Monday, October 8, 2012

Athlete in the HOOOUUUSSSEEE!!

Softball yesterday....

Ma'dam Martinez ROCKED IT.  By rocked it... I mean I hit the ball sufficiently twice, but was able to actually run to a base three times... and hit it in the outfield once! How about that?!?! I will further inform you that I made around ALL the bases once...without complaining or passing out.  I was pretty happy about my accomplishments... so much so that I did a little booty shake/dance for Martinez as I arrived at my base the first time.. which resulted in everyone else laughing and Martinez looking mortified.  I'm such a good wife:)

I need to add something to my list of things to correct/brush up on... for my new readers ( there are no new readers..I just want to act like there are) see below... for the old readers, See #6.

Reasons Why I Should Learn Rules/Locations/Courtesy So I don't Look Like a Moron Cause an Injury 

1.  Location: When the "coach" told our team to get in position, I (as the catcher) went to what I thought was the home plate.....Apparently I arrived at 1st base.  At that point, the pitcher (R) sent me to my "place" and further instructed me on where I should be, etc.  I had to inform R that I would not be squatting to get the ball.  If I were to squat like that, I won't be able to get up.  Simple. New rule... catcher stands.

2.  Location: While trying to compensate for not "squatting" for the ball, I ran up to "catch" the ball so I wouldn't have to fetch it.  I heard Martinez shouting "Anna! Don't charge at the ball!"  I didn't know what this meant until the sweet ref said, "Ma'am, maybe you should stand back here with me, ok?  I'm afraid you are going to get hit with the bat".. followed by the batter saying " oh ya, I was trying really hard not to hit you."  Lame.  The ref then said, "Don't worry, it's just rec." Super Lame.

3.  Rules:  If the batter guy gets to "walk" due to bad pitches, the girl next in the lineup gets to walk as well.  Something about "evening" things out for coed softball.  I learned this after I almost tattled to the ref that the other team slid in a player on first base and that they were cheating. Seriously.  I decided not to tattle... and man am I happy I did, since I asked a fellow teammate why this was allowed and she started cracking up and provided an explanation.  This also explained why I kept hearing some dude in the stand behind me yelling, "watch your ball slugger, a walk is a run, a walk is a run" for every batter.

4.  Location:  A scoreboard exists and that should be used to keep up with the score and time for the game. This will keep a person from asking the sweet ref consistently, "Are we winning or losing?  What about now?"

5.  Courtesy:  If the batter throws the bat in a random place when hitting the ball, moving the bat out of the way is courteous.  I learned this while a chick came running at the home plate full force pointing at the bat in her way while I looked right back at her and pointed to the home plate.  I then realized the problem and offered my apologies.

6. Courtesy:  DO NOT throw the bat when you hit the ball.  This will result in the ref pulling you to the side later and scolding you for hitting him and almost hitting the catcher...twice....Just FYI,  if you are ever in trouble for doing this, just tell the ref that you've never played a sport before (my case it's true), and you won't get in serious trouble.  He'll say, " Ohh". ... and then instruct you on what to do.

I will also add that yesterday was freezing cold and it rained during the second game... and I looked like a wet dog...a homeless wet dog... but is was SO fun...and I'm an athlete now:) my mind.

That's all I have for tonight.  I have a headache and I'm going to sleep now.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

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