It's been quite a while since my last post. Since writing my last thoughts, we've visited our friends in Dallas, survived the stomach virus (barely) and had a fabulous Christmas!
Dallas - We ended up getting a later start than I'd hoped for...which resulted in horrid traffic.....which resulted in Sammie barfing in the car....which resulted in LG holding her nose in the back seat.....which resulted in the windows being rolled down.....which resulted in freezing!
We loved seeing and spending time with our friends. We basically just hung out around the house... and then ate out.... which resulted in a 4lb weight gain. Not cool...but my fault. I keep going back and forth.
This Dallas trip made me realize that I need to revisit my previously posted New Year's resolutions..
See changes below...
1) To become less negative/critical of things
2) To become a better cook
3) To lose the 20lbs I've been harping about since I started this blog :)
4) Insert some physical goal here:)
5) Try to become less controlling
Now... I previously provided explanations for most of these goals. Here was my explanation for #5:
Now... I previously provided explanations for most of these goals. Here was my explanation for #5:
I'm pretty crazy about certain making Martinez' lunches weeks in advance (except the sandwiches), picking my clothes out two weeks in advance... packing for trips too early... I need to take a step back...and I've already started! We leave for Dallas on Friday and I haven't packed a thing ! Whew....
I am taking back my 5th goal and I'm replacing it with:
5) Try to become MORE controlling
Not packing for Dallas in advance (even though it was less than a 48 hour trip) resulting in almost forgetting LG's shoes, forgetting my razor, tights, LG's meds.. and there were other things too I've just forgotten that too!!!!
Stomach virus.......
I believe that the stomach virus is a little taste of what Hell is like. True story. It's disgusting and when your little one is constantly throwing up and then dry heaving, it's heartbreaking. Poor LG slept very little for two nights, which meant we didn't either. On Saturday...after visiting the pediatrician.... Martinez and I made cinnamon rolls, peanut butter cookies and cleaned the whole house. I thought we were wired from lack of sleep.....I thought wrong. I'm pretty sure we were allowed to do all that b/c we would be VOMITING and on the pot for the next day !! Bright side...we didn't gain any holiday weight !!!!! I lost 4 lbs, plus the 4 I'd gained !
Thankfully, we mustered up enough energy to put together Liv's new kitchen for Santa... and by we...I mean Martinez:)
Our sweet girl really enjoyed her Christmas day! It was so fun to watch her little face as she opened her gifts!
Mom & Dad enjoyed our gifts too :)
My most favorite stocking stuffer.... Tomorrow is back to work ! Even though over half of my break has been sick cleaning up vomit or vomiting, I've enjoyed being home with my family! One workday this week, then a doctor's appointment for LG on Friday, then hopefully a relaxing 4 day weekend! Thank boss man:)! I'll make sure to get those lame witness/exhibit lists completed.... and I'll even
Until Next Time...
Ma'dam Martinez