Friday, April 26, 2013

Weigh-In Friday #1


The day has arrived....Weigh -in Friday at Rice Law Firm!

164.2 was my number.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed in that number.  After kickboxing last night, I really thought I'd be back to 162ish.  We worked hard, and I personally tried hard, so I'm hoping there is an explanation for this.  At least I didn't gain though!  I don't want to have to pay the pot!
Our office, along with the salon sistas in the back has lost 13 lbs this week!  Yay for weight loss!

On Tuesday, I knew that a few girls would be gone for various commitments.  Since The Machine was soaking up some sun in Florida, I didn't plan on coming, until I told that to a sweet girl who works her butt off at kickboxing.  She encouraged me to come.  When Thursday rolled around, the nerves came and I wanted to skip. Then, another sweet girl who as worked so hard that she's thrown up before passed out some encouragement, so I acted like a grown up and went. I know I said that Tuesday was the best experience there that I'd had, but now I think last night was... and mostly b/c I went without The Machine, my safety net, being there.
There were only four of us....four newbies.  This worked out perfectly b/c it's hard to keep up if you don't know the moves.  We got personal instruction last night and it was awesome.  I feel much more confident.  I will tell you that I woke up several times last night with my arms I know it's working:)  Trainer Jared worked us hard!

After workout photo..

Flutter kicks...
Martinez doesn't know this yet, but he's gonna be working with me on these.  The other girls can do this so well.  You have to lay on your back and hold your legs 6 inches off the ground.....straight.... and then alternate your legs up and down, but without touching the floor...and without bending your knees too much.  Right now, I do not have the strength to do this...and it's aggravating.  I'm on a mission to get this down.  The girls said your core has to be strengthened to do this I've got some work to do:)

I'm just gonna go ahead and put it out there...I'm really not interesting in perfecting a Burpee.

So, at the office yesterday, The DeShazo and I were talking about how we feel better when eating clean.  We've taken a break from eating at different sandwich shops around town and critiquing them and we feel much better.  I just realized I said "town"...southeast AR just came out of me...guess I should have said "city" instead. Anyway, this whole conversation lead to wondering how it would feel to eat a vegetarian diet for a little while.  So....we are becoming vegetarians. Well, part-time vegetarians.  Ok, so only for four days ... Monday -Thursday next week.
Actually, we are becoming partial part-time vegetarians...since The DeShazo almost broke out in hives with the thought of not having any tuna. So, fish is included!
I had already planned to go to the grocery store after class last night, but this vegetarian idea changed my menu.  It's kinda scary the thoughts we have at work b/c a lot are put into rubbing lotion with cocoa on your body for a tan.
I won't tell you who did that.

Ok ya'll, please tell me I'm not the only person who has seen some skinny girl in the grocery store after work... in her workout clothes....putting healthy food in her buggy cart (sorry! south AR just came back again) while you keep bumping into her with your cart filled with bbq chips, oreos and powdered donuts??!!??
That happens to me ALL the time... and then I wish I was like that.
Last night, that was me...except the skinny part!  I pretty much felt like a pimp as I bounced around getting things for my practice vegetarian week...and...I pretty much checked out my sweaty body, disheveled hair and red face the whole way down the produce wall in those slanted mirrors.
It is what it is folks.
I will say, going grocery shopping after a workout did change my choices...of everything.  It's scary really. Maybe it's b/c I would feel like I fake if I dressed the part and then went the opposite direction with my food choices.

Back to my weigh in today.. I really hope my lack of losing an extra pound is from getting home so late and eating dinner...even though it was only a 1/2c of my new friend, edamame.  I had to wait in line forever...which resulted in purchasing this...

If they can't make it, what's happening in this world?????!!

Busy weekend ahead for the Martinez family.. Movie for the hubs and I, then a wedding reception to attend, then church and SS family fun day!  Hopefully, I won't make my usual weekend screw-up and gain 3-5 pounds. 

Have a great weekend folks!

I leave you with this gorgeous thing...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

*As always, sorry for the typos!*

1 comment:

  1. Don't hate on my for loving tuna. It's your fault I started eating it again anyways!
