gets buttons from dance class. I didn't realize that this was something to collect each season.  So I may or may not have gotten rid of her Cinderella button from last season. It was with a bunch of play jewelry she had that I was tossing when she wasn't home.. and that went too.  Now that another recital has come, she's gotten another button, and so now I realize my mistake.  And so does Livi.

10) Apparently, I say the word "apparently" all the time.  Apparently, I say it in moments when it isn't fitting.  Kinda like how people say "like" 27 times in two sentences.  For instance, I might say to The DeShazo, "Apparently, we have court in three different counties at the same time on Monday."  There is no need to say "apparently".  It's true-there is proof- apparently doesn't even fit!  Why do I say this word all the time????

I'm certain there are tons more...but let's just stick with 10, ok?

Check out The DeShazo's blog here.

Some photos from the week...

A game of chase

Dance recital day

Sprinkles, anyone?

Poor Martinez.  I'm still laughing.

Until Next Time,

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