Thursday, September 6, 2012

Skinny Girls Eat Cake

Yesterday was a busy workday all around, followed by a busy evening. I didn't exercise at all either.  Super lame... so all I've got is photo of LG...but that's the best part:)

After a hard day of playing with Mrs. A, mommy & daddy..

5am jog today..GREAT.  I beat my latest milestone of jogging a 1/2 without stopping!  I didn't beat it by much... but every step counts !

So many exciting things are coming... ok... exciting in my low key kinda world.. first up... Katie Couric's new talk show starts next week!!!  Woohoo.  Next up...Taken 2 comes out October 5th!!! I heart Liam Neeson..not as much as Steven Tyler...but he's pretty high on the list.  Definitely getting a sitter that weekend! 

Totally random.... who busts their lip while sweeping??  THIS GIRL.  True story... and my lip is still bleeding. 

This evening has been one of those evenings full of grownup decisions... and I'm not sure if want anymore of those this week....there have been enough and I'm ready for some relaxation!

This weekend is going to be super busy/fun.  Mere, Mary (& baby H), and I will begin our Halloween party preparations!  This could be good... and dangerous.  Thank goodness someone with some skill is in on this!  Dinner with these gals, their families and one more Friday night... gonna be FUN... and then... Sunday....the first softball game....translation...MY FIRST game EVER. SCARY. I hope I can at least hit the ball!!

Little LG was ready to go this morning....

I just wish I felt that happy in the mornings!  Just not gonna happen.

So.... I bet you guys are waiting to read about how skinny girls eat cake... but.... I've got nothing!  I just made it up because I couldn't think of a title....and yes... I've read my post and totally realize how scattered by thoughts are. It is what it is.

That's all for today.  Pretty lame!

Until next time.......