So I won't.
I've had lots of things to say, but I just haven't been in the mood to write them....until now.
I'm annoyed about Elf on the Shelf.
I said it.
Would it be wrong to create an elf funeral seen?
Here's the deal, I read an article that's floating around Facebook about some parents who stuck their elf in the freezer...which led to the mom saying that some mom's are overachieving with elf scenarios and making them look bad.
This made me analyze my own elf thoughts.
I have a love/hate relationship with Elf.....and yes, Elf is what sweet LG has named hers. Don't ya just love her originality?
Let me begin by saying that I purchased Elf because I didn't want LG to be "left out" or for her to "miss out" on something.
Of course I went to Pinterest for elf on the shelf ideas and made a note in my phone of ones that I liked or that LG could understand.
The first two days, it was fun.
It then became a chore.
I feel as though it's difficult to find appropriate ideas for a 2 1/2 old to understand, while also not being too messy:)
Combine that with having to make sure it's done before she wakes and getting appropriate pictures is almost too much pressure!!
The article I read referenced the picture taking portion. Anyone who knows me or that has stalked my Facebook or anyone who reads this blog for that matter knows that I take more pictures than necessary. I take them constantly...and while I know it's annoying to some people....I continue to post them b/c they are for us and for our family and friends that live away so they can watch her grow. I want to have the memories of her growing up for years to I'll take them until I no longer have a camera:)
Anyway, I'm tired of Elf. The DeShazo has informed me that as LG gets older, I won't have to work as hard and then I can just move her around.
I think this is her attempt to keep me from cutting Elf into pieces with a butcher knife.
She handed out candy bags today.....which I'm totally gonna "re-gift" to LG from Elf tomorrow. I know, I'm being a baby.
My last thought about this whole thing....I've seen some people say things like " We don't do elf on the shelf because we want to teach our kid the real meaning of Christmas".....this makes me want have five elfs....I know...I'm totally contradicting myself.
It's no different than Santa....and you can still teach your child the true meaning.
I've so gained four pounds since my last post. I hate yummy holiday food.
My solution to this? Starting January, my friend D will be "teaching" me to run. Let's see how this goes. I'm worried, I'm scared....and desperately trying to think of ways to get out of this. I'm a champ of getting out of things that require any sort of exercise. I've got a few excuses up me sleeve.....and yes, I'm being ridiculous and realize it.
I leave you with this...
Until Next Time....
Ma'dam Martinez
** excuse the typos***