Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why do we have to title these things????

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!!

It's been quite a while since my last post.  Since writing my last thoughts, we've visited our friends in Dallas, survived the stomach virus (barely) and had a fabulous Christmas!

Dallas - We ended up getting a later start than I'd hoped for...which resulted in horrid traffic.....which resulted in Sammie barfing in the car....which resulted in LG holding her nose in the back seat.....which resulted in the windows being rolled down.....which resulted in freezing! 

We loved seeing and spending time with our friends.  We basically just hung out around the house... and then ate out.... which resulted in a 4lb weight gain. Not cool...but my fault.  I keep going back and forth.

This Dallas trip made me realize that I need to revisit my previously posted New Year's resolutions..

See changes below...

1) To become less negative/critical of things

2) To become a better cook

3) To lose the 20lbs I've been harping about since I started this blog :)

4) Insert some physical goal here:)

5) Try to become less controlling

Now... I previously provided explanations for most of these goals.  Here was my explanation for #5:

I'm pretty crazy about certain making Martinez' lunches weeks in advance (except the sandwiches), picking my clothes out two weeks in advance... packing for trips too early... I need to take a step back...and I've already started! We leave for Dallas on Friday and I haven't packed a thing ! Whew....

I am taking back my 5th goal and I'm replacing it with:

5) Try to become MORE controlling


Not packing for Dallas in advance (even though it was less than a 48 hour trip) resulting in almost forgetting LG's shoes, forgetting my razor, tights, LG's meds.. and there were other things too I've just forgotten that too!!!!

Stomach virus.......

I believe that the stomach virus is a little taste of what Hell is like.  True story.  It's disgusting and when your little one is constantly throwing up and then dry heaving, it's heartbreaking.  Poor LG slept very little for two nights, which meant we didn't either.  On Saturday...after visiting the pediatrician.... Martinez and I made cinnamon rolls, peanut butter cookies and cleaned the whole house.  I thought we were wired from lack of sleep.....I thought wrong.  I'm pretty sure we were allowed to do all that b/c we would be VOMITING and on the pot for the next day !!  Bright side...we didn't gain any holiday weight !!!!! I lost 4 lbs, plus the 4 I'd gained !

Thankfully, we mustered up enough energy to put together Liv's new kitchen for Santa... and by we...I mean Martinez:)

Our sweet girl really enjoyed her Christmas day! It was so fun to watch her little face as she opened her gifts!

Mom & Dad enjoyed our gifts too :)


My most favorite stocking stuffer....

Tomorrow is back to work !  Even though over half of my break has been sick cleaning up vomit or vomiting, I've enjoyed being home with my family!  One workday this week, then a doctor's appointment for LG on Friday, then hopefully a relaxing 4 day weekend!  Thank boss man:)! I'll make sure to get those lame witness/exhibit lists completed.... and I'll even remember  try to properly format them........only The DeShazo will find humor in this.:)

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I weighed this morning. 174! I've finally lost the 6 lbs I gained!!!! It certainly took longer to get it off than to put it on.

Ok...I've been thinking about my New Year's Resolution for several weeks.   Like most other things.. I think about something for a while... a long while.. 

Here's what my list is so far:

1) To become less negative/critical of things

I realize this is going to take some time.  I seem to thing about the negatives about something before it even happens, and I don't want to be like that b/c it's just gonna teach LG to be the same way.  I'm going to have to put some work in on this one.  I often make excuses and say "I'm just being realistic"...but it's negative.

2) To become a better cook

Please refrain from eye rolling.

I really want LG to think about my cooking like I do my mom's......I pretty sure this is going to be a resolution for years to come... But let's face it... I need to seriously step it up... I'm still smelling the buffalo pizza when I open the oven.  Martinez wouldn't let me spray Febreze in it.

3) To lose the 20lbs I've been harping about since I started this blog :)

4) Insert some physical goal here:)

5) Try to become less controlling

I'm pretty crazy about certain making Martinez' lunches weeks in advance (except the sandwiches), picking my clothes out two weeks in advance... packing for trips too early... I need to take a step back...and I've already started!  We leave for Dallas on Friday and I haven't packed a thing ! Whew....

End of the Year Resolution:

To learn to curl my hair properly with a curling iron...without looking like a mushroom....turtle...or a crow.  Martinez can back me up on this.

Until Next Time

Ma'dam Martinez

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pie & Bras

Let's revert back to Friday...

Weigh in.... 1 pound loss since last Friday, putting me back at a 50 pound weight loss... but I still have 1 more pound to go to be back where I was before our holiday trip and my 6 pound weight gain.  Were the yummy foods worth it?  Well....yes and no.  I should have had more portion control:)

I know you guys are tired of reading about the sweet tator pie...but that's too bad.  My momma rocks...and since I'm not much of a "homemade" cookin' gal, making this pie was a challenge...and I made them.  My mom's recipe makes two... and man did they turn out yummy !

Be jealous.  I do need to learn to take them out of the oven a little better.  They had no cracks before I removed them.

I only had to call my mom 4 times for help and it only took 2 hours of my day.......(refrain from eye rolling)

Unfortunately, a cold has made its way in my home again...and I'm not a fan...LG has the sniffles too...and that makes for a cranky momma and little one.

Speaking of cranky... I expressed to my mom that Martinez and I are dealing with a toddler that seems to be triple testing the waters around here.  This led to me learning that at 3 years old, I told my mom, "I'm bored" with an attitude.  Why am I telling you this??  As a result of my sassy comment, I was taught to sort laundry and fold it - thus preventing any future comments of "I'm bored".  Again, Why am I telling you this??  Mostly to let The DeShazo and Vic know that this must be where I got the love and need of doing laundry every day:)

I can't wait til LG tells me she's bored.  I'm gonna hand her a rag and some dusting polish and let her swipe baseboards!

So.... last night... Martinez informs me that he would like to give me one of my Christmas gifts early.  Even though I harass him to tell me what he gets me... and everyone else for that matter... I really love surprises and don't wanna know.  Our conversation went something like this:

Martinez:  I think I wanna give you one of your Christmas gifts early.

Me:           Why?

Martinez:   Cuz you need it.

Me:             I really don't need anything except some pie.

Martinez:    Ya, you do.

Me:              No I don't.  Oh wait.  Is it jeans?  I can wait and we are going to Dallas next week anyway.

Martinez:     It's not jeans.  I was gonna get you a giftcard to this place, but I think I'll just take you tomorrow if you are feeling better.  I even tried to win you some!

Me:               Oh. My. Gosh.  It's bras isn't it???  Wait...YOU TRIED TO WIN SOME?

Ok ya'll.  I love Martinez.  I find this whole conversation entertaining and I know two others that will as well.  You're welcome.

To further explain this conversation, Martinez heard about "The Lingerie Store" on the radio this week and apparently Joey and Heather did an entire segment about this store... and had a prize for the person who called in at the right time.  Martinez gave me a lesson on "proper bra measurement" and informed me that "this is definitely the right place".

After laughing forever... The following popped in my mind:

1)  Do I complain about the girls so much that Martinez is finding a solution? ( YES)
2)  Do I complain about the girls so much that Martinez has noticed the problem? (Oh man, I hope not... but of course he has cuz you showed him the genie bra with conviction)
3)  Is is that obvious????? ( SOMEBODY THROW ME A BONE!!!!!!)

Despite my nose running, and feeling crazy in my head this morning, Martinez and I had a few errands to run, and one of those errands was visiting The Lingerie Store in Nichols Hills. must go there!  I'm not disclosing my "new/proper" measurement..mostly for your benefit, but I did think that the lady made this measurement up until I actually saw the size written in my new gear!


I tried a new Pinterest seems that I'm slipping into my old ways....

Though it looked like the Buffalo Chicken Pizza minus the green onions on certainly didn't taste as good as it looked.  Apparently, I should have gone with some earlier advice before buying blue cheese dressing and trying it first. 

I kinda gagged a little..ok... a lot... while making the pizza...and while looking at this photo, but man oh man... tasting it made me almost throw up my pie.  Martinez laughed the whole time I was dry heaving......Ya'll... if ya don't know what blue cheese dressing and Frank's Buffalo sauce smells/tastes like....DON'T DO IT!  I wasted $10 bucks on that recipe... that could have been used for more pie supplies...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Biggest Loser Rant

5am- It's just really not happening ya'll.  I keep telling myself that it's ok if I exercise at night if I don't get up, but with all the stuff going on for us this week, it hasn't happened.

I'm interested to see what my weight is on Friday. I'm really only expecting a pound or two loss due to my frozen pizza and fudge indulgence.

Something highly disturbing..,,20653562,00.html

I'm so sad and happy at the same time for the teenagers on The Biggest Loser.  I'm happy that they are getting help, yet sad at the same time that they even qualify. This article really made me think about what I feed LG.  As a mom who does the cooking/grocery shopping, it's MY responsibility to feed her good foods. I'm all about treats- obviously- but there has to be a limit.  They are overweight/obese kids everywhere- not just the three referenced in this People article.  It's NOT the kids' fault.  It's the parents' fault. WE are the ones buying the food and distributing it.  Just STOP buying all the junk food and take control of what is offered and how much.  Cookies, chips, sausage balls (b/c I've eaten these myself at times) are NOT acceptable breakfasts, ect.  I'm preaching to myself about this too... as I've been guilty of allowing LG to eat crap b/c I have one of those kids who doesn't always want to eat.  I've got to be stricter in this area!  Not only are these kids at risk for a long list of health scares..... obesity leads to death!  Come on parents! We've got to take control ! Another thing....let's think about the emotional side of this.  Overweight adults experience an emotional roller coaster when thinking about how they look, feel, ect.  So how in the world do these kids feel?  I would imagine (b/c I've seen this happen) that they are made fun of constantly- which drives them to eat more to try to make themselves feel better.  I would also imagine that their self esteem is at  a low all the time- even if they don't always show it.

I guess I'm off my soap box now:)

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Peanut Butter Kashi Bar - 120 cal

Snack - Coffee -10 cal

Lunch- half of a flatbread wrap - 130 cal

snack- nutri grain bar and a piece of fudge (people..don't bring any more sweet treats to the office!)- 210 cal

Dinner - Sausage & Cream Cheese crescent rolls and eggs- 720

Total 1,190

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snickerdoodles & Calories

This weekend...

Friday morning- I weighed and I've lost 4 out of the 6 pounds I gained while on our holiday trip leaving me at 176. I'll weigh again this Friday!

Martinez and I went Christmas shopping Friday night and then had dinner at Earl's.  It was fun.  We both had stores to visit for each are gonna think we are nerds....(we kind of are).. we each took a huge gift bag to put our purchases in so the other couldn't see... it worked... and it was fun!


We attempted to make Christmas snicker-doodles....

#1 Chef

We started out we thought...

But they didn't look so good after baking....

Ok...they looked terrible... We just can't bake:)

The ending batch looked pretty good...

And they were yummy !

We ended the day watching corny/wonderful Hallmark Christmas movies!

Sunday- Church, nap, & Christmas movies!

Gertrude is definitely the name of our elliptical.  Just thought I'd share a photo of Martinez & Gertie (from last week)!

Monday's Calorie Intake...not good... but I'm being honest.

BF- Kashi Peanut Butter Bar - 120 cal

Lunch - flatbread wrap with laughing cow cheese, turkey lunch meat & peppers - 175 cal

snack- hummas & mini toasts - 150 cal

dinner- frozen pizza -1200 cal

Total 1,645

Ok- so, last night, Martinez and I went to look at a house and didn't get home until 7...which is unacceptable to me.  Liv is usually in the bath tub at 7. I had a migraine before going to see the house, which only worsened of course as the night progressed...which resulted in the frozen pizza for dinner.  I need to go back to freezing some healthier meals like I did earlier this year.  It's the only way to prevent taking in too many calories like last night for late nights. I suppose we could have stopped at Subway or something, but I needed to go to bed ASAP.  That also meant that Gertie and I didn't spend any time together. LAME.

Today's Calorie Intake

BF- Hot Chocolate ( Thanks Martinez for making this for me to soothe my sore throat) - 160 cal

snack- Kashi Peanut Butter Bar - 120 cal

Lunch - three pieces of fudge (for real) and a granola bar - 360 cal

Sugar Free Red Bull -10 cal

Dinner -Shredded crockpot barbecue, toasted bread and corn on the cob - 470 cal

Total - 1,120

That's all for now.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez