Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did you Vote? I didn't!

Weekend update..

We had a blast with our friends... W & D came in and we really didn't do a whole lot of stuff- mostly just enjoyed being with one another...

LG went golfing with daddy and Uncle Will.... and thoroughly enjoyed herself... apparently... she also went running through some mud...

Being Miss Priss...

Mommy and Aunt D went to get a pedi.... a much needed pedi....needed so much that the little lady told me I had dry heels and that for $65 she would give me a deluxe pedi to get rid of them.  I kept my $65.....and my dry heels.   Mall pedi's are rip offs......I shouldn't have cheated on Kayla's Nails.

Just to revert back to last week....

The day after Halloween, I thought about how if I hadn't lost any weight  I probably wouldn't have walked LG around to trick or treat.  I probably would have stayed home to pass out candy or gotten out LG's stroller.  It's the little things like that that make me even more proud of myself for losing weight... I would have missed out. I'm glad I'm losing this weight now... so that I won't miss any more important things with my family.  I want to be able to enjoy EVERYTHING.  I'm still maintaining my 51 pound weight loss...and I know I will get the rest off.  We are planning a fall vacation will W & D (if everything works out with vacation time at everyone's work) in Tennessee....I'm super excited about a fall vacation!  Apparently, per W, Tennessee is gorgeous in the fall and we will have much to do.....but I'm telling you now.... I will wear my Razorback gear head to toe before I'm wearing Volunteer orange.  The team chants really make NO sense ..."Go big orange"  What?
Anyway, I brought up vacation to say that we are planning a hike.... and guess what? I'll actually be able to GO b/c I'm NOT OBESE anymore!  Again, it's the little things that pop in my mind right now......

Speaking of things that pop in my mind.... today is election day...obviously...like we haven't heard enough about it.  I've already mentally prepared myself that the day will be filled with people filling up my Facebook newsfeed with "I voted!" or "Go Vote!" or "Vote for Steven Tyler!"... ok maybe not the last one.
I decided maybe I should fill my newsfeed with "Did you clean your bathrooms today?" ... "I cleaned the floors!"..." I cleaned the blinds, did you?"....just to get the important stuff out there.


Over the last...say....5 weeks or so, I've noticed that I keep forgetting to zip up my jeans.  True story.  I have NO idea why!  It's not like I'm catching it before I come to work either... I'm doing it at work all day. It's with all my jeans....I'm LOSING MY MIND. Vic suggested putting a sign on the door saying " Don't forget to zip!".  What is wrong with me??

Have a great day folks !

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

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