Thursday, October 4, 2012

Politics Blow & Dinner with DB!

Tuesday's calorie intake total - 1,183 cal

Wednesday's calorie intake total - 986 cal

Sweet LG ...

Yay for Thursdays... because that means my weekend begins and time with my family!
Martinez and I have date this Friday !! Super excited about this.. we are going to see Taken 2 and the sitter is secured ..S.... don't forget or I might have to come after you!

Have I mentioned that I love watching Ellen?  She's hysterical and Liam Neeson was on Monday...just infused my excitement for Taken 2 even more.

....This was my initial snack on Wednesday......until I saw the mold on the apple slices I just bought !!!!

It had fur.... nasty.

So.... I've decided that I'm going to start exercising at night, rather than the morning..... Let's face it, I'm just not getting's cold in the mornings now... and I need by beauty sleep ( which is really for everyone else I come in contact with!).  I've tried to compare the pros and cons... night wins...

Ok...I'm about to you might want to skip this part.

I am SICK of the election crap! Specifically, in my newsfeed.  I'm sick of reading friends disagreeing and getting snappy with one another.. I'm sick of the recaps of debates or speeches, and I'm SICK of the complaints. It is what it is. I will be so happy when this is over!
I do not fact, I haven't even changed my voter registration since living in Arkansas and I'm not planning on it....Almost everything publicized is negative and I do not want to hear that mess ( and I fully realize that this rant is contradiction.. so if you're annoyed, just stop reading).  It's just a constant fight/argument.  Who has time to waste on that? Not me... and for those of you saying... "it's our children's future"..usually... NEITHER choice is good...which leads me to my next point.... I keep hearing the phrase "vote for the lesser of the two evils"...WHAT? This makes absolutely NO sense at's ridiculous that either choice has to be an "evil" choice.  I'm just tired of it.  I stopped watching the news when Martinez deployed a couple of months after we married b/c I didn't want to hear about soldiers dying. It was hard enough without that.  I never started watching it again...I mean... Martinez puts it on a lot, but I'm usually tuning it out or cleaning.. so I don't have to hear it.  Even the local news/politics is depressing. I'm OVER it.  With that being said, I will vote WHEN the following people are up:

 President: Steven Tyler (imagine that during public appearances...half the crowd would chant. "That!That!" ...and then the other half would chant "Dude looks like a lady!" ..perfect....the world would be happy.)

Vice President: Martha Stewart ( I know, I know! This sounds crazy...but think about it.... She could really help out on teaching folks how to cook and clean...NECESSARY things... and... she's already been to "prison "so maybe she could help Steven choose the rest of his cabinet members...just sayin')

Today's Calories.... NOT sure! I consumed 510 before having dinner with a great friend (DB). but I'm not sure how many calories were in my meal.  I looked for the menu on my phone with the calorie count... but couldn't find one....but I will also provide you with TMI and inform you that it doesn't matter how many b/c it didn't stay in my body for even a hot minute!  Again...TMI....DB and I went for a little shopping after dinner and I had a major explosion!! Like...the kind where you are completely humiliated because you had no idea this was coming...and you're in public.... and breaking into a sweat.....whew....and then there was the drive was a little bit stressful...enough said.  So glad DB and I are friends enough that she's not gonna be scared away....or maybe she is!!!!!

Enough for tonight... I've got to get my beauty rest.... oh one more thing... I can get 9/10's button without jumping up and down now!!!!!  I mean... it's not that attractive....but a few weeks ago jumping was necessary.....:)  It was also really nice to go shopping with DB.  We haven't gotten together in a while and we had a blast !!

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

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