Monday, February 18, 2013

Groanin', Gripin' and Grouchin'

167...yea, that's right.  For those who suck at math, that would be a PLUS one.

Last week was rough.... really rough.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of this blog is gonna be a whine fest, so if you are one of those people that can be in a good mood and then hear/read someone complain about stupid things and it ruins your mood, just go ahead and stop reading.  You've been warned.

Again, last week was rough (some things I won't be's for your own good, really).  I'm really not sure exactly how many hours of sleep I got each night, but I can tell you that it wasn't enough.  I usually get 7-8 hours a night...and while I know this is way more than others... I don't care.. I need 7-8 minimum, no less folks.  It's that simple.  I don't care if you only get 5.. I need 7-8 minimum.  With that being said, Martinez and I had our sleep interrupted numerous times by our baby monitor......only it wasn't from our child...
It was from some neighbors who tend to be up with their kid for hours, yes HOURS .. note the plural.... several nights last week... and then again this weekend.  Martinez informed my lack of technology understanding self that it was something about frequency....All I know, is that I don't give a hoot about who's frequency is set to what, because it didn't seem to matter what Martinez did, we would be re-awoken (I hope that's a word...if not, just go with it) over and over.  I would rather be awake without dozing for a long period of time rather than doze in between...which is what happened. That's just asking for a cranky person.  We are hearing entire conversations.... and whining.... and arguing.... I really hope these people don't end up selling drugs or anything, because if they do, we'll know it.

I have several thoughts about this.... First, why is a child that can talk waking up and getting attention at 2 and  3am?  It's unacceptable. Put that kid up for the night and leave em' alone.  It's that simple.  Quit talking to em' and asking "Why aren't you sleepy?"...JUST PUT EM' UP AND SHUT THE DOOR..or call America's Supernanny... I don't care... Just handle that !!! Now, I realize that kids wake up in the night occasionally (LG included), but you can't cater to every's hurting you, the kid...and THE NEIGHBORS!!!!

Second....the arguing.... here's what we heard:

Mom to Dad:                   Did you just tell me shut up?      
(Martinez and I raise our eyebrows)    
Dad to Mom:                   If I told you to shut up, you'd know it!
(Martinez and I wonder if we should call the cops for a potential Domestic)

Mom to child:  You need to go to sleep, come here.
(WHAT?????!!!!!!!! Why are BOTH of you in the room with the kid....he's PLAYING YOU....or Does the kid STILL sleep in your room?....and......Why are talking to each other like that with a kid you are trying to get to sleep????)

This is just ridiculous.  We believe this is coming from the neighbors behind us- neighbors we don't know.  If this were my neighbor D, I'd just ring her doorbell and tell her to shut up and make sure she knew it....but it's not.... and I'm a little hesitate to ringing doorbells and checking for a mom, dad and son to reprimand since this is SE OKC, not Ladelle, AR.   I'm hoping this problem just goes away...because again... I need 7-8 hours EVERY day.

I totally forgot to warn the sitter Friday night about the recent baby monitor issue.. and since we just always keep them on......poor M ended up freaking out for a minute while hearing a lady's voice in the house.... and then she realized.......  I totally felt horrid for that.

Another irritation....

Why did Identify Thief have to be sold out Friday?  I was gonna be a total rebel and watch TWO movies on Friday, back to back... but it just wasn't in the cards...

Another complaint.... I had to fire Zantac and hire Prilosec after a four year relationship.

I also had to hire Miralax..

I will say that I'm keeping up with this chick's blog who is trying to lose weight and she's had this problem recently too.

For those of you who have googled Miralax because you didn't get the photo, now you are understanding why EVERYTHING is irritating me.

Martinez and I are currently in potty training hell.  Literally.

We totally had LG almost completely potty trained at 15/16 months this summer... and then we had that urethra tube issue that we had to work around which was a set back. Since clearance from her doc the last week of Dec, we've been attempting to potty train.....with no luck.  Before, she was peeing AND pooping in the potty, she just wouldn't come tell us.... we had to ask.  Now, she just screams when we put her on the toilet... and then tells us later, "I tee-tee" after she's gone.  Frustrating.  She will go for the babysitter just fine (no tears)...but not for us.  I thinks it's mostly frustrating because she totally knows and understands.  Saturday.... she went and hid in the pantry and pee'd in my floor...with her big girl panties on....Really?

I know that saying " kids are ready at different times" and all that jazz...but she KNOWS!  We've even stooped to giving out treats for going in the potty and I was totally against this because eventually the treats have to stop.

Of course, I went to Pinterest for potty training tips.  Some chick recommends giving your kids salty snacks and juice all day so they'll have to pee all day.  What?? I'm not filling my kid with salt and sugar..Seriously?  She gets milk and water...that's enough... she doesn't need juice all day.  Another tip was to spend an entire week at home ...without leaving the house at potty train.  Again, what?  You do realize that not all moms stay at home, right?

I think I'm finished griping now.

Oh, wait.. no I'm not.... every episode of Steve Harvey was a disappointment last week.

Last week, The DeShazo was griping about how no one was joining her in logging their crap in Lose any good friend, I was gonna start today...only I haven't told her yet.  However, I cannot start today....because I decided to indulge in a scrumptious sandwich from Napoleon's with SSGT Seely today and I have no idea how many thousands of calories are in that thing.  It's the best sandwich ever...the kind that makes you reapply your makeup afterward because it's somehow missing when you are done.

End of my rant... I'll try to be nice from now on.

Until Next Time..

Ma'dam Martinez


  1. Hey Hulk-if the problem continues, your doc could do an exam to diagnose the problem...;)

  2. I'm pretty sure my last "exam" is the least that's what I'm gonna tell myself:)
