The last couple of days have been mentally draining.
Tornadoes are horrid and have destroyed a few cities around us two days in a row.
Heartbreaking and devastating are words that fail to describe the tragedy in Oklahoma right now. I cannot fathom the feelings of those who have lost not only their homes and belongings, but their loved ones.
While people in our area are trying to uplift others and help out, there is still an understood sadness among us all that brings tears and nausea in seconds.
Today, I am thankful for the life of my husband and child.
I am thankful for our home.
I am thankful to have water and electricity.
I am thankful that the path of the tornado turned and missed our home by 3 miles, though I'm sad for those who were hurt and affected because of it.
I am thankful for the love, care and overwhelming number of calls/texts/msg's from friends and family (both here and away) who knew our home was originally in the path.
I am thankful that Kevin was safe at his job and that his new job provided a safe place for LG and I during the storm....and I'm thankful for families also in the bank who were so sweet to LG and allowed her to play with them.
I am thankful to be an Oklahoman....part of state that has been so quick to support the victims of this devastation. I've still considered myself an Arkansan in my head for a while now. I equate almost everything to "how we'd do it in Arkansas" and The DeShazo constantly reminds me that I've been in Oklahoma for almost six years every time I make that statement.
I am thankful for the traffic I was caught in yesterday as I was traveling to meet Kevin for a belated birthday dinner. This traffic was due to the drop off site for donations by Penn Square Mall....a site that had cars constantly turning in and dropping sackfuls of items off for the victims.
I am thankful for the Red Cross and others who have dedicated hours, manpower and funds to our State.
I am thankful for the Media..including Facebook for sending out photos of children & parents who need to be reconnected.
Please pray for our state. I remember hearing about the Tornado in Joplin a couple of years ago. I recall feeling sad for those victims...but the sadness of actually knowing people who have lost their homes, ect is totally different.
Until Next Time...
Ma'dam Martinez
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I Can't Think Of A Title :)
Tonight was kickboxing!
Martinez was held up at work, so I was a few minutes late, but thankfully, only missed the warm-up. Trainer Rob was back, which meant another circuit workout of sorts. We did lunges with weights, split jumps?( I have no idea if I just typed the correct name), jogs, some other kind of jumps and wall sits....all out in the hot sun.
I haven't been to kickboxing in 12 days (thanks to the stomach bug) and I could tell it.
Here's how I felt...

Martinez was held up at work, so I was a few minutes late, but thankfully, only missed the warm-up. Trainer Rob was back, which meant another circuit workout of sorts. We did lunges with weights, split jumps?( I have no idea if I just typed the correct name), jogs, some other kind of jumps and wall sits....all out in the hot sun.
I haven't been to kickboxing in 12 days (thanks to the stomach bug) and I could tell it.
Here's how I felt...
only I forgot my water...again.
We did a different type of wall sit tonight...partner wall sits. One of you would sit on the wall, legs spread, while the other balanced their body with hands only on your partners knees and did squats. I don't really think my description is really close...but I'm not sure how to describe it. All I know, is that my partner was a skinny little thing that I'm pretty sure I outweigh by 70lbs or so. I was so afraid I was gonna break her, but if you're wondering, I didn't :) She's tough.
All I could hear was Trainer R walking around singing and saying, "Get in your happy place." What? Ain't nobody happy!
After all that mess, inside we go for kickboxing. Trainer Rob had us doing some awkward variations, but I was pouring sweat like no other, so I know it was working. We were doing punches with knee kicks and the other kicks we learned weeks ago and then punches again repeatedly. Whenever the knee kicks were happening, you were supposed to grab your partner's head with your gloves. I'm gonna be real honest, I had to sniff my pits to make sure I should do this. I didn't want to kill my partner since my pit would be right by her face. Thankfully, the extra swipes of deodorant paid off.......I think. Right Adrianna?????? No, really???
After punches, we were instructed to get down and lay on our backs. WHAT?
Here come the abs again...those flutter kicks(sigh...I'm still working on these), Russian twists (WHAT??- Thank you Lynsey and Jaime for working with me on those after class!), something else I forgot, sit-ups with a partner wherein you interlock ankles and "sit-up" and punch right to left and repeat, and more things I forgot. I'm pretty sure Adrianna and I were pimps at the first round of the sit-ups....but not so much the last two rounds....
After class.... group photo of those who hadn't left..
We are pretty much the coolest people ever. Ok, so maybe not, but I promise this place is fun, even though it hurts. I can't thank The Machine enough for getting me involved in this. I feel awesome and I've really starting making new friendships and meeting new people! You would think I would know more people after living here almost 6 years...but let's face it.... Martinez and I don't get out much:)
R-1 MMA is awesome ! They are having a Grand Opening on Saturday and I'm sure it'll be fun!
So, I have to tell you guys about my discovery. Martinez and I were laying in bed last week and I discovered my new muscles!!! For real!!! I have tiny little arm muscles now that I didn't have before this class...and I'm acting like they are this big....
Just ask Martinez when you get the chance, I haven't stopped flexing them. As soon as I discovered them I shot up in bed and made him feel em'.... and then I went to work the next day and showed everyone.. and made them feel em' too. It is what it is.
It's ok to be jealous folks.. no, really, it is.
Back in the day, you know, 6 ish years ago when I was an Arkansan, I had some muscles from hauling hay for my dad. I could throw those bales pretty good and hang with the an extent, but then I moved to Oklahoma, chopped off my hair and got fat. I'm two pounds away from weighing 20 lbs less than when Martinez and I married! BOOM BOOM!
Day 2 of the part-time vegetarian diet this week is killing me. I just want a piece of meat!!!! One of the girls mentioned that someone (one of the guy fighters) had brought in a McDonald's bag. I'm not gonna lie, I seriously considered stopping by the McDonald's by my house on the home and inhaling a burger or five...I mean, no one would know....but I vowed to never eat fries or burgers from there again a few months ago. So far, I've been successful. Instead, I came home and scrambled two eggs and had a piece of 50 cal toast with 0 cal butter.
After kickboxing, I want to eat the house down...every..single...time. I've eaten two turkey dogs, a peanut butter waffle and a bowl of cereal after class one sitting. It's like I'm starving! As I'm typing this, I'm thinking about those skinny cow bars in the freezer...and those jalapeno chips...oh man, I'm getting distracted...
I think I'll just go to bed instead.
Until Next Time.....
Ma'dam Martinez
*As always, sorry for the typos!*
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Weigh-In Friday #2...a day late:)
Words to describe this week: busy/frustrating/whirlwind/fun. Makes no sense.
Tuesday resulted in a stomach bug that brought no puke, no bathroom issues...just the stomach pain that lands you in the fetal position in your bed for hours, along with fever. Martinez thought that day one of my partial vegetarian diet had attempted to kill me. Thankfully, he was wrong. This stomach bug ruined my kickboxing dates this week and I'm really unhappy about that, but we are about to start a new week so YAY!
I did accomplish no meat for four days...not even tuna. I ate very little Tues & Wed due to the stomach bug...but I will tell you that all I wanted was a spicy chicken sandwich from Chic-Fil-A in the worst way. I'm not sure this week was a good view of how I would normally do since I had no appetite for two days. I'm a girl who thinks about what snack I'm gonna have next, while I'm eating this week wasn't a fair attempt and I'm gonna try again this week...but only Monday-Thursday. Friday, I woke up and the first thing I could think about was a sausage biscuit. This southern girl loves meat. It is what it is.
Weigh-In Friday at Rice Law Firm...162.2 for yours truly!!! 2 pounds down. BOOM BOOM. Thank you stomach bug.
This upcoming week will be busy for us. Prayers are appreciated this week as Martinez will be completing his final two classes and earning his Bachelor's!!!!!!!
Now, we won't be hypocrites when we tell LG that her little rear will be attending college.
Friday was super busy. LG had another follow-up apt to check her ears (they are clear!!!), Martinez had a work/promotion thingy which was seeing a private viewing of Iron Man 3 that I was able to attend as well, and a dinner date. It was fun.
It was chilly yesterday, so I had issues finding something to wear. I ended up wearing one of the hubs button- ups. He says to me, " You look really good" when I told him I had gotten a new shirt. He had no clue it was his. I believe I may not be alone in the nonobservant world.
Our Saturday has been productive. LG allowed us to sleep in, we've cleaned, sorted through LG's toys again to weed out those she no longer plays with, took a nap, and I was able to get some prep work done for week ahead. Now I need to catch up my DVR.
I also went through my closet again and weeded out clothes that are too big :):) Super YAY. I had a pair or two of shorts that I tried on and they are in the giveaway box.
When your husband tells you those shorts make you look like you have a "wide load", you should purge them.
That's free advice for you ladies.
Until Next Time....
Ma'dam Martinez
* As always, sorry for the typos!*
Tuesday resulted in a stomach bug that brought no puke, no bathroom issues...just the stomach pain that lands you in the fetal position in your bed for hours, along with fever. Martinez thought that day one of my partial vegetarian diet had attempted to kill me. Thankfully, he was wrong. This stomach bug ruined my kickboxing dates this week and I'm really unhappy about that, but we are about to start a new week so YAY!
I did accomplish no meat for four days...not even tuna. I ate very little Tues & Wed due to the stomach bug...but I will tell you that all I wanted was a spicy chicken sandwich from Chic-Fil-A in the worst way. I'm not sure this week was a good view of how I would normally do since I had no appetite for two days. I'm a girl who thinks about what snack I'm gonna have next, while I'm eating this week wasn't a fair attempt and I'm gonna try again this week...but only Monday-Thursday. Friday, I woke up and the first thing I could think about was a sausage biscuit. This southern girl loves meat. It is what it is.
Weigh-In Friday at Rice Law Firm...162.2 for yours truly!!! 2 pounds down. BOOM BOOM. Thank you stomach bug.
This upcoming week will be busy for us. Prayers are appreciated this week as Martinez will be completing his final two classes and earning his Bachelor's!!!!!!!
Now, we won't be hypocrites when we tell LG that her little rear will be attending college.
Friday was super busy. LG had another follow-up apt to check her ears (they are clear!!!), Martinez had a work/promotion thingy which was seeing a private viewing of Iron Man 3 that I was able to attend as well, and a dinner date. It was fun.
It was chilly yesterday, so I had issues finding something to wear. I ended up wearing one of the hubs button- ups. He says to me, " You look really good" when I told him I had gotten a new shirt. He had no clue it was his. I believe I may not be alone in the nonobservant world.
Our Saturday has been productive. LG allowed us to sleep in, we've cleaned, sorted through LG's toys again to weed out those she no longer plays with, took a nap, and I was able to get some prep work done for week ahead. Now I need to catch up my DVR.
I also went through my closet again and weeded out clothes that are too big :):) Super YAY. I had a pair or two of shorts that I tried on and they are in the giveaway box.
When your husband tells you those shorts make you look like you have a "wide load", you should purge them.
That's free advice for you ladies.
Until Next Time....
Ma'dam Martinez
* As always, sorry for the typos!*
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