Sunday, March 31, 2013

Favorite Things...

This weekend has been perfect. 

Friday brought some great, much awaited and stress -relieving news that I'll share in a couple weeks....and NO, I'm not pregnant:) I felt stress instantly leave Friday afternoon, and I'm hoping to actually sleep through the night now!  I've been waiting 8 months for that !

Martinez and I took LG outside Saturday morning and had the best time.  We decided to get her bicycle to go with her Easter surprises and she loved much we had to wheel her to the checkout!

#1 Favorite Thing- LG's excitement over her Easter loot...


We're gonna have to work with her a little bit on footwork, but she's certainly not scared. Hopefully,, we can find a helmet small enough for her soon.

#2 Favorite Thing- LG's second egg hunt

A neighbor and I filled some eggs and hid them for a few kids on our street.  The kiddos had so much fun running around.

#3 Favorite Thing-Seeing LG in her Easter dress and hearing her say "pretty"!

#4Favorite Thing- watching/hearing LG approach Martinez and I asking for Kisses!

#5Favorite Thing-walking in LG's room and finding Martinez going through LG's things from her birth and baby shower cards

We packed LG up for our trip to Dallas next weekend. Apparently, Martinez got curious after getting her luggage out of the top  of her closet.  I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thinks our baby is getting too big too quickly...

We read through our cards, notes and things from the hospital.... and found these...

One is from my sweet 16 year old cousin who totally knows I gag at everything.... she's pretty funny.

The other is from my sister-in-law who knows I have an obsession with cleaning:) I'm still trying to find the balance of cleaning Brittany! I've made several adjustments over the last few months and I wish that I would have made those adjustments much sooner.  I need a maid:)

#6Favorite Things- Decorating Cookies with LG

#7Favorite Thing- Getting closer to a potty trained toddler!  2 days of being home in big girl panties with one accident and staying dry during naptime! If I could just figure out how to keep her from peeing during the night and in the car ...and telling the babysitter- we'd be done!

#8 Favorite Thing- Hearing LG tell Martinez' parents that she "potty on grass"...

and that she did.....squatted... and peed right in her Toms...

I know some of you are probably tired of hearing this, but I love my little family of three.  I have a husband that I love and who loves me, and a baby girl that has brought more joy in my life than I could have imagined. Martinez and I have worked through two things that I've heard/seen break families apart....military life and infertility.  The military is horrid (remember... this is my opinion and based solely off my own experience) and infertility is even worse than that.  We've lived away from our families our entire marriage and I'm actually extremely thankful for that, as I believe it has made us rely on one another even more so than those who have their families nearby.. It's made us independent.

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

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