First off....I'm still mourning the loss of Will Gardner. If you haven't watched The Good Wife...I'm not sure you should catch it up now. You can read about my obsession with it here.
I sat in bed and cried when I realized Will was killed and bawled my eyes. Meanwhile, Martinez looked at me like I was a complete lunatic.
The look intensified when I was crying out "How will Diane move on?" ..."Alicia's heart will be broken forever!"...and when I was frantically texting The DeShazo about this devastation.
The week also resulted in the dreaded, horrid, terrible, "yearly" appointment. For those three for sure people that have kept up with my rambling, you may remember my awful "surprise" at last year's visit. If not, feel free to bring those memories back here.
For the record, it happened again...and I still didn't have the nerve to confront her about this. It's so completely humiliating that I lose my speaking capabilities.
Ok, so I am planning a simple, Cinderella birthday party for LG. She loves Cinderella.
I have my heart set on this cake.
I also have my heart set on making it myself.
I've discovered that it's a good thing I've decided to start practicing making it 8 weeks in advance.....because the first trial run = horrid !!!
I started out super excited and pleased with how my icing turned out. It's a fabulous buttercream...fabulous. Since I have to be in bed by 9 every night, I had to make the cake/icing one day and decorate the next.
Phase 1 & 2 complete...
Yesterday was "decorating" day. It was a failed attempt. Not only did I not have the right tip....I didn't have a clue on the "technique". After two hours of attempts/wiping it off/starting over/watching youtube videos, I gave up for this trial run....and I was even more annoyed when I looked down and realized that apparently I didn't twist my pastry bag together good enough and icing came out of it and all down my shirt...when meant it was also all over cabinets and well....everywhere else too.
I did the honorable thing.
I shoved the biggest spoonful of icing in my mouth and savored it (Jen A., if you just read that....please exhale)....
and then I got angry because that probably will cause a pound weight gain....
so I did another honorable thing.....
I stabbed the cake with my spatula, while Martinez's eyes quickly dart to the ceiling and back to see if cake splattered on it before focusing on me as if I was a lunatic for the second time this week.
I then came to my senses and put the portion of cake that was damaged in the drain and then sent a ton of cake over to the neighbors so that I wouldn't continue to shove anymore down my throat.
First attempt resulted in a lot of lessons...most of all... I learned I can make a mean buttercream icing....
and this little one enjoyed it.....
I've also learned this week that my PIC can't eat apples without an apple slicer....and when she had to improvise....this was the result.....
Until Next Time,
Ma'dam Martinez