Monday, May 5, 2014

My Kid Kissed An Alligator

Weekend recap....

Friday, LG and I were able to hangout with Dana, A & N.    Our little ones have such a great time together !

Martinez and I slipped back into our old ways just for one night and enjoyed some On The Border.....and my child ate so many chips she couldn't hold her dinner.

Saturday- we played outside quite a bit....

My big girl loves to be outside!

Sunday was church and then a fun birthday party...

Yep....that's my kiddo about to kiss an alligator. (photo credit to Michelle!). Though I didn't actually see her kiss it....Melissa and Diana confirmed a kiss right on the mouth.....This girl ain't scared of nuttin.....and this mama has never been so happy for a taped alligator mouth.

and then holding an armadillo....

and.....a snake....

She's quite the animal lover....

There was also some sort of lizard that was also licking her....and the lady giving instruction informed us that they hold lots of bacteria in their you know the clean freak in me was thinking about how many clorox wipes I was gonna use on her later.

Just kidding.....They weren't actually clorox wipes.

We had tons of fun!

I woke up in a super cranky mood today....I have no idea why. Well, I kinda know why.  I completed Day 3 of C25K (which is still a big deal b/c I've on my own exercised twice without The DeShazo forcing me....and by the way....she turns 31 tomorrow, hehe) and I should have waited more than 30 minutes (duh!) after eating to go out in the 95 degree record breaking Oklahoma temp for this time of year to exercise....and today it was freaking 100 per my car !
I'm really sorry for how that sentence is....but I won't retype it.
Anyway, I got major heartburn....the heartburn that keeps me awake.....and makes me think I'm having a heart attack.
So, I'm cranky....
Then, the Miss Me capris I found last night and decided to order this morning were gone in my no one else has this same pair....I looked....and complained....which led to our Intern Chase stating that he has a hard time buying denims as well b/c he has child bearing hips.
It made us laugh all I'm over the capris finally.

Food Log Challenge Day 7

Bf- boiled eggs, four slices of Turkey bacon
      french vanilla cappuccino kcup

lunch- super late ...Napoleon's....I tried to eat the salad I brought I promise....but after I spit two bites b/c I just couldn't bear swallowing spinach today .....and after The DeShazo's apple had mold in it....we had no choice but to go to Napoleon's.  Then, while at the checkout, this brownies were staring at me and I'm pretty sure I really did hear voice.  The voice said "Anna, since your capris are now should eat me." 
I'm pretty good at listening to voices, so I bought it, and then made The DeShazo eat half of it because after all, we had already made one bad decision and we were both going down together.

Dinner- 1 chicken/bacon/ ranch tenderloin and 2 black bean brownies.  It's like the half of a brownie I had earlier just wasn't enough. 

-Drank 80 oz of water and 2 fruit waters

Let's just chalk today up as a bad food day.

And we did not start week 2 today.......maybe tomorrow?

My sweet girl today....

Until Next Time....

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