Thursday, August 23, 2012

Confessions & Flatulence

Today has been an interesting day.  I overslept this morning ( but made it to work on time:)- dealt with some phone calls today that really raised by blood pressure...and the list goes on!

After dinner last night, Martinez and I took LG out to play.  She LOVES to be outside.  Lately, we've had an issue with her eating grass... She just pulls it out of the ground and gets angry when we take it from her.  I finally gave up and let her chew a blade.  I figured after she got a good taste, she wouldn't try anymore...I. Was. Wrong.  She's alive.. so I'm guessing she'll be ok!  And yes... those are BLUE BOY Pullups on her butt!  I'm mom of the year and bought blue...and she's wearing them until they are gone!

A few pics of her playing ..

While watching LG play, I asked Martinez what we did before having a child in the afternoons....neither one of us could remember.  This is SAD.  We finally agreed that we probably just watched TV.  Ridiculous.

This morning she was happy and ready for the day!  Here's one of her and Martinez before we left.

For the good stuff... the gals and I had a very interesting conversation at work today. Topic... Flatulence..  Let me tell ya, we're classy women around here ! I wish I had a good explanation for this conversation, but like most other conversations with this group, there AIN'T one:)Well, truthfully, there is an explanation... and V & A are laughing hysterically right now.  For your complete entertainment, please watch the following video:

Terms used in the flatulence convo:  potent, crop dusting, lifting off, dutch oven... you get the point.

Today is the boss' birthday! Translation- sweets in the office!  After consuming a scrumptious cookie... I felt something jabbing me in the stomach. For your complete entertainment once again... see below:

Those would be cookie CRUMBS in my SHIRT! Classiness at its finest:)

That's all for today... and I'm sure you're happy about that.

Until next time......

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