Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hey Guys!

Hope your week has been great!
It's fall break week for my big girl and I'm super pumped to spend the day with just her tomorrow!  We need some mom and daughter together time and we are both excited.

Topic 5- Three Pet Peeves

1) Being Late

I despise lateness.  I would imagine if one might ask Martinez, he would probably say I drive him nuts trying to make sure we leave 10 minutes early for everything because being late kills. my. nerves.  In fact, more often than not, we are sitting in a parking lot somewhere killing the early minutes with kids who want out of the car because I'm so crazy.
I used to always, always be early....
and then came children. (Please don't think I'm blaming my kids- it's just that sometimes...those babies seem to have a blowout right when you are walking out of the door and two of you need bath and wardrobe change).

I'm a little more understanding to being late and people being late now that I have kids than before- but it still drives me up the wall.

As The DeShazo reads this, I'm sure she's thinking I'm talking about I'll throw it out there- I'm not targeting anyone. I'm just being honest to the topic 😉

I totally think there are reasons for one to be late- and it happens to us all, myself included. So I'm really talking about REPEAT offenders and when it happens to me after I've put together a plan to be early and said plan fails.  I formulate plans in my head for most things- and set alarms on my phone to remind me to leave and then one to actually leave if it's something out of my normal routine.  This probably also drives Martinez nuts. A few weeks ago, we had somewhere to be and we were a bit cramped for time.  I remember discovering the time and exclaiming "yes, I beat the deadline in my head!"....and Martinez staring back at me as if my face had turned green or something.
I've always considered being late as a selfish/disrespectful thing. Other people are involved in almost everything we do- so why show up late constantly to dinners, parties, worhk, etc?  Other people have put their time and energy into something - so we should make an effort to be timely so as not to waste their time either.
The Deshazo has pointed out to me that there is another side to this.  While I still don't understand it....maybe she'll blog about why it's ok to be late one day !

I'm sure after writing about being late, I'll be late to my next several appointments.

2) Whistling

I cannot handle whistling.  It literally makes me suck in air.
I don't know why it bothers me....or when it started....but I can't take it. No matter how well tuned the whistle or to what song/melody- keep it out of my earshot. Please.
 (Martinez, please remember this post isn't targeted at anyone.  K? Thanks.)

3)   No Breathable Air Available

I drink a lot of water. I drink around a gallon minimum a day.  This is something I started in 2012, you know, because it was time to stop drinking Dr. Pepper and sweet tea all day, err day.
The DeShazo seems to drink even more water than me, so you may conclude that we make frequent visits to the restroom....which leads me to me to this peeve.  Folks,  a person should be able to enter a restroom and be able to inhale.
For the last few months, it seems as though 3 to 4 times a day, my entrance to the restroom is met with the foulest of odors and when you have the gag reflex of a child, this is an issue. Like, a serious problem.  I know you guys can read between the lines here...and I realize that we can't always control this situation....but we need to make an effort here, people.  If you have the ability to control said situation, please do so.  The other people, wherever you may be, will be forever grateful. Keep in mind the term "courtesy flush".  And if the water isn't clear when you are ready to exit the restroom, you might want to flush again.  Just some free advice. 

Check out The DeShazo's blog here.

Until Next Time..... 

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning to whistle immediately. I'll whistle hymns.

    Hmm. We have the same bathroom encounters. So strange.
