Monday, April 29, 2013

Randoms and Day 1 of a Vegetarian Diet

Martinez and I had a very busy, yet fun weekend!  We were able to go see 42...go see it guys.  It's an owner.  We also attended a wedding reception for one of Kev's old co-workers and had a great time. Jeans were acceptable, so in the words of Phil Robertson, I was happy, happy, happy.

Sunday was church and then a super fun afternoon with our SS peeps and their families.  Our Easter Egg hunt had been cancelled and so it was rescheduled for this weekend...the kids had a blast.

Random thought...
Annoying/ridiculous things seem to happen to me at the most inopportune times.  Sometimes, things I could prevent if I was the least bit observant. Martinez and I laugh about this all the time.  Things always happen to me.
For instance, Martinez and I got popcorn at the theater on Saturday.  We never get popcorn.  I'm a pro at sneaking in my own drinks and candy, but I didn't prepare this time.  So...the buttery, scrumptious popcorn with 5 million calories was purchased. Afterwards, we headed to the reception.  As I was freshening my makeup, I looked down and realized that I had a huge stain on my white undershirt. So, naturally, I assessed the situation...

and realized...

I had dropped popcorn down my shirt, didn't know, and now had a horrid stain.  Not good, considering the whole point of this undershirt was to keep my tatas from hanging out and looking like a skank.  So...I did what anyone in this situation would do.  I pulled my undershirt down and let the tatas fall where they may.  After all, a sight would have been seen either way.  At least my clothes looked clean.

Another ridiculous/non-observant thing...
Mamaw U. already knows about this...
Last Thursday, while getting ready for kickboxing, I realized I had my underwear on backwards. Now, I've blogged before about how I have a bad habit of this and wearing them inside out.  I have no idea why.  I decided to leave them since I'd already worn them all day.  What's another hour or two right?  Well, after bouncing around the grocery store shopping for my 4 day partial/pretend vegetarian diet like a pimp, I got home and got ready to shower....and realized.... not only did I have my undies on backwards.....but I had been wearing my panties as a thong...backwards.

That discovery explained so much. There's just nothing left to say about that.

Another example...
I was dumped on Christmas Eve once.  Who does that?? I should have known that a guy who enjoys wearing a kilt, Irish or not, wasn't the one.

Another example...
At Christmas one year, I was sitting on the couch beside my sister-in-law.  I won't tell you which one b/c she  lived through this embarrassment once...and that's enough.:) Anyway, I was sitting there and I don't remember if she was looking for something, if I was looking or if something was lost in general and we were all looking....It doesn't matter....all I know is that without thinking, I lifted the blanket that was covering her while she was nursing her baby not even realizing what was happening until she pulled it back down.  As I am typing this, I remember feeling ridiculous.
Always happens to me....and in this case....her.
I've never lifted anything around anyone who was nursing since.

Day 1 as a pretend vegetarian..

Bf - iced Cafe Latte - 70 cal
       pb bagel thin     - 195 cal

lunch- my version of a southwest salad... w/o meat, cheese or corn (too high cal!) -340 cal

snack- Greek yogurt (honey)-130 cal

Dinner- Skinny Alfredo - 246 cal
             bread                 -50 cal

leftover cake from the SS party - 2 million cal

I also decided to try to go the whole day with no Diet Dr. Pepper.  Surprisingly, I was awake.  Everyday around 1pm, I get so tired. I usually take a 2 hour nap on Saturdays and another on Sundays- which means I'm lacking sleep and caffeine.  Maybe all the DDP is actually putting me to sleep??? Let's see if I can go another day.

Ok... I've told you guys that I gain 3-5 pounds each weekend.  This weekend...only 1 pound....I blame the fact that we drove by Pinkitzel on the way home from the reception and I had no choice but to indulge in a decadent cupcake at 10ish...after eating fantastic fajitas.
It is what it is ....and I'm sure whichever trainer we have tomorrow at kickboxing will make me wish cupcakes didn't exist.

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

*As always, sorry for the typos!*

Friday, April 26, 2013

Weigh-In Friday #1


The day has arrived....Weigh -in Friday at Rice Law Firm!

164.2 was my number.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed in that number.  After kickboxing last night, I really thought I'd be back to 162ish.  We worked hard, and I personally tried hard, so I'm hoping there is an explanation for this.  At least I didn't gain though!  I don't want to have to pay the pot!
Our office, along with the salon sistas in the back has lost 13 lbs this week!  Yay for weight loss!

On Tuesday, I knew that a few girls would be gone for various commitments.  Since The Machine was soaking up some sun in Florida, I didn't plan on coming, until I told that to a sweet girl who works her butt off at kickboxing.  She encouraged me to come.  When Thursday rolled around, the nerves came and I wanted to skip. Then, another sweet girl who as worked so hard that she's thrown up before passed out some encouragement, so I acted like a grown up and went. I know I said that Tuesday was the best experience there that I'd had, but now I think last night was... and mostly b/c I went without The Machine, my safety net, being there.
There were only four of us....four newbies.  This worked out perfectly b/c it's hard to keep up if you don't know the moves.  We got personal instruction last night and it was awesome.  I feel much more confident.  I will tell you that I woke up several times last night with my arms I know it's working:)  Trainer Jared worked us hard!

After workout photo..

Flutter kicks...
Martinez doesn't know this yet, but he's gonna be working with me on these.  The other girls can do this so well.  You have to lay on your back and hold your legs 6 inches off the ground.....straight.... and then alternate your legs up and down, but without touching the floor...and without bending your knees too much.  Right now, I do not have the strength to do this...and it's aggravating.  I'm on a mission to get this down.  The girls said your core has to be strengthened to do this I've got some work to do:)

I'm just gonna go ahead and put it out there...I'm really not interesting in perfecting a Burpee.

So, at the office yesterday, The DeShazo and I were talking about how we feel better when eating clean.  We've taken a break from eating at different sandwich shops around town and critiquing them and we feel much better.  I just realized I said "town"...southeast AR just came out of me...guess I should have said "city" instead. Anyway, this whole conversation lead to wondering how it would feel to eat a vegetarian diet for a little while.  So....we are becoming vegetarians. Well, part-time vegetarians.  Ok, so only for four days ... Monday -Thursday next week.
Actually, we are becoming partial part-time vegetarians...since The DeShazo almost broke out in hives with the thought of not having any tuna. So, fish is included!
I had already planned to go to the grocery store after class last night, but this vegetarian idea changed my menu.  It's kinda scary the thoughts we have at work b/c a lot are put into rubbing lotion with cocoa on your body for a tan.
I won't tell you who did that.

Ok ya'll, please tell me I'm not the only person who has seen some skinny girl in the grocery store after work... in her workout clothes....putting healthy food in her buggy cart (sorry! south AR just came back again) while you keep bumping into her with your cart filled with bbq chips, oreos and powdered donuts??!!??
That happens to me ALL the time... and then I wish I was like that.
Last night, that was me...except the skinny part!  I pretty much felt like a pimp as I bounced around getting things for my practice vegetarian week...and...I pretty much checked out my sweaty body, disheveled hair and red face the whole way down the produce wall in those slanted mirrors.
It is what it is folks.
I will say, going grocery shopping after a workout did change my choices...of everything.  It's scary really. Maybe it's b/c I would feel like I fake if I dressed the part and then went the opposite direction with my food choices.

Back to my weigh in today.. I really hope my lack of losing an extra pound is from getting home so late and eating dinner...even though it was only a 1/2c of my new friend, edamame.  I had to wait in line forever...which resulted in purchasing this...

If they can't make it, what's happening in this world?????!!

Busy weekend ahead for the Martinez family.. Movie for the hubs and I, then a wedding reception to attend, then church and SS family fun day!  Hopefully, I won't make my usual weekend screw-up and gain 3-5 pounds. 

Have a great weekend folks!

I leave you with this gorgeous thing...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

*As always, sorry for the typos!*

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Pieces To This Weight Loss Journey!

Hello Peeps!

I'm about to fall asleep, so I'm not promising complete thoughts for this post.  Well, as I think about that, I'm not sure I ever actually complete a thought because I get distracted by the smallest the chocolate I just saw on the bottom of my shirt.

Yes, if you are wondering, I just ate it.

I remembered earlier that I never updated you guys about my Dole issue.  In case you missed that post, here's what happened...

I received a letter saying to call The DeShazo and SSGT Seeley talked me into calling...which resulted in these beauties..

2 Free bags of salad up to $4.99 and 3 $.75 off coupons! Score!

Just to be clear, I was never rude...even when the rep on the phone advised that the stick had been sent to her bosses for review.  I never confronted her about how that couldn't possibly be the case since the stick is in my car....still:)  Perhaps my fascination with writing letters comes from working in a law office...where I see/hear the most random things.  I'm not really sure how that sentenced related to anything at all, but I've already explained my exhaustion.
Thanks for the coupons Dole!

So...I need to confess....

I ate the house down - weekend before last.....5 pounds worth... in three days.  I went from 162 to 167.  Mostly b/c Jen F made the most delicious dessert ever.. and because my hubs knows how to prepare for shark week..

..and because I had no self control.
It's a sad story...and yes, I regret EVERY.FREAKIN'.CRUMB.

The good news?  I lost three of the five gained- down to 164 pounds... thanks to watching calories and kickboxing!  Well..Kickboxing gets credit for 2 of the pounds lost.

Another confession...

Our office started a Biggest Loser Contest Friday.  Each person will weigh in, take a photo of their scale (toes included so we know it's really you) and it'll be recorded.  Every Friday, repeat the process.  If you maintained your weight or lost, great!  If you to be you because you owe the pot a buck for every pound gained.  Oh, and everyone had to pay an entry fee of 10 bucks. With the salon in the back of our office participating too, it's a nice little pot!
All of this info I've provided is so I can now explain why my weight on Friday was 166lbs...that would be four pounds up from my lowest number and two pounds up from my recovery from two weekends ago. I'm not sure that made sense.  Anyway, we binged on Oreos in the office and Chic-Fil-A on Thursday, so clearly a sleeve of oreos adds two pounds to my hips.  If I really try, I have a small shot at winning this thing. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and take everyone's money.... I do need to save for the next Steven Tyler concert:)  I really wish we would have done this contest last year when I weighed one would have had a shot!

Tonight's kickboxing class....

Different trainer....different workout.....different pain.

Tonight, I learned how to do swing knees, hippie-hoppies, cheerleaders, body squats and some actual kickboxing moves.  I'm pretty sure the next couple of days are going to be full of pain...I'm just hoping I sit on the toilet this week without having to hold the wall for support like I've had to do a couple of times since starting this.

Swing knees....
Trainer Ryan had us hold our arms up and grip the cage and then swing one leg backward as far as possible and bring it forward (knees up as high as you could) and then repeat. over..and over..and over...until I thought death was quickly approaching.  I could feel the air in my chest getting cold and my breathing hurting.....and I guess I stopped breathing b/c The Machine was in my ear "Breathe, Anna!  I like these! You can do it!" .  I think The Machine has lost her one should "like" those.
We got a break..60 seconds..and then it was swing knees alternated with cheerleaders in different intervals.  If you really want your legs to ache....just do that for what seems like forever.

Hippie Hoppies....
Trainer Ryan thought it would be fun for us to all go to the wall and jump up on our toes and touch the wall as high as we could....repeatedly...and when I say repeatedly... I mean IT.SUCKED.  For those of you thinking "Oh, that's easy" it....repeatedly... I dare you.  If it doesn't tire you out...then you aren't human, you need a therapist or you're lying.
Our break after those suckers....a wall sit.  A very long wall sit.  I'm not gonna lie, I didn't do well with the Hippie Hoppies OR the wall sit.  Trainer Ryan moves peoples legs and pulls your arms out if you are slackin'.  How do I know this? Well, I was slackin'...and when my legs were moved and my arms were moved and I was told to move my butt down the wall......pain like no other appeared out of no where.

These were like the jump squats (I may not have the right comparison...I just know Trainer Rob did something identical but it had a different name and I didn't like it then either).  I really don't do these well.  I have to seriously concentrate.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm concentrating too hard and trying to learn the moves perfectly, which in turn is screwing me up, but I really want to get this...not the cheerleaders...but this kickboxing thing!

Body Squats....
Trainer Rob did these with us once before.  The were also alternated with swing knees.  Not fun, but at least with these I didn't feel like my rolls were bouncing and jigglin' everywhere like I did with the cheerleaders.

On to the kickboxing moves...

We focused on jabs tonight...and proper stance and form.  Trainer Ryan had us get in a circle and he demonstrated our "move for the moment".  We were informed to really pay attention b/c we would be tested later.  He came to each person and gave instruction.  After that...the test....that I didn't really think would be a "test".  Each person....solo...had do to the jab move with proper form...meaning the footwork with the bounce, hands in the proper position protecting your face, chin down, outstretched jab... the whole nine yards.  Intimidating much??
If a person missed something, the whole team had to do a Burpee. I was third up and we had to do Burpee's twice already...So.... I tried to be clever and move myself to be any number except third and next, but Trainer Ryan didn't let that slide.  So...yep....more Burpee's.... I didn't hold my arms properly...

After our kickboxing tutorial and several Burpee's later, off to the boxing ring we go...for an ab workout.
New move....everyone had to get to the outer edge of the boxing ring and hang the first half of your body (he was nice and it wasn't quite half) off the ring/ that we were dangling.  This forced us to have to hold our bodies up...and no one could grab ropes for support.  That was hard....our heads had to be straight with our bodies....and it seemed like forever...but it was probably only for 15 seconds at a time.  I'm not sure how many we did.... but I can guarantee my stomach will be sore tomorrow.

I believe I produced more sweat tonight than I ever have.... so much so that I could have rang water out of my bra when I got home.  You are welcome for that lovely image.  If I thought about it, then you should have to picture it.  Only fair, right?
I must note a major difference in tonight's workout versus my other three visits....this trainer doesn't let you sit and stare when he's giving a demonstration.  Instead, jump and jacks are in order...while you watch the moves. 

The veteran girls, who need to be credited for their dedication and willingness to help us newbies, kept talking about jumping on punching bags and holding on.  The Machine and T demonstrated.  As I stood and watched...I just had this need to try it.  So.... I did.  Apparently, I forgot to grip my legs around the bag, along with my arms, which meant me and all my fat rolls slid right down the bag and hit the floor.  I'm pretty sure my rumpus may have even bounced me a little...but I couldn't even worry about my butt b/c I clotheslined the punching bag when I jumped and I didn't know if my throat was still there.  All I could do is laugh.  I'll need more instruction before I attempt that again.  If you've seen the episode of Ellen where she talks about people "koaling"..that's essentially the mental picture you should have...only with a punching bag.  I failed miserably.

I have to say, I'm enjoying the class more now.  I'm not sure if it's b/c the nervousness is slowly leaving or if I'm just really getting into this.  I've lost so much weight over the last year and four months and I want to lose more!  I'm not trying to be super skinny, but I feel so much better now that I can only imagine how it would feel to lose more.  I'm blessed to have a husband who willingly helps out at home and doesn't mind picking up some extra duties so that I can do Martinez:) I'm struggling with the time away from my family.  I know it's only an hour, but when you work all day...that hour at night is precious with husband and daughter.  Even though I'm feeling guilty about this, I know it will be the best thing b/c I will hopefully be adding years to my life by getting in shape and eating healthier.....except for shark weeks.

Peace out folks!  It's bedtime!

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

*As always, sorry for the typos*

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend recap!

Martinez and I had a fantastic weekend.  We left Thursday evening for TX to visit some of our dearest friends!  With LG having a doc appt Thursday afternoon and missing part of her afternoon nap, we decided to drive to Gainesville and spend the night, and then take her to the zoo there the next day.

She pretty much thought she was a pimp in the hotel...

                                     (and, yes, I packed Clorox wipes for cleaning things at the hotel)

But then asked to go home the next morning...

Instead of going home, she went to the zoo and she had blast!  Martinez and I learned that she thinks she's too big for a stroller now. So, she walked the whole zoo!

                                                                 Sassy Little Momma

                                                                      My Loves

                                                                    Feeding the goat...I think

A little shopping, lunch, and then a short drive to see Aunt D & Uncle W.  She was completely spoiled rotten the entire weekend.

Late night chat with Aunt D & Rabbit...


And someone else has now experienced LG stuffing pre-chewed food in their mouth other than Martinez and I :) How'd that soggy tortilla chip taste Uncle W??

She got to go shopping ...which resulted in several new outfits, some accessories and cowgirl boots.... and then a fun afternoon playing at the park thanks to Aunt D...

LG was fantastic in terms of her potty training.  While we were gone, she had two-completely dry nights- went "potty" in public places several times...with only 1 accident...though it was a real bad one.  Thankfully, we were back at the M's house when that one happened....since it resulted in poop ALL over me and dry-heaving from both Martinez and I ....while the M's were downstairs laughing hysterically. I believe I remember D running upstairs to witness the fiasco while I was standing in my shorts, tennis shoes and bra with watery eyes, while Martinez attempted to clean our child.

Martinez and I are exhausted, but had so much fun.  LG was worn out too... and fell asleep at 6 o'clock and slept til this morning !

                                                                        Sleeping Beauty

We are so thankful to have such great friends!  D & W are always there and fun to be around!

It's time for me to over-share.
I'm sure you're not surprised.

After my bowels decided not to work properly...and by 'not work properly' I mean Not.At.All. while in TX, the time came when driving home on a gas Marietta.  As if this happening on the road wasn't enough....the paper towel holder was on the OUTSIDE of the door...which was right beside the register.  Embarrassed much? Story of my life.

Ok guys..........

I've definitely committed....

and since I lost a pound the day after last week's class, I'm a believer.... 1 more down, making a 63 pound weight loss and a weight of 162! That makes me HAPPY!

I decided to get my own gloves, since the thought of sticking my hands in gloves where other people's sweaty hands/arms have been makes me nauseous..literally. I know they clean them folks...but I needed my own..with only my nasty sweat !

Martinez and I found some awesome deals at a Gap Outlet this weekend (don't worry... I didn't buy any mom butt jeans).  I got two sweaters for super cheap... and the best part...they were size MEDIUM!!!! Woooo hoooo!! It's warm here today, so it'll prolly snow tomorrow and I can wear one !
I'm so happy I really stuck with this weight loss thing.  I know I've said this over and over... but at a starting weight of 225lbs, I was a size 1X and some 2X's...and hated having to get dressed in moo-moo clothes... not to mention the physical state I was in.  I didn't realize how horrid I felt or how many things I couldn't/wouldn't do.  I "tried" to lose weight a few or dozen times before, but did I really try?  Maybe for a couple of days..maybe a couple of weeks, but that's it.  It wasn't a true effort.  I had to really and truly be in a mental space to do so.  I was fat, gross, my eyeballs looked as though they might shoot out of my face, my legs and feet were huge..the list goes on and on.  None of the physical things were as bad as the feelings...and with that...I can say there will NEVER be a size 18 around this butt EVER again.

Until Next Time......

Ma'dam Martinez

* As always... sorry for the typos!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Did It Again

Sometimes... strange things happen.

For instance, while sitting at my desk on Monday, I felt a really intense pain in my armpit area.  I shrieked and exclaimed to The DeShazo that something had bitten me, since she demanded to know what happened and that she had never seen me move that fast.  The strange thing....I realized that my arm fat had gotten pinched between my brassier and arm.  Sad moment.

Another example?  Waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a horn and screaming at Martinez "The trumpets are sounding! The trumpets are sounding!" It is what it is folks....and what it was....a train.

What's worse than strange things?

Things you can't understand....things that are crazy... teachers thinking that an appropriate punishment for not knowing your music is doing pushups... WHAT? Completely dumb...  Like making your body sore is actually gonna make you toot your horn better.  Just to set the record straight...I've never been in the band...whew.

or... military folks enforcing pushups as a punishment for not being punctual.  WHAT?? That's asinine.  Just dock their pay !

or...why all the best shows are on January-May?? What about the rest of the year folks???

or... why Steven Tyler can't live in we could share clothes. Maybe I'd lose the rest of my weight, plus 20 pounds if I knew I had feathery, vintage-ish clothes to borrow...and his leopard loafers.

Speaking of weight.. I got my weight loss bracelet!

I know, I know!  I'm at 62 pounds, but I'll get there and just order a 10 pound bracelet to wear with it when I make it to 75 pounds down.  Steven would approve.  Anyway, check out Adeline Mae Design on Etsy to get yours !

Back to things you can't understand....things that are crazy...

For the life of me, I cannot understand why I went back to kickboxing today...or why I paid/committed for next Tuesday's class. I'm crazy.  I've lost my mind.
I've been trying to come up with reasons excuses to tell The Machine since Saturday...which is when I started worrying about the next class.

She didn't buy it...

or that one... and then those last words got to me... and she knew what she was doing!

So...I worried less about my ponytail this afternoon- left my jewels at home- and went.

Today....was easier. I'm not sure if it was b/c last time I thought I was just there to hit/kick stuff and so I wasn't completely and utterly caught off guard..or if the workout was easier...or if I just sucked it up a little better. It doesn't matter. I did some work.

We had to do that dang warm up again. Wheww.. this time I tried to listen better, but I still didn't hear what that "shuffle " thing is really called.  We jogged, we did "high knees" that made me feel like the Missouri Foxtrotters my parents used to own, and we sprinted.  Yea, that's right, sprinted.

I was looking for the waterboy after the warm up again.

I almost asked for a Prilosec.

Then....the pain really started.  I wondered why there a giant tire in the floor, but I've watched enough episodes of the Biggest Loser to know that this couldn't be good.  Homeboy trainer (possibly named Rob?) lost his mind.  He had the nerve to tell five of us to jump...jump.. on this tire and step down at a steady pace for how many ever seconds.  I didn't hear how many seconds b/c I was trying to figure out how many feet off the ground the top of this tire was.   For those of us who couldn't jump, we got to step on and off, alternating legs.  This was tolerable... at first.... and by at first... I mean the first three times, and then it got hard.  If you are doubting the impact right now....TRY IT.

After that, us five girls had to do pushups for a timed period on the tire.  In case you guys haven't gotten the memo from my pushup workout video a couple of weeks ago...or my rampage at the beginning of this post about pushups...I have a vendetta against them.  I want to shoot them with my bee -bee gun.

While five of us were doing the tire workout, five others were doing those lunges with weights again... and wall sits.
Now, last week, I learned that sitting on the wall wasn't the break I initially thought.  Today...I learned that your legs will shake and buckle.  How did I learn this?  Homeboy trainer walked over while I was chattin' it up with someone new I met and figured out that I was sorta on my own little break... and made me scoot my feet in... and push my rumpus down... He then had the nerve to tell me that he wouldn't feel sorry for me until my legs were shaking... with a grin.  I figured out about 5 seconds later what he meant. I asked for an ambulance.

Donkey kicks...this was a new workout name/move.  I thought my rumpus my have two splits instead just the one when those were done.

On the hitting/kicking.... I really need to learn some type of hand/leg coordination.  I get my lefts/rights all sorts of confused when I'm trying to count.. and keep proper form. It looks so easy on the outside, but holding up those pads for your partner almost makes your shoulders hurt worse than the pain after repetitive hits.

I could already feel improvement with my stance and understanding...but I've got a long way to go.

Planks....planks should be illegal.  We had to do a plank (weight all on forearms-no touching of the rest of your body on the floor) for 1 min intervals.  I completed the planks both times... and I was shocked.  That my friends, will make your body shake too.

Abs....back in the ring we go.  I might actually prefer pushups to anything that goes on in that ring for abs...
In my last post about kickboxing, I told ya'll how I felt like a whale. 
Today, this is how we looked during one of our ab excersises... True story..

I'm not even going to describe this exercise:)

I'm exhausted and I have nails to fix.

Until Next Time...

Anna The Kickboxing Slayer... Just kidding.

Not really.