Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Catch Up Post

Wow... I think it's been like three weeks or so since I've written.....

So many things have happened in three weeks.  No, my house hasn't sold and no, I still haven't met my goal weight of 150/155, however, I have lost....one pound (163).  Better than a gain, right?? 

Even though I haven't met my goal, I went shopping.  After having a meltdown one Sunday morning b/c my planned outfit was falling off and the belt I was gonna wear to cinch it up ( that I just got at Christmas from Martinez' parents) was falling off too, I knew it was time.  That week, weighing in at 164lbs, Martinez and I took a Thursday off work and went shopping....both of us.  It was fun... and stressful.  This was the first time I've been able to shop in a mall and be able to go in regular stores (not plus size stores) and find clothes!  It was amazing, but it was like I had to learn how to shop.  I didn't by pass things I liked... which was something I did while being fat b/c I knew they wouldn't fit or I'd look like someone from People of Walmart.
I'm super cheap when it comes to dresses & shirts.  I refuse to pay more than $20 or so for either, so that was stressful too.  However, my money goes on jeans....and I made sure not to get mom butt jeans, but I had to dish out for those.  Martinez and I compared our stash of clothes at the end of the day and let's just say that guy's clothing is so much cheaper.  No fair !

After shopping, we enjoyed a lunch together at the Cheesecake Factory... and for the first time in a few years, I wasn't embarrassed while eating my cheesecake.  I didn't worry about people watching me eat...and I did that before losing weight.  I would wonder if people were thinking "She doesn't need all that cheesecake" or "why would she order that?". I just sat and licked my fork with sheer satisfaction and absolutely no negativity.  Pour Some Sugar on Me just came on Pandora...coincident?  I think not!

Another thing that has happened over the last few weeks..... my interest/obsession with learning to do push ups!!  I know, I know! I should know how to do them, but I don't.  With the amount of weight I've lost, I've got about 2-2 1/2 inches of gross arm fat to tone up.  The girls at work are trying to help...

Vic's trying to help with "proper form", but I'm not sure I'm even close to getting this.  Please excuse our messy office.  I promise it's much neater now.

More things I've failed to report...

Our first family dog has new home.  Sammie has been quite depressed lately.  He would just sit and stare.  When he would play, he would be too playful for LG (not mean, just too rough). We made the difficult decision to really find him a home.  It's not fair to him to be sad- not fair to LG that he'll accidentally knock her over and that she can't keep up- and not fair that he needs more outside space to play.  So, Sammie has a great new home with a mom and daughter and he's really happy !  We've been sent several photos of him and he's doing well.  He has a little girl big enough to keep him company and apparently has become best friends with a cat named Hugo- so this helps the heartache... just a little.

Here's one of the photos we were sent!

He looks content.  We will eventually get another dog, but we need to wait until we have moved and find one that fits our whole family.  Sammie was so used to just Martinez and I... and Martinez I may or may not have spoiled him...he never fully recovered from us bringing LG home almost two years ago.

A couple of weeks ago, I actually got myself up early on a Saturday and completed a 5K with the girls & Mrs. J!

It was cold, drizzly and fun!  The best part of this whole thing, is the free neon 5K Tshirt that I've worn three times already b/c it makes me feel like a superstar I'm a little athletic:) Whatever.

LG got her first trim last week....she has little hair, but the hair in the front was getting in her eyes, so we had to nix that...

She was so good!

I've noticed a pattern in my weight loss... I'll go 3ish weeks maintaining and then lose 3ish pounds the fourth week.  Weird.  If I lose another 2 pounds in then 7ish days, it'll be three months in a row. I would prefer it be the other way around:):)

To help this out.... we decided to make a workout video last week...

Yes, I know, we are fabulous dorks. I just hope we are still dorks when we are forty.... and I promise, we've cleaned up our office. For Real.

The DeShazo thought it was time I did another comparison photo, but I just really don't have good photos for that... so this is the best I could do...

LG at 9 weeks old.... my face at the McFattiest stage.... and my eyeballs attempting not to pop out of my head.....

September of 2011 & March 2013...

I have a neck again folks !!

Another interest/obsession thanks to Mama Laughlin's makeup tutorial... eyebrow pencils....something I've never used.  Some of you know that I have very, very, thin eyebrows.... and one of you is laughing right now b/c you are thinking about one time when I plucked a gaping hole in the middle of my left eyebrow and tried to hide it...but failed miserably.... and when I caught you staring at it....we both started crackin' up b/c I knew I'd been caught.
Anyway, I love makeup and stand by Mary Kay for almost everything. I decided to buy a cheap pencil and let the DeShazo work on the brows.... there's quite a difference...

I think I'll just stick with fake brows from now on.  I'll own it.

We've had a sick baby this weekend/week... and we do not like it!  My poor baby just wants to sleep/cuddle and that is SO not her personality....but we are soaking up those extra cuddles...

and of course she had to have something in her hair regardless....

A few other photos from the last few weeks.....

Sittin' with mommy to get a pedi... I just love having this little girl !!

Rocking her baby..

Hanging with Mom and Dad

And sick on St. Patty's Day..

That's all I've got folks!

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez