Friday, September 21, 2012

Painting & Candy Corn

Well.... I was going to blog about how crappy this week has been....but I just read The DeShazo's blog and she basically referenced the same feelings I have ..but ended her post by saying get over it.  So, I'm going to put my big girl panties on and forego enlightening you on the negatives rolling around in my head.

Martinez and I had planned to paint our guest bedroom today, after taking LG to the zoo.. but work calls so our Friday plans changed...which meant the guest room was painted last night...until midnight... and yes I realize that is 3 hours past my bedtime.  For those of you wondering why the task couldn't wait....once I get an idea/task in my head.... I have to see it through immediately...whether it's painting or scrubbing toilets.  It's really weird.  Poor Martinez (though I didn't ask him to stay up.. he's kind).  Our guest room as been white-walled( and no decor) since we moved in... but not pretty... really needed painting.  We hired a painter when we bought our house, but we didn't have the office, LG's room or the guest room done b/c it was so expensive.  Martinez and I have gotten pretty good...we've had much practice... as our bedroom as been painted three times alone...not to mention LG's room or the office.  Last night....our worst job ever...and yet neither one of us are even worried about touching it up b/c it looks so much better than it did!  So, to the future guests that sleep in this room, don't try to count the white spots.... I tried today and got confused because there are so many.  Just be happy you now have some decor on the walls.  I've got a few more things to get for this room...but it's much better!


This was the stash in the back of my   car for Goodwill today..... I just decided that having a garage sale again just wasn't worth the fuss.  I'd rather get stuff out of my house...I'm weird b/c I feel as if I've just had a shower when I get rid of stuff.

I'm going to tackle the office closet next....but I might have to do that when Martinez is gone.... He likes to keep stuff....and I get a rush by throwing stuff out....and there are so many random things in that closet...electronic looking doodads that can probably go:)

We took LG to IHOP this morning... and don't judge the pic ..... I forgot a bib...

I think she was happy.

PS folks... even on the days I'm not blogging, I'm keeping up with my calories...except cheat days like today. 

Another PS.... I find it a little ridiculous that the "Healthy" version foods at IHOP are "under 600 cal".. We as Americans eat way unhealthy if this is major improvement...just sayin'

In appreciation of "cheat" day...

I've taken it upon myself to test out all the brands of candy corn for you on my cheat days from now until Halloween.  I just didn't want you guys to have to do any work in order to get the best bag.  You can thank me by coming by and painting a white spot in the guest room.
Today's brand.... Zachary's Autumn Mix.  NASTY.  True story.  I wouldn't even share this with Sammie.  Poor quality.  I'm thinking of just melting it down and using it as super glue to fix this wood piece on LG's backpack holder.  Seriously, don't buy, I'm really not going to eat it.

To comment again about my negatives and The DeShazo's post....she commented about how exercise makes you feel better.  I believe she's spot on b/c I truly notice a difference on the days I make an effort to exercise. 

I've been working on another's gotten into me??  Oh ya...Carmella, my inner Latiness...oh's of my favorite chocolate bars.

Stay tuned to see photos of LG's timeout stool  painted and designed by yours truly ! I'm not sure if it'll really be used or not...but we shall see.   I think timeout is a great tool for some kiddos... but not for others.  We'll just have to see how it works out for LG.  There was no timeout at my house as a kid...but there was a peach tree that switches were cut from... and a belt... I still remember the peach tree switch and I still stand by the fact that my brother started that fight.....just sayin' ...I'm thinking the timeout stool sounds good:)

Until next time....

Ma'dam Martinez


  1. Take it from an expert...only buy Brachs candy corn. All others are inferior! Be sure to also get some dry roasted peanuts to eat with it!

  2. I've been told that eating peanuts with it tastes like a payday !
