Thursday, August 16, 2012

Peer Pressure

Really? I’m blogging?!?! Let me start out by saying that this blog is completely in existence because I continuously cave under peer pressure.  The two sistas responsible for this know who they are and are smiling because they know they have won.  Ok... these are the only two people who will consistently read my fabulous words of wisdom in the weeks to come!  Not only have these gals pressured me into doing this blog, they have pressured me into exercising, which is something I'm allergic to because I wasn't made to sweat.  I'm pretty sure I was meant to watch reality shows, read books, drink pops and eat bonbons.  Wait.. what are bonbons??

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty...I’m an extremely boring person with nothing really to talk about, though I talk NONSTOP.  My life has changed significantly over the last six years, but definitely for the best. Within these six years, I’ve met my husband, had a beautiful baby girl, completed my college degree, made-kept-lost friends, learned to cook about five edible meals, moved to a different state, along with many other things.  All of these events have shaped my life in ways that I would have never imagined or chosen.  I always imagined living in the small town I was raised in for the rest of my life, married to a country fella, and teaching high school.  With that being said, I have the complete opposite.  I live in the city, married to a SO NOT country fella, and I work as a legal assistant in a law firm. Though this is not what I imagined, it’s a wonderful life (no pun intended:)) and I wouldn't change it.

 Something super exciting happened this week and I’m still in a bit of shock.  I have lost 50lbs!!!!!!  This fact is exciting and a great thing in so many ways; however, I also wish that I didn’t ever weigh enough to need to lose 50lbs. I’m going to be totally honest... at the beginning of the year, I weighed 225lbs-size 18 (your eyebrows should be raised to the top of your forehead at this point) and I now weigh 175lbs-size 12 (you should be smiling now)! Now, I still need to lose at least 20 more pounds and would like to be in a single digit size, but I’m extremely proud of myself for getting this much weight off.  My weight loss journey has been 8 1/2 months of work and totally worth it.  I initially told myself that I needed to lose weight so that Martinez (hubs) wouldn't have a fat wife and LG(my baby girl) wouldn't be embarrassed to have a fat mom. This was a LIE.  Bottom line, I didn't want to continue my life with the embarrassment I felt of my weight.  No one MADE me feel this way, as I have a completely supportive husband and friends...I alone felt those feelings.  Now, I chose to reference my previous weight (225)as "fat".  This term isn't meant to offend anyone in any way- it's just the simple truth of how I felt and how I still see that weight for my body. My advice to anyone who wants to lose weight is to stick with it and fully realize why you want to do it! I had to cut out ALL excuses and make it happen. I halfway attempted to lose weight numerous times- with no successful outcomes because I truly didn't want to put in the effort. Again, I had to really WANT to do.  Basically, I spent three and half years gaining weight- which was a little of fertility drug side effects, pregnancy and a whole lot of snackin' fat. I'll post more about how I've lost weight and update about my progress, but that's enough about it today.

Before ending this post, I have to comment about my little family.  Martinez and I are a completely boring couple as far as "getting out", etc. However, our little sassy pants baby girl has thrown my previously scheduled to the core routine (more about this in the future) out of whack and we adore her! Last night, Martinez and LG were in the living room dancing and listening to The Black-Eyed Peas.  I couldn't help but smile to myself and watch them and feel thankful for my life.  For those of you judging that we allowed LG to listen to the Peas... get over it... what your concern should be- is the hub's fabulous dance moves !

Until next time.....