Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Challenge & Ferns

Well...My PIC and I may or may not be back to doing challenges- some of which we can't exactly post about on our blogs.
One we can post about..... telling our 5 readers combined what we are eating....for two work weeks. Like everything. We were actually supposed to start yesterday, but I didn't want to confess the Easter candy I consumed- or the beverages I had- which I suppose I technically just confessed.
I just get to talking and the secrets just roll out.

Yesterday was just a stressful day all around.  In fact, when I got home and changed into my normal yoga pants/tee (surprisingly, that wasn't what I wore to work), I realized that I put my yoga pants on backwards.
I left them that way.  I mean, I don't want to set the standard too high or anything.

Anyway, my PIC and I have enjoyed Easter....and the days 4 weeks leading up to Easter a little too much. If only we didn't enjoy sweets.
Before I confess my eating habits of today, I'll update on what's been going on lately.

We are still working to clear this mess....like all the time...

Although you can't tell from the photos, there is tin, fence parts, car parts, glass, boat parts, etc underneath all this sand/dirt.  I'm not sure what this land was before it became "developed", but I know that the crap was apparently buried and we are now cleaning it.  I'm not really sure how many cans of crap we've actually picked up....but it's not ending soon. ( and I'm not complaining- I'm happy to actually have space to clear that Martinez and I have paid/worked for ourselves- and I'm happy to be able-bodied enough to work out there)

This is also happening....

It's time to get my flowerbed in order.  I'm still waiting on the purslanes at Home Depot to come out.  I've got two more weeks to wait and then I can finish this thing.

.....and since I'm turning into my mother......I had to get some ferns.
I need therapy (you already know this), as I've been able to think of nothing but ferns for weeks.

What I should confess now, is that less than 24 hours after owning them they started looking quite scraggly. They've been re-potted and super tended to....so I'm gonna give them another week before I throw them out and get new ones.  I need nice, fluffy ferns....and if the wind here wasn't so bad, they'd be hanging like my mother's ferns do.  

If I start hiding miniature candy bars around the house in random places, I suppose I'll officially be my mother.............oh wait...

Back to the ferns (because everyone loves to hear about ferns, right? I need a life), LG was less than impressed with my fern selection on Friday.  I examined every fern they had. I removed them from where they were hung and compared them to each other right out in the open with people waiting until I found the best two.
All that being said, if I have to go back, it's gonna be tortuous for my almost 3 year old.
She decided to kill time Friday by plucking the blooms off other flowers....and I'd rather not get any more disapproving glances from fellow flower shoppers.

(Just so you have fair warning, when Martinez gets my planters built, hopefully this weekend (that will be painted with a nice Almond Whip color), you'll get another post about ferns.)

Easter was fabulous.  While I missed being at my mom's with my family, I enjoyed not having to go anywhere and relaxing at home with my hubs and LG. 
I'm quite partial- but I do believe I have a little cutie.

More Easter pics....

We may never dye eggs again.  LG was a little bored by that process.  Painting, however, is where it's at.

And now for my food confessions today:

BF- 2 sausage/egg muffin cups
         french vanilla cappuccino kcup

Snack-  A few turkey pepperoni's and a mozz cheese stick

Lunch- salad with turkey bacon, egg, mozz cheese, spinach and avocado- ranch dressing

no afternoon snack b/c I was too busy to eat

Dinner- saucy crockpot pork chop and a small baked tater with sour cream & pepper
Dessert -3 miniature candy bars (THEY WERE MINI- I worked out today....Gosh folks, get off my back about the chocolates!!!!)

I drank my normal 80-100 oz of water, along with a sparkling lemon-lime water.

Until next time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

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