Thursday, December 19, 2013

Love/Hate Relationships

It's been so long since I've written that I cannot even imagine trying to catch up.
So I won't.
I've had lots of things to say, but I just haven't been in the mood to write them....until now.

I'm annoyed about Elf on the Shelf.
I said it.

Would it be wrong to create an elf funeral seen?

Here's the deal, I read an article that's floating around Facebook about some parents who stuck their elf in the freezer...which led to the mom saying that some mom's are overachieving with elf scenarios and making them look bad.
This made me analyze my own elf thoughts.
I have a love/hate relationship with Elf.....and yes, Elf is what sweet LG has named hers.   Don't ya just love her originality?

Let me begin by saying that I purchased Elf because I didn't want LG to be "left out" or for her to "miss out" on something.
Of course I went to Pinterest for elf on the shelf ideas and made a note in my phone of ones that I liked or that LG could understand.
The first two days, it was fun.
It then became a chore.

I feel as though it's difficult to find appropriate ideas for a 2 1/2 old to understand, while also not being too messy:)
Combine that with having to make sure it's done before she wakes and getting appropriate pictures is almost too much pressure!!

The article I read referenced the picture taking portion.  Anyone who knows me or that has stalked my Facebook or anyone who reads this blog for that matter knows that I take more pictures than necessary.  I take them constantly...and while I know it's annoying to some people....I continue to post them b/c they are for us and for our family and friends that live away so they can watch her grow.  I want to have the memories of her growing up for years to I'll take them until I no longer have a camera:)

Anyway, I'm tired of Elf.  The DeShazo has informed me that as LG gets older, I won't have to work as hard and then I can just move her around.
I think this is her attempt to keep me from cutting Elf into pieces with a butcher knife.
She handed out candy bags today.....which I'm totally gonna "re-gift" to LG from Elf tomorrow.  I know, I'm being a baby.

My last thought about this whole thing....I've seen some people say things like " We don't do elf on the shelf because we want to teach our kid the real meaning of Christmas".....this makes me want have five elfs....I know...I'm totally contradicting myself.
It's no different than Santa....and you can still teach your child the true meaning.

I've so gained four pounds since my last post.  I hate yummy holiday food.
My solution to this?  Starting January, my friend D will be "teaching" me to run.  Let's see how this goes.  I'm worried, I'm scared....and desperately trying to think of ways to get out of this.  I'm a champ of getting out of things that require any sort of exercise.  I've got a few excuses up me sleeve.....and yes, I'm being ridiculous and realize it.

I leave you with this...


Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

** excuse the typos***

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Living a TV Show in My Head

It's been busy lately....really busy.

I think since my last post, we've had an early Christmas in AR with my family, a fight with the builder of our home about some land fixing we feel should be done, LG got the worst stomach virus ever, work has been super busy....and I've become obsessed with The Good Wife....obsessed.

Early Christmas was fun....

It was a great trip.

The Good Wife.....I started from the pilot and watched every episode of every season through the current season in four weeks and it's life changing.  The DeShazo is hooked as well.  I'm pretty sure I need to be Diane Lockhart....or Alicia Florrick. I've dedicated so many hours to this it's ridiculous.  I'm dreaming about Lockhart Gardner and whether or not the world can go on if Diane really does accept the judgeship....and what about Will and Alicia???  Why can't they just be together??? Why does she have to "stand by her man" Peter?? He cheated! Multiple times! More importantly, why does The DeShazo want Peter and Alicia together?? That's the real question.
I might be a little passionate about this...maybe psycho...but I can't wait til the next episode on Sunday.
I've watched almost every interview by the cast I could find online and I think about it all the time. I need therapy.
I have such a problem, that while I was shopping for a cream/white colored pea coat, I stumbled upon this..

and had to have it because it looked just like one of Kalinda's jackets.
I know, ridiculous. It is what it is...If I can't be a detective, I should get to dress like one, right?

I can't believe October is almost over....and that means two weeks before I put out my Christmas decor. (For the grinches that say "Thanksgiving hasn't even arrived" response is that Christmas is too fabulous and special to only celebrate it a few weeks).  Since I lost a lot of my Christmas stuff in the 05/31 storm, I get to spend some time at Hobby Lobby and that makes me super happy and Martinez super scared. (And for those boycotting Hobby Lobby right now- find something else to do with your time- like watching The Good Wife).

For the moment, I'm still celebrating fall....
with sweet potato pie.

Martinez had to go to Arizona for work, so I decided I would have pie for dinner this week.
It's a great choice really.

My sweet girl was finally able to go back to her sitter yesterday.  When I picked her up....she immediately asked for ice cream and I have no idea where that came from....but I obliged and had a happy camper:) It's ok every now and then, right?  It's only a skinny cow!

Shockingly, she ate that cone like a champ and only her face was sticky.

With Martinez away, LG and I decided to shop.  I'm pumped that I can actually try on medium shirts now and not worry that they won't fit !
I finally get to leave the dressing room happy, something far away nearly two years ago.  I still have a pair of jeans I can't fit into and that is driving me nuts.  I wear size 8 in several styles/brands of pants ....except the one pair I want and the size up is too big. Ugh.
Anyway, going from size 18 to 8 makes me happy and I don't think that will ever leave. Being overweight takes a toll on a person mentally and physically....whether they admit it or not.
I'm trying this stuff.. Plexus Slim.  Apparently, a lot of people have lost tons of weight with this drink/pill.  At this point...I'm not sold on it.  It keeps me with a feeling of being satisfied and I don't want to eat all the time, but the weight isn't falling off- I'm simply maintaining which I've been doing on my own for about 10 months.
I'm not writing it off yet.  I do feel like I'm not eating as much....but I'm still waiting on results.

Photos from lately....

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, September 16, 2013

Challenges & Squirrels

The DeShazo and I had a two week challenge of no eating out....that started over two weeks ago.
We were not successful....and we blame Napoleon's.
You can read The DeShazo's thoughts about that here and of her stress eating...which I happen to agree with...only I like to eat when I'm not stressed too:)
I chose the challenge as a punishment for her choosing to make me to live without coke for two weeks.
I would just like to note that I succeeded with no coke, but have drank plenty since. I guess you can say I "stockpiled" pop from the fantastic Buy for Less sale two weeks ago, as I ended up with 16 pops total for $4.00.  Even though I'm not a Pepsi brand fan, I can lower my standards for $.25 a two-liter...especially when I have a pop addiction. (For those wondering how many cake mixes I bought....I only got 14......and then this last week they had another big sale and I ended up with 40 yogurts for only $10....but not to worry...they won't be out of date until November 5th.)

The Deshazo and I have a new challenge.
We must dress up for 1 week straight at work.  Yes, I know we work in a law office and you would expect that two college graduates working for an attorney would be dressed up daily.


We actually have a bombdotcom boss who is pretty forgiving when it comes to clothing.

If you clicked on The DeShazo's blog, then you already know yoga pants happen often.  I mean, they are black? Isn't black dressed up?
My favorite item of clothing to wear to work has been my faithful Adidas wind pants...but I have none that fit at the moment...and no fat jokes peeps...they are too big!
Anyway, The DeShazo and I can't quit eating crap, so we figure if we actually have to button up jeans or wear a dress that's actually halfway decent, we won't eat as much.  Something about the yoga pants makes you so comfortable that you feel the need to eat junk...or Napoleon's.

Since The Boss was brought up...he is pretty cool...except for when he posts nonsense articles on my Facebook in order to cause humiliation.  While I can explain why he chose a squirrel joke, I will not be able to explain what it was in retaliation for.  Some things just need to stay at the Rice Law Firm.

Explanation:  Once upon a time, my boss decided to post a photo on Facebook referencing my enjoyment of eating squirrel..( please note that I do NOT like squirrel).

Long ago, when I first started working at the law firm, a conversation was held about the hickness of Arkansas. (Please note that those conversations are still on-going).  Anyway, I don't even remember how eating squirrel was brought up....but for reason... I stupidly admitted that my parents/brother tricked me into eating squirrel.
Now, where I'm from, this is completely common and normal...just like eating deer meat (which I love).  I drew the line at squirrel. My parents/brother could not fathom why I wouldn't eat it and threw a huge fit about it.  So, I was told we were having chicken and dumplings for dinner one night.  After I ate a ton of it, the truth came out...the dumplings were made with squirrel meat...not chicken.....and to the boss....that totally hickified me.
I will also add that since that time, The Boss has made me inform him of how many "animals I've eaten".
(Also note that I refused squirrel my whole life...even after the dumplings that were actually quite good.)

So, this year, Martinez, LG & I will not be able to go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Martinez started a new job mid-year, so he only gets a week vacation and we burned three of those days to move...and another day will be used in two weeks when he has Lasik.
With that being said, my brother's family, my parents and us will be celebrating Christmas in about three weeks.  We have rented some cabins at Mt. Magazine and can't wait!  This was the only time all of us could get together over a weekend and it's going to be fun.  We are all super pumped!!!!! LG keeps walking around saying "Unky Chad! Unky Chad"!

Photos from the weekend..

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

**Sorry for the typos**

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You're Gonna Hear Me


I'm pretty sure I wrote that song in my dreams....

Dreams you say?? I've had about 2-3 weeks of glorious sleep with no drug dealin' involved, until last night, wherein I became a for real pimp and now have thugs under me who do my footwork.  I thought it was gonna be much safer, until I got cut down my face as a threat/warning to make sure my peeps weren't informants, ect.  Since my crew consisted of family, I felt they were "clean".
The crazy part to this dream?  I woke up with a  big scratch down my face this morning.
I hope this leaves before my dreams lead me to jail.

The Martinez family has been so busy lately....we had no idea that we would have so much yard maintenance/clearing at the new house.
All of the yard work led to us investigating for safety purposes stalking the new, shirtless neighbor with the red solo cup.  Well, technically I guess it's not stalking if it's not affecting him....and he doesn't know.

First off, let me say that the first interaction with the new neighbor happened with Martinez, Liv, Neighbor (P) and his little girl.  I was off getting my nails done when he walked on over to introduce himself.
Martinez informed me that night that the "wife" stayed in the car.
Ever since then, I've been looking for this "wife". P and his kiddo are outside a lot, as are we, so several smiles/waves and small talk convos have occurred, but a wife was never outside and it was driving me nuts.
Martinez and I had several conversations in the beginning about P.
I immediately went to first worst case scenario.
1)- He locks his wife up during the day.
2) -They only have one he doesn't let her have any independence... what if he beats her???Surely something is going on b/c who wouldn't want to be outside ...ever...with your family.
3)- He's always shirtless with a red solo cup.  So he's obviously an alcoholic and that's the issue.

Martinez even started getting a little unsettled since our little ones wanted to play so the research began.

We I may or may not have been wrong about P.

Through the county assessor, OSCN and Facebook, we discovered that there is no "wife".  There is an older daughter, and he's absolutely NOT a bad person or criminal at all.
At some point, after we really get to know P, I'll confess our judgment of him and how I thought he kept his wife in secret and how I planned a whole scheme to get her out while he was away b/c I knew about when he arrived home in the evenings.
I probably shouldn't have read Jayce Dugard's book... I blame that.

I was feeling so guilty that I made his family a baked spaghetti and sent Martinez over with it on Friday.
I will also add that the "red solo cup" is actually just a red household cup, as we have had many interactions since my initial judgment.

Moral of this story?
No, not that you shouldn't judge folks...b/c we all already know that....
It's that if you get a baked spaghetti from me out of the blue.....I probably know your life's history, read your divorce Decree and know how many miles to gallon your getting.:):)

Just kidding....kinda.

A few photos from lately..

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You Say Bra, They Say Brassiere, I Say Liberation !!


If you do not care to read about bras...again...skip this post.  You've been you'll have no excuse to eye roll or grumble later if you do in fact read this post.


I've written before about my disdain for bras....and my lack of finding good ones that last...and I've told you that The DeShazo cracked my bra issue case last fall when she discovered I washed and dried them after every wear. You can read all about that here and here.

It's time for new bras again. Why you ask?  Because I fit my stapler down in mine a few weeks ago. (For those wondering why I put the stapler in my bra to see if it fit......I knew my bras were too big now because I have gapping parts...and The DeShazo made some snide remark about fitting stuff in I had no choice but to choose a stapler.....and for those of you wondering about who all might use my stapler.....well that just makes me laugh because every time a poor soul touches it I just laugh).

Anyway, I mentioned that I needed to go back to the Lingerie Store in Edmond because those people really know how to size you and help you to L & The DeShazo yesterday, but that I didn't want to have to go to Edmond.(No offense to my Edmond friends, but I hate ya'lls traffic and I constantly get lost).
L told me that her friends rave about an older lady at Dillard's in Norman.  That immediately made me happy, as any trip to Norman results in a stop at Tarahumara. 
L didn't know the name of the lady, just that she was older and a queen at bra fitting.  Since I'm pretty much a stalker P.I., I knew I could track this lady down.
I called the lingerie department at Dillard's yesterday and a very young associate answered the phone....and my badgering began. (I knew she was young because again, I'm a P.I.).

Me:     Do you guys still have an older lady working in your department that is awesome at bra fitting?

Associate:     (pause)    Well, we have me, I'm the youngest, a middle-aged lady, and two older ladies, but we are all fit certified.

Me:     I only want the one who is the best at bra I need serious help and an older one was recommended.  When are the two older ones working??

Associate:     (pause)    Well,   (pause)

Me:     Listen, I know I sound like a stalker, but I really need their schedules because this is really for the greater good.  Can you just tell me if one of them will be working tomorrow evening?

Associate:   (pause)  They'll be here tomorrow. to Dillard's I went this evening.
I packed a T-Shirt (b/c those show the bras the best) and extra deodorant and counted down the hours until I would meet the bra guru, Ms. Wendy.

Martinez met me at the mall so that he could watch Liv while I had a few bra moments of bliss alone.  I approached the counter where Ms. Wendy just happened to be helping a customer.  When I was next, she sweetly asked me if she could help me.... I smiled... knowing she had no idea what she was about to get into.
Just for the record, Ms. Wendy is NOT old.... She's middle-aged.
Ms. Wendy directed me into a room and then asked for my name, told me to take off my shirt and turn around.  She immediately shouted off the exact brand AND style of the bra I was wearing, that I've had since January and told me that they don't even carry that bra anymore and that it was way too big.
I was so impressed.
Ms. Wendy then put her little measuring tape around, started shaking her head and said " you are gonna leave here a new women". 
That's when I knew we'd be friends.

She left the room and I immediately started to text The DeShazo & L that I was actually in the presence of this guru.
She came back so quickly I couldn't even finish my texts with a handful of bras, but I was able to get a few extra swipes of deodorant on that I brought just in case I might need it.

Ms. Wendy:     Now, I'm gonna undo your bra and you just fling it over there on that bench and then slip this one on.
I complied.

Ms. Wendy:     Ya, just like that.  Now, pull down on the front over your breasts and then bend over and then stand up.

Me:     It's just like on double divas!!  If I hadn't watched that show, I wouldn't have known where exactly this was going.

Ms. Wendy:     Oh girl! I'm so mad about that... I was telling my husband how a few us up here should go around and do bra fittings and then just a couple of weeks later I saw that show.  (all the while she's talking to me, she's adjusting and poking and turning my around).

Now look at that...that's a fit!

Ms. Wendy adjusted and approved certain bras....the lady really is awesome.
Not only did I leave the store with new bras, I left with a whole new mind full of information.
It's only fair that I share.

1) You need 7 bras.
     Now Anna, what you need to do now is build your closet! You need 7 bras.  You need to start with Sunday and go through bra for each day ok? You will only wash the bras after each has been worn 4 times.  That means that each bra will only be washed 12 times a year! Just 12 times a year, Anna! You'll get to have these bras for a very long time...IF you take good care of them. Understand? These bras are expensive, so let's make them last. Now you've got four new ones, so that's a very good start.

2) You need a lingerie washing bag.
     How do you wash your bras? I informed Ms. Wendy that I put them on hand wash in the washing machine and let them air dry.  I did NOT inform Ms. Wendy of my old bra sins of washing AND drying them after every wear like I did last year because I couldn't bear the disappointment in her eyes.
You need to use a lingerie bag. You wash a couple together at a time and then lay them out. And you wash the light ones with light ones and dark ones with dark ones.

3) You need to wear dark bras with dark clothes and light bras with light clothes.
     Now, don't get it twisted...this isn't because you might be able to see through... Ms. Wendy had a different reason.
     Now Anna, let's take that shirt you are wearing over there for example.  You have a dark shirt touching your bra, even though your outer shirt is light.  You needed to be wearing a dark bra today, not light.  You don't want the darkness of your undershirt rubbing on your light bra. It'll make them look older and stained.

4) You are not just one bra size.
     So I'm not a ??? anymore?  No, Anna.  That was too big... and you will wear a different size in different brands and styles.  That's what the problem is now.  Women aren't properly sized.  For every band width that you subtract, you will add two cup sizes. For instance if you are a 34DD, you would also wear a 32E.  If you are a 36E, you would also wear a 32 G, dependent on the brand. You see?

Everyone should go see Ms. Wendy.  She had me put my shirt back on after each bra fitting, to get the full pun intended, hehe. 
She also went and grabbed me a t-shirt off the rack to put on, since I left mine in the car ( and I didn't even tell her that was important to me... b/c she's pretty much genius at her job... and she grabbed one that was perfect fit and I bought that too!  )

 I'm gonna go examine my new bras...for the third time.

You should stay tuned this week... b/c Ms. Wendy and I made a deal.......

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

**sorry for the typos**

Monday, August 26, 2013

Drug dealin' Thug....

That's pretty much what I've been the last couple of weeks in my dreams.  
I've literally been dreaming a couple nights a week for the last few weeks that I'm dealin' drugs...the bad stuff...and I'm involved in a drug cartel.  At first, it was just me....and then Martinez got involved....and then the FBI....but don't worry....we got away.
I have no idea why this is happening.  I wake up trying to figure out what to do next, only to realize that it's 11:30pm or somewhere around 2isham, I'm snuggled underneath my electric blanket (and yes I sleep with an electric blanket year round b/c I'm extremely cold all the time ....but I like the house cold... I get it... it makes no sense..),and I still have 6 hours left to sleep.
After I realize I did in fact survive my gun shot wounds, as it's only a dream, I doze off again....right back to my drug dealin' ways.

These dreams are so intense and I think about it all day the next day.  Martinez was laughing about all of this until my dream last Tuesday night.....because it was so graphic and repulsive that it's frightening...and his involvement in the cartel is heightening......It's amazing what a ball point pen can do.

I've done a great deal of thinking about this. 
My conclusions?

* I subconsciously am obsessed with drugs?
* I have the potential to be a fabulous drug dealer?
* I need therapy?

I really can't figure out where this is coming from...but I'd like them to to stop b/c I'm tired of the hanus crimes I've been committing in dreamland, although we are super loaded:)  The last movie involving anything related to drugs that I watched was Snitch....and I didn't dream about it at all the night I watched it....  I'm not watching anything violent before I go to what is it?!!?? It has to stop!!!!

The DeShazo and I were riding together a few weeks ago and a cop car was right behind us. I literally got so nervous and I couldn't think straight....all b/c of these dreams.

and just to be emphatically clear.... I have NEVER taken/been around/"done" or anything else related to drugs!!!!!

Moving forward... or backwards

So... you know The DeShazo challenged us to two weeks with no coke...of any sort....
It's been a struggle.  I didn't realize how much I think/feel I need it!!!  Today is day 11....and there have been days I felt that I might cut somebody if I didn't have one....but I've survived. Mostly b/c I 've gone through $20 worth of sparkling ice waters recommended by M....and b/c Martinez threatened to rat me out if I cheated.

The scale.... has not been kind to me....I keep fluctuating and it's annoying me, but I think The DeShazo has cracked the case.  It's the Lean Cuisines....and the chocolate chip cookies.
A few years ago, I had to stop eating Lean Cuisines for lunch (which is what we did at work) b/c my legs/feet were swelling to the size of a hippo.  Apparently, I can't handle that much sodium....and eating them everyday, plus all the other things (coke) filled with sodium was too much and it started to go away after I cut it down.
I should have known not to eat them it's time to get creative.  I just keep telling myself, " you've lost 65lbs, so you will get this 10 lbs off... and maybe more!".

As far as the cookies....The description on Pinterest shouldn't have been that they are the best cookies ever....b/c that meant I had to make and eat them:)

I didn't start my day off right today either....
I simply went to Sonic for a diet green tea with intent to only get that....but I lost the fat girl fight and got a breakfast burrito.  After three minutes of inhaling it, I got super mad at myself b/c I don't even eat sonic food and haven't in a very long time! I confessed my fat girl sin to The DeShazo who raised her eyebrows at me this morning... and was told " That is totally a weekend move, not weekday!"
I'm still fluctuating and ending my week around 164...but that's not good enough.

I leave you with this.....

I get to have coke in three more days....and I might just bathe in DDP....I'm that desperate for a coke....and since Miley Cyrus is desperate enough to lose all integrity with Robin Thicke, I can bathe in coke, right?? (in south Arkansas, coke means everything carbonated...just fyi)


I hate dresses with ties in the back for two reasons.
1) most make you look fatter than you are or look like maternity dresses or are frumpy
2) the strings fall in the toilet (after you peed) and then graze your leg letting you know you just allowed your dress to bathe in your pee....while you are at work......and you spend time washing your dress to the best of your ability in the work restroom.

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catch up and friends :)

One more morning between The DeShazo and I weighing.... We've both kept our commitment...but it's been hard.

I have succeeded in not eating gelato in the last two weeks... mostly b/c I consumed three pints in three days the weekend before this whole scale thing started and I sensed I might have a problem:)

Since my last post, I've learned that The DeShazo needs therapy. Some serious therapy.

Why yes, my friends.  The DeShazo shaves at work....with scissors.
Now you see why she needs therapy.  It was broad daylight.

I'm also wondering if my husband may need therapy, as he wrote a blog post last night....out of the blue......and he was ranting.  I thoroughly enjoyed it...mostly b/c he was ranting in public and most people think Martinez is "so quiet" and  "so sweet" all the time.  I'm not sure how many times I've heard everyone can see he has quite the opinion.  I mean... he is quiet and very sweet...but he does speak and things do annoy him too.  (I'm thinking now of how people are always like "He's so does he put up with you?" you know! He just doesn't tell everyone like I do:))))

I can't wait to see if his next rant will be about how he despises seeing kissy face pics or recipes on fb, or seeing constant bible verses posted on some ppl's timelines while posting their clubbing pics right underneath or the amount of trash/reality tv his wife watches, as I know that all these are at the top of his annoyance list.
And no, I'm not judging or calling anyone out about clubbing and posting bible verses, so don't get your panties all twisted.

So... I posted about our new bikes recently and how I am a total weakling and couldn't get up a hill b/c my thighs were screaming at me for torturing them....and about how my bike was broken.
Martinez got me a new bike...that works....and guess what....I still didn't make it up the hill:) At least for a few days...but now, I can!!!!! I still have two more hills to tackle, but getting up the biggest one first was my goal and I made it! Now if I can make the entire loop I'll be super pumped!!!

When Martinez went to get me a new bike, he asked what my requirements were.  I told him I was in no way qualified to choose one since the one I chose before was messed up....but that it had to have a seat that I could fit on and and be comfy. a huge seat !!!  All I could do is laugh....because I know his thoughts about how big my rear is now. Props to Martinez for having the cahonies to actually straight-faced bring the big seat through the door. What can I say? Romance at its finest:)

I also mentioned last post about having dinner with a friend.  D and I met about 5 1/2 years ago....and the story of our friendship is pretty strange and weird to some people, but funny to us and we treasure it.....and the memory of Martinez' profusely sweatin' out the night.

Once upon a time, The DeShazo and one of her friends decided to start a book club.  Our first meeting was just a few girls and then each time more girls would come.  It was either the second or third meeting that D came.  I had heard her in a conversation say that she was from Arkansas...and that her dad was a I was learning bits and pieces about her.  We would alternate people's homes to meet at or restaurants- so a few months later, it was my turn to host. 
Martinez barricaded himself in the office with our dog in the beginning while us girls talked about everything except the book we read.  Toward the end of the night, he braved up and came out.  I noticed that he kept awkwardly taking glimpses of D, but I couldn't figure it out.

After everyone left, Martinez aggressively started questioning me about D.

Who was that girl, the one with dark brown hair. Not V, but the other one with short brown hair.

It's D. Beecher.

No, that's D. Pyron.

No, that's D. Beecher.

No, I know her.  It's D. Pyron.

No, I've seen her last name on an email list, and anyway, why do you think she's D. Pyron.

Ohhhhh....oh my gosh.....that is D. Pyron...but it's Beecher now.

I'll explain all that now.... D. Pyron was Martinez' friend/fellow church member/and girlfriend years ago.  I met Martinez through another friend (K) who is Martinez' sister.  I had heard the name D. Pyron several times, as her family went to church with Martinez' family and they were all friends.  I knew all sorts of things about a person I had never met knowing that this girl had married and moved to OK.
Anyway, I started putting the pieces together and realized that this was the same girl and I had no idea!
I immediately called K who laughed hysterically for what seemed like an hour.

D and I spoke about all of this over the next couple of days and we are great friends.  She had already figured out who I was, though I was in my own world as usual and had no clue.

It's funny how you meet people sometimes and I'm so thankful we can laugh about it..especially since it's pretty hilarious that Martinez was sweatin' it in his office for a few hours wondering why his ex-girlfriend was in his living room having dinner with his wife in a completely different state:)

Martinez, did you just relive that pit in your stomach?

D and I often have dinner's out and now we both have two precious little girls that we hope will be great friends too!! The hours pass so quickly when we are together and I'm so happy to have her! We both love our little families more than anything and can literally talk for hours. D is such a great wife and mom and a lifelong friend and I adore her.

And of course The DeShazo can't go without mention in this photo....oh wait... I already told you she shaves her legs at work.

Our little ones runnin' the mall...

 and dinner...

some older photos..

Another one of my greatest friends is coming this weekend and I can't wait !!  D & W will be here Friday and I'm sure we will have a great weekend....
D is one of those friends that I don't see very often anymore, but it doesn't seem to matter how many months or weeks are in between visits because we pick right back up.  She's helped see me through infertility and cried with me and I've helped her through a deployment and cried with her.  I have several stories to share about us..well, I can't really share them b/c most are inappropriate...but in a good way:)

D recently sent me this photo with some beautiful words afterwards.  I started crying b/c I truly realized how meaningful our friendship is (not that I discounted it before)...but all the memories of sitting and eating dinners while watching housewives, playing nerts, and going out on dates with our hubbies came rushing in.

Can't wait till this weekend !

We had dinner with two fabulous couples on Sunday and then played ladder ball ...briefly....since it was scalding outside and David started glistening.
Martinez and I actually made an edible steak!!! Thanks Pinterest!!!
Sweet M, D & Hope gave us a precious house warming gift that was hung immediately.  Not only is it turquoise which makes it fantastic instantly- it has the words of one of my favorite hymns...

Photos over the last weekish..

Being silly...

Bowling at daddy's work thing...

Sheer beauty..

Me and my girl...who decided to look away

So.... after The DeShazo and I weigh in on Friday...a new challenge begins. Another two week challenge...No cokes....I'm feeling light-headed about this. I love cokes....and depend on them... and The DeShazo knows it and I'm pretty sure she's gonna enjoy my suffering for 14 days like I've enjoyed her suffering from not weighing.
I explained to her that this is a tall order for me....and that I needed the burn in my throat from the coke.  She didn't take any pity on me, as she offered to punch me in the throat to create the burn.

We shall see if I can do this...but I feel like I'm obligated to see it through .....since I talked her into the scale and vegetarian challenge and she followed through....

LG and I 'got our hair did' today... she loves being pampered...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

* Sorry for the typos*