One more morning between The DeShazo and I weighing.... We've both kept our commitment...but it's been hard.
I have succeeded in not eating gelato in the last two weeks... mostly b/c I consumed three pints in three days the weekend before this whole scale thing started and I sensed I might have a problem:)
Since my last post, I've learned that The DeShazo needs therapy. Some serious therapy.
Why yes, my friends. The DeShazo shaves at work....with scissors.
Now you see why she needs therapy. It was broad daylight.
I'm also wondering if my husband may need therapy, as he wrote a blog post last night....out of the blue......and he was ranting. I thoroughly enjoyed it...mostly b/c he was ranting in public and most people think Martinez is "so quiet" and "so sweet" all the time. I'm not sure how many times I've heard everyone can see he has quite the opinion. I mean... he is quiet and very sweet...but he does speak and things do annoy him too. (I'm thinking now of how people are always like "He's so does he put up with you?" you know! He just doesn't tell everyone like I do:))))
I can't wait to see if his next rant will be about how he despises seeing kissy face pics or recipes on fb, or seeing constant bible verses posted on some ppl's timelines while posting their clubbing pics right underneath or the amount of trash/reality tv his wife watches, as I know that all these are at the top of his annoyance list.
And no, I'm not judging or calling anyone out about clubbing and posting bible verses, so don't get your panties all twisted.
So... I posted about our new bikes recently and how I am a total weakling and couldn't get up a hill b/c my thighs were screaming at me for torturing them....and about how my bike was broken.
Martinez got me a new bike...that works....and guess what....I still didn't make it up the hill:) At least for a few days...but now, I can!!!!! I still have two more hills to tackle, but getting up the biggest one first was my goal and I made it! Now if I can make the entire loop I'll be super pumped!!!
When Martinez went to get me a new bike, he asked what my requirements were. I told him I was in no way qualified to choose one since the one I chose before was messed up....but that it had to have a seat that I could fit on and and be comfy. a huge seat !!! All I could do is laugh....because I know his thoughts about how big my rear is now. Props to Martinez for having the cahonies to actually straight-faced bring the big seat through the door. What can I say? Romance at its finest:)
I also mentioned last post about having dinner with a friend. D and I met about 5 1/2 years ago....and the story of our friendship is pretty strange and weird to some people, but funny to us and we treasure it.....and the memory of Martinez' profusely sweatin' out the night.
Once upon a time, The DeShazo and one of her friends decided to start a book club. Our first meeting was just a few girls and then each time more girls would come. It was either the second or third meeting that D came. I had heard her in a conversation say that she was from Arkansas...and that her dad was a I was learning bits and pieces about her. We would alternate people's homes to meet at or restaurants- so a few months later, it was my turn to host.
Martinez barricaded himself in the office with our dog in the beginning while us girls talked about everything except the book we read. Toward the end of the night, he braved up and came out. I noticed that he kept awkwardly taking glimpses of D, but I couldn't figure it out.
After everyone left, Martinez aggressively started questioning me about D.
Who was that girl, the one with dark brown hair. Not V, but the other one with short brown hair.
It's D. Beecher.
No, that's D. Pyron.
No, that's D. Beecher.
No, I know her. It's D. Pyron.
No, I've seen her last name on an email list, and anyway, why do you think she's D. Pyron.
Ohhhhh....oh my gosh.....that is D. Pyron...but it's Beecher now.
I'll explain all that now.... D. Pyron was Martinez' friend/fellow church member/and girlfriend years ago. I met Martinez through another friend (K) who is Martinez' sister. I had heard the name D. Pyron several times, as her family went to church with Martinez' family and they were all friends. I knew all sorts of things about a person I had never met knowing that this girl had married and moved to OK.
Anyway, I started putting the pieces together and realized that this was the same girl and I had no idea!
I immediately called K who laughed hysterically for what seemed like an hour.
D and I spoke about all of this over the next couple of days and we are great friends. She had already figured out who I was, though I was in my own world as usual and had no clue.
It's funny how you meet people sometimes and I'm so thankful we can laugh about it..especially since it's pretty hilarious that Martinez was sweatin' it in his office for a few hours wondering why his ex-girlfriend was in his living room having dinner with his wife in a completely different state:)
Martinez, did you just relive that pit in your stomach?
D and I often have dinner's out and now we both have two precious little girls that we hope will be great friends too!! The hours pass so quickly when we are together and I'm so happy to have her! We both love our little families more than anything and can literally talk for hours. D is such a great wife and mom and a lifelong friend and I adore her.
And of course The DeShazo can't go without mention in this photo....oh wait... I already told you she shaves her legs at work.
Our little ones runnin' the mall...
and dinner...
some older photos..
Another one of my greatest friends is coming this weekend and I can't wait !! D & W will be here Friday and I'm sure we will have a great weekend....
D is one of those friends that I don't see very often anymore, but it doesn't seem to matter how many months or weeks are in between visits because we pick right back up. She's helped see me through infertility and cried with me and I've helped her through a deployment and cried with her. I have several stories to share about us..well, I can't really share them b/c most are inappropriate...but in a good way:)
D recently sent me this photo with some beautiful words afterwards. I started crying b/c I truly realized how meaningful our friendship is (not that I discounted it before)...but all the memories of sitting and eating dinners while watching housewives, playing nerts, and going out on dates with our hubbies came rushing in.
Can't wait till this weekend !
We had dinner with two fabulous couples on Sunday and then played ladder ball ...briefly....since it was scalding outside and David started glistening.
Martinez and I actually made an edible steak!!! Thanks Pinterest!!!
Sweet M, D & Hope gave us a precious house warming gift that was hung immediately. Not only is it turquoise which makes it fantastic instantly- it has the words of one of my favorite hymns...
Photos over the last weekish..
Being silly...
Bowling at daddy's work thing...
Sheer beauty..
Me and my girl...who decided to look away
So.... after The DeShazo and I weigh in on Friday...a new challenge begins. Another two week challenge...No cokes....I'm feeling light-headed about this. I love cokes....and depend on them... and The DeShazo knows it and I'm pretty sure she's gonna enjoy my suffering for 14 days like I've enjoyed her suffering from not weighing.
I explained to her that this is a tall order for me....and that I needed the burn in my throat from the coke. She didn't take any pity on me, as she offered to punch me in the throat to create the burn.
We shall see if I can do this...but I feel like I'm obligated to see it through .....since I talked her into the scale
and vegetarian challenge and she followed through....
LG and I 'got our hair did' today... she loves being pampered...
Until Next Time....
Ma'dam Martinez
* Sorry for the typos*