Monday, October 1, 2012

We say NO to Hip Hop!

No morning jog....  ok... seriously... no excuse... I was up until after midnight with heartburn!  I have no idea why.... but I was awake most of the this morning was not happening.

Today's Calorie Intake

Bf- granola bar - 90 cal

snack- banana -175

Zeal intake (whatever this healthy vitamin stuff is DeShazo brought me ) 48 Cal

lunch - tomato, basil turkey rollups - 230 cal

snack - three tahini cookies (these are "healthier" cookies made by Janet)  -324 cal

dinner - Pat's Creamy Chicken over brown rice measured - 312 cal

Total 1,179

Work was really busy.. yet all I could think about while typing pages of boring Discovery was about how the Hip Hop dancing would begin tonight...ummmm... can you say TERRIBLE DANCERS.  Ok, last night I told you that Martinez and I have no ryhthm...Understatement of the week! It's awful....I know for sure I was really trying and it was a hot mess!!!  Martinez and I were laughing so hard at each other that we couldn't stand up straight. We were crying from the lack of control... we  looked like a bunch of flouncing penguins (if penguins can flounce that is).  Martinez closed the blinds... and those blinds face the back yard!!! No one could even see except the crickets outside!! That's how scary it was!!! Our little guide lady was teaching us moves for the "big dance"... and we couldn't make our bodies comply... by the time my body stopped jiggling from the first move in the step...she was way ahead!!

I never could get my body to do this...

For some reason when I would try, I would catch my jaw swaying from side to side and when I realized it, I looked up to see if Martinez was watching.... this is what he missed...

No lie... I replayed it over and over in my head and I'm pretty sure this is accurate.

On a serious note, Martinez injured his neck in all of this.  Apparently, he got a little too excited and it's all tingly. 
I'm pretty sure we need some serious help... Any takers? We need a dance teacher!!!!

We are starting P90X tomorrow.... if that doesn't work out... I'll let you know our next workout video... Maybe we'll just create our own...

I'm going to sleep now... perhaps I'll dream of dancing...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

1 comment:

  1. I really think you could improve your dancing if you wore a ball cap sideways...or backwards. And be sure to take a pic of it.
