Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bras & Injuries

Ok- So it's been a minute since I've blogged... and I have so many things rolling around in my head to share... but let's face it... only some of them are appropriate enough to share... such as the topic below.  Fellas... you may not want to read this.  Your gals aren't washing their undergarments....seriously.

* I know this blog was mostly to share about weight loss... but sometimes... other things are more important....


WHY DO WOMEN NOT WASH THEIR BRAS??????? I didn't ask the men....haha.  Am I seriously the only girl in the world who didn't know that people didn't wash them after they wear them..every single time?
Last week, I informed The DeShazo that again... I'm on the search for new bras.  I did this about 6 weeks ago.. so she was curious.  After questioning me on why my latest bras are no longer doing the job and are "flimsy", she asks the million dollar questions (yes, two)..."How often are you wearing them?" and........the big one....." How often are you washing them?"......followed by "You're drying them too???"...

Ok...There has to be someone else out there who washes a bra after every single wear and dries them in the dryer...there has to be, right?  I find it absolutely crazy that #1 - I didn't know this.. and #2 that it's even ACCEPTABLE!!!!!!  HELLO?!?! It's an article of clothing!!!!  You guys do wash your undies, right? RIGHT???????
As I'm trying to process this information last week... and told her to prove to me that you shouldn't wash them after every wear...I just knew in my mind that this was a joke, since the gals tease me often about doing laundry everyday.....Google failed me.... The DeShazo pulled up numerous reviews, ect. stating that bras should be worn (if not sweaty) 2-3 times before washing and should NEVER be put in the dryer.  I mean, really???? I also learned that bras should be replaced every 9 months... I've NEVER had one that long!!!!!

I decided to take a poll among some people from different places....13 people to be exact...SAME response from all!! They all wear them 2-3 times before washing!!!!!!!  I'm still struggling to grasp this. OHHH... I almost forgot.... There is another rule involved in this bra washing/wearing thing!!! You shouldn't wear the same bra two days in a row! You have to skip at least a day in between!! WHAT?!! As if I don't have enough OCD things to keep up with... now I've got to have a Mon/Wed bra, Tues/Thurs bra, ect.....just to keep up with how many times it's been worn!!!!  Oh, dear.  I don't understand why you wear your socks - wash them - shirts- wash them - undies - wash them- britches....oh wait... I recently found out that you should wear jeans 2-3 times before washing too!!!!!!!!
I'm just gonna put it out there....if you want to wear your clothes a few times before washing them, go for it.  I'm not gonna judge... but I'm not doing it....I cannot wrap my head around why you shouldn't wash your's just not gonna happen.

I am.... gonna try out the bra wearing/washing thing.....ONLY because the expense of new ones that only work for a month is outrageous.  I've bought new ones and I'm starting over.... and I'm testing it out.  It's really hard for me to place a worn, unwashed bra in my drawer. You have no idea.  It's almost repulsive... and just to be clear... I'm not gonna wear my jeans more than once. Not.Gonna.Happen.Ever.

The end of my bra rant.


Martinez was injured on Sunday......

Pulled quadricep.... This was day one... It's brownish now....and apparently...quite painful.

My favorite part of this picture?? Check out the toe curls...
He was quite the MVP on Sunday.....and Ma'dam Martinez wasn't so bad herself....and V joined us !!!!!

So...I've been eating better this week... exercise is happening.. in fact 4:57 am is happening....I'm walking Sammie in the morning and then taking LG for a stroll in the evenings.... let's see if I can keep this up!

Until Next Time.......

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, October 15, 2012

1st Day Back on Track !

Yesterday.. we took LG to the park in our neighborhood. She had a blast... but certainly didn't want to leave!

Totally random information for you readers.... if you paint your nails and then spray Pam on WILL dry them super fast... I saw it Pinterest... was super skeptical.. but it really works....True Story..and much cheaper than O.P.I. drip dry.

Ok.. I weighed yesterday... first time in several days... and I was really scared, due to eating like a fatty ( if you are eating out a lot and not making healthy choices, or just not making healthy choices in general, then you are eating like a fatty...even if you are skinny... true story... and if you are offended...GREAT..then maybe you'll start eating healthy). Thankfully, I didn't have a coronary...175.8... my lowest number has been 174.2... so considering my eating habits and lack of exercise, I'm a happy girl.  I gave Martinez the scale so that I can't weigh every day.  I'll get it back Thursday or Friday.

5:15am... Martinez and I were SUPPOSED to get up to do our exercise with the newly purchased medicine balls...
Did. Not. Happen.  They are out of the box now... so that counts....right??

Martinez has workouts printed out for me (using these things) to help me lose my "baby apron".  A baby what I called a frumple that exists on some overweight people... on a lot men specifically... that hangs in the front....Before I got one... then the term changed.  I will say again that I DID NOT HAVE THIS BEFORE HAVING LG.   This disgusting, repulsive saggy skin must we shall see if the balls work:)

I finally managed to hoist get myself out of bed at 5:38am...and decided that I would get ready super fast in order to clean order to save time order to do the exercises order to make up for my order to lose the 20 lbs I've been harping about for over a month.  I succeeded. I was able to swiffer and mop tile the in the hallway and get a load of laundry in before work, so I felt pretty productive....

and..... NO workout tonight. I'm too busy blogging.

Today's Calorie Intake
 BF - 2 egg muffins - 136 cal
Coffee - 35 cal

Skinny Cinnamon Latte from S'bucks (courtesy of the boss...little did we know this was a preface for him taking his Ritalin (another true story..but he didn't chase it with a Mountain Dew today...whew)... which makes him talk and work quickly...super quickly that we drift off to the Twilight Zone.  I don't really know what that means.   130 cal

Lunch - low cal BLT 200 cal

Snack - 5 medium strawberries - 20 cal
            Nutri grain bar                -120 cal

Dinner- grilled Steak -212 cal
             Corn on the cob -96 cal

3/4c special K -110 cal
1 mini hershey bar -50 cal

Total 1,109

Just for a smile, click the link below and watch this super cute video..

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Saturday, October 13, 2012


It's been a while ya'll... so long in fact... that this blog will probably be've been warned.

Ok... This last two weeks have been really rough... so rough...that I totally lost my mind. Partly due to being out of routine and then a whole lot to do with hormones going crazy. I'll spare most of those details.  Think of the word hormone.... same prefix of the word horrid/horrible... and the ending should really be spelled "moan". Enough said.

When I say I totally lost my mind this week... I mean I REALLY lost my mind.  I was so tired allllll day every day... could barely get up, could barely stay awake through the day, and couldn't wait to go to bed. Ridiculous.  I ate horrible ALL week. As soon as I would eat something..... I would think about the next time I was gonna eat!!! What in the world?  It was like a fat girl eyeing up a red velvet cake with an inch thick coat of homeade cream cheese icing....oh man I'm getting off task. 
Not only did I eat poorly... I only wanted soda to drink....which caused me to get dehydrated.  I'm used to drinking between 60-80 ounces of water a day..and then I went to less than 20 ounces... and everything else was soda...which absolutely fueled my want to eat poorly even more... UNACCEPTABLE.  I know everybody has days like this...but I was in a slump.  I've lost so much weight and invested too much time in this to throw in the towel.

Thankfully, I have some really supportive friends that truly care about my health.  The DeShazo and V had an intervention with me on Wednesday...I had gotten breakfast two days in row on the way to work... and I didn't even do this BEFORE I gained a bunch of weight.  I was acting crazy!  The gals had to put me check. V asked me 50 million questions and basically said I have to suck it up and start exercising again.  The DeShazo came into work, sat her stuff down, looked me straight in the eye with what I like to call her "mom voice" and basically told me that I do not eat this way and she would not allow it.  V then confiscated the Diet Dr. Peppers I had in the fridge so that I was left to drink nothing other than water.  I was so crazy... that I actually teared up over my DDP's being taken...or maybe it was just the realization that I was acting like a complete fatty and these gals cared enough to help me.

Ellen also helped me snap out of this week.  She featured the candy corn filled Oreos at the beginning of Wednesday's show and spoke briefly about the sugar, ect.  Would I want LG to eat like I've been eating? NO. Martinez and I have to teach her to eat healthy, which means we have to be good examples.

I've done a little prep work this weekend for the upcoming week to help get myself back on routine.  I'm normally a very structured/routine person and things fall apart if I let things go.  I'm like this with almost everything... I pick out my work clothes two weeks at a time, do laundry every day, put together Martinez' lunches weeks in advance ( not sandwiches ya'll.... just the chips that are individually packaged and snacks) just to name a couple OCD things.... so I needed to do that with my meals again.  I WILL NOT GAIN MY WEIGHT BACK. WILL NOT.  I have 20 more to lose... AND I WILL.

For breakfast this week, I'll be having these egg muffins for 68 calories per muffin..

I've packaged three per ziplock and put them in the freezer so that all I have to do is grab them and go for 204 cal.

For lunch, I'll have a BLT for around 200 calories.  Both slices of bread for 100 cal, three slices of turkey bacon for 75 cal, the lettuce/tomato slice will be about 5 cal, miracle whip-20 cal.

I've divided an entire package of turkey bacon into ziplocks with three slices per bag and frozen them... so I'll grab a bag the night before, microwave (yes, microwave- I stole this idea from Martinez' mom after I saw her do it after a late Razorback game) the bacon, and make my sandwich.
I'll take strawberries (only 4 calories in a WHOLE medium strawberry), nutri grain or granola bars for snacks this week..... and I'll only drink ONE ddp per day. I know that I feel better when I eat I'm gonna do it.... and... I'm going to start exercising again. 

Here are a few pics of LG from this week..

Reading with Mrs. M..
Destroying mommy's crockpot liners...

On our way back from watching the OU/TX game with friends..

I'm kinda worried that our softball game will be cancelled tomorrow due to the crazy amount rain we've gotten today.  It's a shame... I was just getting in my groove.....

Until Next Time......

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, October 8, 2012

Athlete in the HOOOUUUSSSEEE!!

Softball yesterday....

Ma'dam Martinez ROCKED IT.  By rocked it... I mean I hit the ball sufficiently twice, but was able to actually run to a base three times... and hit it in the outfield once! How about that?!?! I will further inform you that I made around ALL the bases once...without complaining or passing out.  I was pretty happy about my accomplishments... so much so that I did a little booty shake/dance for Martinez as I arrived at my base the first time.. which resulted in everyone else laughing and Martinez looking mortified.  I'm such a good wife:)

I need to add something to my list of things to correct/brush up on... for my new readers ( there are no new readers..I just want to act like there are) see below... for the old readers, See #6.

Reasons Why I Should Learn Rules/Locations/Courtesy So I don't Look Like a Moron Cause an Injury 

1.  Location: When the "coach" told our team to get in position, I (as the catcher) went to what I thought was the home plate.....Apparently I arrived at 1st base.  At that point, the pitcher (R) sent me to my "place" and further instructed me on where I should be, etc.  I had to inform R that I would not be squatting to get the ball.  If I were to squat like that, I won't be able to get up.  Simple. New rule... catcher stands.

2.  Location: While trying to compensate for not "squatting" for the ball, I ran up to "catch" the ball so I wouldn't have to fetch it.  I heard Martinez shouting "Anna! Don't charge at the ball!"  I didn't know what this meant until the sweet ref said, "Ma'am, maybe you should stand back here with me, ok?  I'm afraid you are going to get hit with the bat".. followed by the batter saying " oh ya, I was trying really hard not to hit you."  Lame.  The ref then said, "Don't worry, it's just rec." Super Lame.

3.  Rules:  If the batter guy gets to "walk" due to bad pitches, the girl next in the lineup gets to walk as well.  Something about "evening" things out for coed softball.  I learned this after I almost tattled to the ref that the other team slid in a player on first base and that they were cheating. Seriously.  I decided not to tattle... and man am I happy I did, since I asked a fellow teammate why this was allowed and she started cracking up and provided an explanation.  This also explained why I kept hearing some dude in the stand behind me yelling, "watch your ball slugger, a walk is a run, a walk is a run" for every batter.

4.  Location:  A scoreboard exists and that should be used to keep up with the score and time for the game. This will keep a person from asking the sweet ref consistently, "Are we winning or losing?  What about now?"

5.  Courtesy:  If the batter throws the bat in a random place when hitting the ball, moving the bat out of the way is courteous.  I learned this while a chick came running at the home plate full force pointing at the bat in her way while I looked right back at her and pointed to the home plate.  I then realized the problem and offered my apologies.

6. Courtesy:  DO NOT throw the bat when you hit the ball.  This will result in the ref pulling you to the side later and scolding you for hitting him and almost hitting the catcher...twice....Just FYI,  if you are ever in trouble for doing this, just tell the ref that you've never played a sport before (my case it's true), and you won't get in serious trouble.  He'll say, " Ohh". ... and then instruct you on what to do.

I will also add that yesterday was freezing cold and it rained during the second game... and I looked like a wet dog...a homeless wet dog... but is was SO fun...and I'm an athlete now:) my mind.

That's all I have for tonight.  I have a headache and I'm going to sleep now.

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Favorite Things This Fall Saturday!

So, last night, Martinez and I saw Taken 2. It was great !!! I already want to watch it again.  We ran a couple of errands before and got LG some fall clothes....

While we were gone, LG apparently played dress up with S..

She looks like she had fun...and then ...she decided that she wasn't sleepin in her bed... but rather on S all night...


Today has been a great day... My favorite things for the day include waking up and realizing that LG let us sleep in until 10:10, lazing around in a hoodie and flannel pants ALL day, and lastly....while ironing.... catching glimpse of the size tag in my new khakis that I purchased on Thursday...

I was completely stoked to see a size 10!!!  The hanger said a 12... and it was in the 12's section... so this was an awesome surprise!!!!! Perhaps this is the motivation I've been needing.... 8 sizes down at this point in my weight loss journey!  My closet consists of all sizes now and that's ok! It's a mental thing at this point!

My favorite thing of the evening....

Until Next Time...

Ma'dam Martinez

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Politics Blow & Dinner with DB!

Tuesday's calorie intake total - 1,183 cal

Wednesday's calorie intake total - 986 cal

Sweet LG ...

Yay for Thursdays... because that means my weekend begins and time with my family!
Martinez and I have date this Friday !! Super excited about this.. we are going to see Taken 2 and the sitter is secured ..S.... don't forget or I might have to come after you!

Have I mentioned that I love watching Ellen?  She's hysterical and Liam Neeson was on Monday...just infused my excitement for Taken 2 even more.

....This was my initial snack on Wednesday......until I saw the mold on the apple slices I just bought !!!!

It had fur.... nasty.

So.... I've decided that I'm going to start exercising at night, rather than the morning..... Let's face it, I'm just not getting's cold in the mornings now... and I need by beauty sleep ( which is really for everyone else I come in contact with!).  I've tried to compare the pros and cons... night wins...

Ok...I'm about to you might want to skip this part.

I am SICK of the election crap! Specifically, in my newsfeed.  I'm sick of reading friends disagreeing and getting snappy with one another.. I'm sick of the recaps of debates or speeches, and I'm SICK of the complaints. It is what it is. I will be so happy when this is over!
I do not fact, I haven't even changed my voter registration since living in Arkansas and I'm not planning on it....Almost everything publicized is negative and I do not want to hear that mess ( and I fully realize that this rant is contradiction.. so if you're annoyed, just stop reading).  It's just a constant fight/argument.  Who has time to waste on that? Not me... and for those of you saying... "it's our children's future"..usually... NEITHER choice is good...which leads me to my next point.... I keep hearing the phrase "vote for the lesser of the two evils"...WHAT? This makes absolutely NO sense at's ridiculous that either choice has to be an "evil" choice.  I'm just tired of it.  I stopped watching the news when Martinez deployed a couple of months after we married b/c I didn't want to hear about soldiers dying. It was hard enough without that.  I never started watching it again...I mean... Martinez puts it on a lot, but I'm usually tuning it out or cleaning.. so I don't have to hear it.  Even the local news/politics is depressing. I'm OVER it.  With that being said, I will vote WHEN the following people are up:

 President: Steven Tyler (imagine that during public appearances...half the crowd would chant. "That!That!" ...and then the other half would chant "Dude looks like a lady!" ..perfect....the world would be happy.)

Vice President: Martha Stewart ( I know, I know! This sounds crazy...but think about it.... She could really help out on teaching folks how to cook and clean...NECESSARY things... and... she's already been to "prison "so maybe she could help Steven choose the rest of his cabinet members...just sayin')

Today's Calories.... NOT sure! I consumed 510 before having dinner with a great friend (DB). but I'm not sure how many calories were in my meal.  I looked for the menu on my phone with the calorie count... but couldn't find one....but I will also provide you with TMI and inform you that it doesn't matter how many b/c it didn't stay in my body for even a hot minute!  Again...TMI....DB and I went for a little shopping after dinner and I had a major explosion!! Like...the kind where you are completely humiliated because you had no idea this was coming...and you're in public.... and breaking into a sweat.....whew....and then there was the drive was a little bit stressful...enough said.  So glad DB and I are friends enough that she's not gonna be scared away....or maybe she is!!!!!

Enough for tonight... I've got to get my beauty rest.... oh one more thing... I can get 9/10's button without jumping up and down now!!!!!  I mean... it's not that attractive....but a few weeks ago jumping was necessary.....:)  It was also really nice to go shopping with DB.  We haven't gotten together in a while and we had a blast !!

Until Next Time.....

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, October 1, 2012

We say NO to Hip Hop!

No morning jog....  ok... seriously... no excuse... I was up until after midnight with heartburn!  I have no idea why.... but I was awake most of the this morning was not happening.

Today's Calorie Intake

Bf- granola bar - 90 cal

snack- banana -175

Zeal intake (whatever this healthy vitamin stuff is DeShazo brought me ) 48 Cal

lunch - tomato, basil turkey rollups - 230 cal

snack - three tahini cookies (these are "healthier" cookies made by Janet)  -324 cal

dinner - Pat's Creamy Chicken over brown rice measured - 312 cal

Total 1,179

Work was really busy.. yet all I could think about while typing pages of boring Discovery was about how the Hip Hop dancing would begin tonight...ummmm... can you say TERRIBLE DANCERS.  Ok, last night I told you that Martinez and I have no ryhthm...Understatement of the week! It's awful....I know for sure I was really trying and it was a hot mess!!!  Martinez and I were laughing so hard at each other that we couldn't stand up straight. We were crying from the lack of control... we  looked like a bunch of flouncing penguins (if penguins can flounce that is).  Martinez closed the blinds... and those blinds face the back yard!!! No one could even see except the crickets outside!! That's how scary it was!!! Our little guide lady was teaching us moves for the "big dance"... and we couldn't make our bodies comply... by the time my body stopped jiggling from the first move in the step...she was way ahead!!

I never could get my body to do this...

For some reason when I would try, I would catch my jaw swaying from side to side and when I realized it, I looked up to see if Martinez was watching.... this is what he missed...

No lie... I replayed it over and over in my head and I'm pretty sure this is accurate.

On a serious note, Martinez injured his neck in all of this.  Apparently, he got a little too excited and it's all tingly. 
I'm pretty sure we need some serious help... Any takers? We need a dance teacher!!!!

We are starting P90X tomorrow.... if that doesn't work out... I'll let you know our next workout video... Maybe we'll just create our own...

I'm going to sleep now... perhaps I'll dream of dancing...

Until Next Time....

Ma'dam Martinez