I won't have any photos because I've not updated Google + in a loonnngg time.
Much thought has gone into Livi going to school. We moved 3 years ago with a main reason to be in this specific school district and while sending her to school is sad- it's also exciting and a blessing to watch her grow.
Due to our work schedules and lack of family around, we hired someone who will pick her up from school. I've arranged with my boss to adjust my time in the office in order to take her to school (thanks Rick !)... Along with many other details/ plans - just like all parents do!
An additional detail that most of you are able to forego- practice driving to school .🙄
My close peeps are understanding this, as I get lost in malls, parking lots, large buildings, etc.
I practiced physically and mentally. Which roads will I take there? Which roads back to Angela's? Which way is faster ?
The first day of school started off fabulous. I had succeeded at getting everyone up on time because being late kills me.
Well, that's not true. We had 45 minutes to spare.... And 45 minutes is just inside that window of being too comfortable.
That should have been my sign.
Liv's clothes were ironed, our Pinterest mimicked first day of school sign was prepared and photos were taken.... So off we went.
Let's just say I didn't practice enough.
I was listening to the radio- and realized much too late that I missed my road. This seems to happen a lot.....but today wasn't a great day for this to happen.
Inner panic occurred. I called The DeShazo who cheerfully got me turned around and assured me I wouldn't be late, because after all, it wasn't even 8:10 yet- which is the earliest drop off.
I made it to the school, only to find there is nowhere to park. Nowhere.
So, I called The DeShazo as I'm turning around, ready to flee.
She tells me to park my car on the road and calm down.
I get everybody out, put Beckham on my hip and to the classroom we went.
Livi's teacher seems absolutely awesome.
I get B strapped in, spend what seems like forever trying to get through traffic and head to Angela's.
Unfortunately, I got behind a slow car and I turned down d different road.
Big mistake. I got lost.
This time, I called Martinez. Who did not answer. I got a response via text saying he was in a meeting, so guess who I called a third time ?😁
She makes sure I'm going right.
I get to Angela's, exit my car..... And lock it. With keys inside..... And the baby.
I break into hysterics.
I ran (yes I run in emergencies !) into Angela's and scream that I've locked my baby in the car.
I'm sweating, I'm crying, I'm freezing.... I'm. A. Lunatic.
Let me be clear - B was not hot or without air! And he was asleep !
Angela is laughing so much she can't breathe. Somehow, that calmed me down. (And Angela is fabulous so don't think she was being mean!!)
I call The DeShazo a 4th time (after I had texted Martinez that I locked up our son ").
She laughs- throws out suggestions- listens to my dramatic state.
Ultimately, Angela called the fire department. My baby was rescued and slept through the whole thing.... And I was a basket case.
In the midst of my hysterics and the phone calls, my boss texted me about a case to which I responded " I can't deal with that right now"....and then realized that I wanted to keep my status as "employed" ...so I followed it with " I locked my baby in the car with my keys".
It looked like I stole a baby. He was in Liv's old pink/flowered car seat, I couldn't answer any questions from the fireman about my car. I was a mess. I mean, I don't think about where my buttons on my car are located....but now I do :)
Thankfully, when I asked them if they kept a black book with people's names who do this - they said no.
(They probably made a file with my name on it though)
To the OKC Fire Dept- thank you! You guys were so awesome and nice and fast. You do not get enough credit and I wish I had your names !
It was an off day. I brought my lunch and tried to stick it in the microwave instead of the fridge.
I also took out the earbuds I
Other people have these days....right???
And after picking up my sweet girl from this first day - here are some quotes:
"They have a bathroom there !!!!"
"There's this thing called a cafeteria, and you eat lunch there!"
"My teacher has a magic wand !"
She had a great day and I'm thankful for all the teachers who dedicate themselves to educating kids.
There are so many details and extra things they do.
I appreciate you !
And I actually talked to The DeShazo a 5th time.
So long and I'm sure I have many typos....
Ma'dam Martinez