Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hip Hop? I say Yes to the dance!

Is Monday really tomorrow?

Friday... we were finally able to take LG to the zoo!! She was so happy and excited.  It wasn't too hot and the sun wasn't out so it was perfect!

Fascinated with the animals..

And this is how I feel sometimes...

We had such a great time Friday night with some friends.  We were able to take LG in her jammers and let her sleep while we played Things...again... Best.Game.Ever...Disclaimer: Fun company required to play.

Saturday, we had a lazy, rainy day and it was fabulous...except for when Martinez got a little cranky the Hogs lost...again.


Church, On The Border and then a Sunday afternoon nap. Softball was rained out today, so we enjoyed another day to lounge around and enjoy our sweet girl, who has gotten quite snuggly....she's not really that type of baby, so I'm soaking it up!

Ok... Who knew that finding brown shoes for little girls without pink on them could be so hard?  LG's little feet are hard to fit, which doesn't help...They are super short, but thick little suckers... after searching several stores, I gave up.  We will just stick with Sperry's...P.S... just about any style of Sperry's  is cheaper on Amazon.

Sweet LG today..

So, my alarm has been set for 4:53am and my clothes are out for exercise! 

Speaking of exercise....

The DeShazo and V talked me into starting Jillian Michael's 30 day shred this week... and since they were out of Jillian Michael's at the ghetto Wal-Mart I was got it... Hip Hop dancing wins!!!  It's ok... don't feel bad for laughing... I did too as I stood in the isle picturing how this might turn out.
I was thinking that this could be quite the entertainment for I convinced him to join I won't be alone looking crazy because we both have ZERO rhythm.  We are your stereotypical "white folks" with no moves. Serioulsy... LG has some hip hop moves and we aren't really sure where she got it's a little frightening and I think we may have to watch little sister closely...maybe she can teach us...

Tonight... Martinez and I studied the step guide...ummm... let's just say that we CANNOT dance.... and... it was so bad... that Martinez actually told me that we should shut the front door in case someone walked by... It was that bad.... I'm actually pretty sure I may have rolled my ankle.... and... we were both sweatin' I'm assuming this is actually gonna burn some calories:) At the very least, we'll have fun laughing at each other...LG sure enjoyed laughing at us.

That's all for tonight....

Until Next Week.......

Ma'dam Martinez

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Blahs

Where to start...I'm not going to try to recap the last few days... I really can't remember a whole lot!  I can say... that the last two weeks have been a drag as far as work/chores are concerned.  The DeShazo and I have had quite a time at work. It's crazy how things can go from steady to crazy busy in a matter of days!  The Deshazo and I spoke today about how we've just had a case of  "The Blah's"...and that when Monday rolls around....and we have V back in the house.... and C full-time...we will put smiles on and push through....we also discussed how our exercise has totally fallen off and we must...not should...must start back.
 P.S.... V....I know you are my biggest blog fan... and just so you know... we did absolutely nothing to your office while you were gone. True story...but only because your boss was in a lot.. and because The DeShazo thought my idea was too gross...and we were afraid your boss might see it and lose his head. Also...we think we were sad this week because we miss you SO much :) HURRY back!

Today, LG had a wellness appointment!  She's 20 whole pounds now!!!! We finally have a 20 pounder that's 31 1/2 inches long! Martinez and I are asked a lot when out in public " How old is she, 6 months? 8 months?"...Umm....No, we just have a petite baby and yes, we feed her. Don't let that fool you....she's quite the little firecracker...termed by Mrs. A!
We did find out today that LG is showing signs that her urethra tube may try to close.  We've been given a prescription that is supposed to help reverse this, and I surely hope and pray that it does !  I've never heard of this before, but after doing some research this evening....apparently it's common and usually fixed with prescription cream.   She will probably regress on her potty training, but if that's all I have to worry about, that's nothing ! I freaked out at first from just lack of understanding...but LG has had no problems at all and hopefully won't.  I'm thankful to have a healthy little girl and pediatrician who pays attention. She's really only been sick one time in all of her almost 16 months and that is a blessing!

Let's talk weight loss...

I'm totally disappointed in myself...I've not lost more than one or two pounds (fluctuating) since starting this blog.  What's the problem?  Who's to blame?  This girl.  I have failed to lose any more weight because I haven't been trying hard enough... and honestly, not at all the last two weeks... here's part of the problem..

DE-LI-CIOUS.... another adjective.. FATTENNING.

There is no one or nothing to blame but myself.  Yes, I'm still completely happy with my accomplishments so far, and I feel amazing, but I have a goal to make.  By December 31st, I want to weigh 155... That's three whole months to lose 20 pounds.... and almost unrealistic at this point, since I've farted around for an entire month.  What does this mean??? I've got to make an effort, quit making excuses, quit eating yummy junk food, and get motivated.  Bottom line. 

Some inspiration arrived tonight while watching The X Factor (yes, I watch's a reality show!).  A man sang tonight that weight over 900lbs a few years ago.  Now, he weighs 540lbs, but he can't really walk.  He sang beautifully and I sat on the couch crying.  Am I that big? No... but if this man can do it, I can too....


A purchase  this week was made by the junk food fairy which consisted of a box of macadamia nut cookies and lemon cookies.....while consuming macadamia nut cookies... I reported to Martinez that perhaps he should take them from me before I ate the whole box.  He obliged and hid them under the bed.... last night... I retrieved the cookies... and started consuming them...Martinez knew that I would not be happy with myself later and took them away and trashed them....THANK YOU.  (If any of you think negatively of him for this... don't read my blog anymore and unfriend me if we are facebook friends!  He did what I truly wanted and needed him to do and I'm glad he did.)
End of Confession......ok...not quite....
After the macadamia cookies were trashed, I made a run for the lemon cookies.... and then ran outside before he could grab those....(Running is burning calories, right?)... I realized once outside that I was in a spaghetti strap shirt  with a green bra showing, hair on top of my head, and totally looking like white I came in and handed lost the fight for the cookies and went on with my night. 

I'm regrouping and I'm getting myself back on track.  I know that I have a duty to teach LG how to eat healthy and make smart choices, so that she will be healthy.  It's my job.  Of course, I believe in treats, ect, but in moderation.

Tomorrow is Candy Corn Friday, but since I've binged on it this week in my dessert... I'm going to count that instead.... Here's the ranking....

Below any rating... Zachary's Autumn Mix

Cindy is right so far!

Tomorrow, we are hanging out with some friends... and since I know the menu, I'm going to be responsible during the day...

I'm out for now!

Until next time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Friday, September 21, 2012

Painting & Candy Corn

Well.... I was going to blog about how crappy this week has been....but I just read The DeShazo's blog and she basically referenced the same feelings I have ..but ended her post by saying get over it.  So, I'm going to put my big girl panties on and forego enlightening you on the negatives rolling around in my head.

Martinez and I had planned to paint our guest bedroom today, after taking LG to the zoo.. but work calls so our Friday plans changed...which meant the guest room was painted last night...until midnight... and yes I realize that is 3 hours past my bedtime.  For those of you wondering why the task couldn't wait....once I get an idea/task in my head.... I have to see it through immediately...whether it's painting or scrubbing toilets.  It's really weird.  Poor Martinez (though I didn't ask him to stay up.. he's kind).  Our guest room as been white-walled( and no decor) since we moved in... but not pretty... really needed painting.  We hired a painter when we bought our house, but we didn't have the office, LG's room or the guest room done b/c it was so expensive.  Martinez and I have gotten pretty good...we've had much practice... as our bedroom as been painted three times alone...not to mention LG's room or the office.  Last night....our worst job ever...and yet neither one of us are even worried about touching it up b/c it looks so much better than it did!  So, to the future guests that sleep in this room, don't try to count the white spots.... I tried today and got confused because there are so many.  Just be happy you now have some decor on the walls.  I've got a few more things to get for this room...but it's much better!


This was the stash in the back of my   car for Goodwill today..... I just decided that having a garage sale again just wasn't worth the fuss.  I'd rather get stuff out of my house...I'm weird b/c I feel as if I've just had a shower when I get rid of stuff.

I'm going to tackle the office closet next....but I might have to do that when Martinez is gone.... He likes to keep stuff....and I get a rush by throwing stuff out....and there are so many random things in that closet...electronic looking doodads that can probably go:)

We took LG to IHOP this morning... and don't judge the pic ..... I forgot a bib...

I think she was happy.

PS folks... even on the days I'm not blogging, I'm keeping up with my calories...except cheat days like today. 

Another PS.... I find it a little ridiculous that the "Healthy" version foods at IHOP are "under 600 cal".. We as Americans eat way unhealthy if this is major improvement...just sayin'

In appreciation of "cheat" day...

I've taken it upon myself to test out all the brands of candy corn for you on my cheat days from now until Halloween.  I just didn't want you guys to have to do any work in order to get the best bag.  You can thank me by coming by and painting a white spot in the guest room.
Today's brand.... Zachary's Autumn Mix.  NASTY.  True story.  I wouldn't even share this with Sammie.  Poor quality.  I'm thinking of just melting it down and using it as super glue to fix this wood piece on LG's backpack holder.  Seriously, don't buy, I'm really not going to eat it.

To comment again about my negatives and The DeShazo's post....she commented about how exercise makes you feel better.  I believe she's spot on b/c I truly notice a difference on the days I make an effort to exercise. 

I've been working on another's gotten into me??  Oh ya...Carmella, my inner Latiness...oh's of my favorite chocolate bars.

Stay tuned to see photos of LG's timeout stool  painted and designed by yours truly ! I'm not sure if it'll really be used or not...but we shall see.   I think timeout is a great tool for some kiddos... but not for others.  We'll just have to see how it works out for LG.  There was no timeout at my house as a kid...but there was a peach tree that switches were cut from... and a belt... I still remember the peach tree switch and I still stand by the fact that my brother started that fight.....just sayin' ...I'm thinking the timeout stool sounds good:)

Until next time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Skinny Girls Sniff Candy Too

Followup comments regarding yesterday's exercise....

Someone other than D has heard my breathing while jogging.....While I secretly hoped yesterday that it wasn't as loud I thought...I didn't get my wish.  The DeShazo and V heard my "birthing breathing" while jogging.  Two breaths in... and then two loud releases..True story.

Next comment...which is actually a confession...I've never wanted to walk/exercise at the park...or in public at all... because I worried about what people would think....because I was that person!  I'm sorry to all of you!! I was just unhappy with my own weight!  I thought about this the whole time yesterday.. and then....we passed this couple that I'm pretty sure were straight out of a magazine because the fella had more abs that I could count... and yes I tried to count through my birthing breaths as they zoomed by. He should just put a shirt on next time.
For all of you who exercise in jail a gym or in public anywhere... you are brave! Yes.... I really typed jail and then realized it ... and then decided to "strike through" . The gym really is a jail in my mind. I just feel sorry for people who have to see me wigglin' and jigglin'.

LG this am!

Giving bye kisses to her daddy..

Today's Calorie Intake

Bf- wheat toast/egg   120 cal
       Donut Shop K cut + sweetener/creamer - 50 cal
snack- nutri grain bar  120 cal

Lunch - turkey/pepperjack rollups  220 cal

snack- popcorn 169

Dinner- Yummy chicken over rice with marinara ( I MEASURED FOLKS) -405 cal

Total 1,084

Be jealous of the yummy chicken....

Ok... another confession...or recap... I. LOVE. CANDY.CORN.... I repeat.... I.LOVE.CANDY.CORN...maybe even more than Steven Tyler... and definitely more that The Real Housewives of Orange County...but not as much as The Real Housewives of New's somewhere in between.  It's hard for me to walk by the seasonal isle in Target because it's flooded with the smell of candy corn!!!!  I picture myself loading my buggy (again, south AR term for cart) to the brim with it!!  Honestly, it's like a drug!  I confessed that I'm addicted to the smell of it to the gals today...while we were discussing how we WEREN'T going to eat a juicy burger from Braum's  for lunch...and I learned that skinny girls sniff candy too:) I'm happy with that reveal.  I mean.. I don't like hold the bag to my nose or anything...very often...

Exercise Report:
0 = not good

I've been pretty successful with chores today !  Dusting complete, Goodwill donation bags/boxes ready (except for the two in the attic because I'm so over a garage sale) and dinner cleaned!  I've got one load of laundry to go and 1 bathroom and then I'm going to bed....but first... I've got a brown- eyed beauty with a sippy cup of milk to hold !

Until next time....

Ma'dam Martinez

Monday, September 17, 2012

Peepee in the potty...or the floor!

So... last night I blogged a little about my first ever softball game...but I left out many details...

Reasons Why I Should Learn Rules/Locations/Courtesy So I don't Look Like a Moron Cause an Injury 

1.  Location: When the "coach" told our team to get in position, I (as the catcher) went to what I thought was the home plate.....Apparently I arrived at 1st base.  At that point, the pitcher (R) sent me to my "place" and further instructed me on where I should be, etc.  I had to inform R that I would not be squatting to get the ball.  If I were to squat like that, I won't be able to get up.  Simple. New rule... catcher stands.

2.  Location: While trying to compensate for not "squatting" for the ball, I ran up to "catch" the ball so I wouldn't have to fetch it.  I heard Martinez shouting "Anna! Don't charge at the ball!"  I didn't know what this meant until the sweet ref said, "Ma'am, maybe you should stand back here with me, ok?  I'm afraid you are going to get hit with the bat".. followed by the batter saying " oh ya, I was trying really hard not to hit you."  Lame.  The ref then said, "Don't worry, it's just rec." Super Lame.

3.  Rules:  If the batter guy gets to "walk" due to bad pitches, the girl next in the lineup gets to walk as well.  Something about "evening" things out for coed softball.  I learned this after I almost tattled to the ref that the other team slid in a player on first base and that they were cheating. Seriously.  I decided not to tattle... and man am I happy I did, since I asked a fellow teammate why this was allowed and she started cracking up and provided an explanation.  This also explained why I kept hearing some dude in the stand behind me yelling, "watch your ball slugger, a walk is a run, a walk is a run" for every batter.

4.  Location:  A scoreboard exists and that should be used to keep up with the score and time for the game. This will keep a person from asking the sweet ref consistently, "Are we winning or losing?  What about now?"

5.  Courtesy:  If the batter throws the bat in a random place when hitting the ball, moving the bat out of the way is courteous.  I learned this while a chick came running at the home plate full force pointing at the bat in her way while I looked right back at her and pointed to the home plate.  I then realized the problem and offered my apologies.

Needless to say, the Martinez has his plate full practicing with me this week:)

I also have to say...I.AM.SORE. today.  Like... my bum feels like it might fall well as my arm.  I'm pretty sure I'm counting softball as super exercise. Don't judge:)  I also keep telling myself that even the "fit" folks are sore too... as Martinez came to bed lathered in IcyHot last night.  I shouldn't have laughed.  I might have to smear some across my bum tonight.

Let's revert back to Saturday for minute...

We have had LG in potty training mode since the last week of July.  She's 15 months and a lot of people think this is too early.  I say it depends on your kiddo.  We had to put LG in pullups weeks ago because she was taking her diaper off and then peeing/pooping.  She loves to latch/unlatch things.. so this wasn't working. So, we started putting her on the potty- and she took to it really fast!  We purchased a $10 cushion for her to sit on because I'm not transferring pee/poop out of those toddler potty things.  Disgusting.  She regressed going from summer sitter to daddy home for a week to regular sitter, but she still goes at home pretty well.  I expected regression, especially because of her age...but we are about to hit it hard again.  She goes to hide when she poops...translation...she knows she needs to go...which to me means we need to work harder.  So, I bought LG some "big girl panties" and Saturday was the day.  Not only was this an epic was just nasty.  We started out GREAT and then....picture it ..... I'm getting laundry out of the dryer and putting it in my basket when I look up, see LG looking right at me with a HUGE 8 tooth grin... squatting.  It was like slow motion... I look down to find a puddle and then scream " She's PEEING!"  Martinez swooped in out of nowhere carries her to the bathroom... trailing pee and then I hear from the bathroom while I'm cleaning up the puddle "Anna!!  There's a turd in here too! What do I do with it??!!"  I fully intended on LG going to Mrs. A's today in "big girl panties".... but she didn't:)  We will get there and she's doing awesome for her age.

More LG news... she said the word football this weekend... although it came out more like "fooba"!
She also has her first black eye.  Falling on the shower ledge is never good.  She is a boy... and I love it.

Today's Calorie Intake:

Bf:  Peanut butter toast - 155 cal

snack: Nutri grain bar - 120 cal

lunch: turkey/cheese tortilla mini rollups  220 cal

cocoa almonds- 150 almonds

Papa Murphy's Pepperoni Delight - 3 slices  - 594

Total 1,239

I've got to crack down!!! I'm still maintaining my weight...but I'm not gonna get those 20 lbs off sitting around !

Office sharing..... about a year ago, our office underwent some changes and the DeShazo and I now office share... I was a little concerned about this at first, but...ultimately...It's been great and we've convinced (or tried to convince) the boss that we get more work done now:)  We are even trying to add Vic!  Point of this? If you don't office share, you don't get to bask in the burned/SMOKING popcorn of your office mate:)
If you look super closely, you can see the smoke!
Another thing about office  I almost HAVE to have music on or I can't breathe at usually listen to oldies or country, unless I'm harassing the DeShazo for her dislike of Mariah Carey and play "Always Be My Baby" back to back... and P.S....I learned a lesson the last time I did this because she made me listen to Taylor Swift and I won't begin to inform you of my dislike for her voice.  Today, the DeShazo chose...and we listened to some t-shirt band singing about numbers.....and then she gained a British accent.... translation....I'm worried.  If Vic were in here, I'm sure she'd share my concern... or add to it:)

Tonight we were able to play with our sweet girl OUTSIDE!  It feels so nice and it's finally cool enough that LG can play outside without having a breakout!

That's all for tonight...

Until next time........

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Football, Softball & Fall

Ummm.... Can you say busy weekend?  It's been a few days since I've I'll try to remember what the weekend was filled with !

Friday... Teething baby... poor LG has a mouthful of teeth trying to break through and it breaks my heart!  Martinez and I were super worn out from the week.  Not only was it busy, we were emotionally drained! 

Saturday... Martinez was a sweet hubby and let me sleep in an extra hour.  I have to say, I'm so thankful for the husband I have.  I know a few wives who are unable to leave their children at home so they can go exercise, shop, get a pedi or even to run household errands (I actually think it's ridiculous that some dads won't/can't do this).  Martinez is helpful and a GREAT dad.  I couldn't ask for better and I don't say thanks enough. ....Don't get a big head Martinez:)

After being up for a couple of hours, LG went down and Martinez and I took an hour and half nap (told ya we were worn out!) !  We got some cleaning done....and then....the big Razorback loss.... and in response to that loss...

     Dear Hogs:

     I know that you guys have been through a lot as a team.  You've lost a coach, gained one that seems to be on the opposite end of the spectrum as the one you had, and sustained some injuries.  Because I am devoted and understanding, I am still going to cheer and support you.  In fact, today was "wear your favorite sports team jersey/shirt" to church day.  Our whole family attended church this morning in our fabulous red Razorback gear, knowing that we would be teased to farthest length.  We sat across from some Alabama fans (who were extremely humble) because we support you.  So... I'm thinking the least you could do is try just a little harder next week.  Football Saturdays were so fun....but right now... it's not that fun at my house.  You see.... Martinez turned ALL football off after your loss yesterday.  He still loves you of course... but you've got to bring some happiness back into my home.  With that being said... let's make baby steps and next week... let's just get some points on the board.  What do you say?


Devoted Razorback Fan
 The rest of Saturday...

Martinez and I have had this bench since we got married.  My sweet Aunt Cha gave it to us with a kitchen table.  This bench is older than me and I remember sitting on it as a kid.  The last few years, it's been in our closet with a mirror sitting on it.  So, I decided to paint it put on the porch... I'm little obsessed with torquoise right now... so here's the remodel....
I want to keep this bench forever... There's just something about knowing it was my aunt's and I've always been really close with her.
I'm exploring the crafty a little more I suppose... so here's the beginning of my fall display... don't judge... I'm working on it:)

Today was MY FIRST GAME!  Basically, Martinez told the "coach" that I wanted the easiest job... that meant I was the catcher.  Don't judge... and.... just for the record.... My shoulder is SORE.  Who knew throwing a softball over and over could hurt?  I must admit... I had so much fun.  Everyone is so nice and supportive and it doesn't matter who's good and who's not... it's just to get together. Getting to know each other outside of church is amazing.  Another "I'm thankful" tonight... I'm so thankful to have found the right church for us.  We love this group of people and can't wait to spend more time with them!
Martinez was ready today... with his game face on...
I'm sleepy and unfortunately... work calls in the morning!

Until next time....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chuckling Baby & Clothing Drama !

Ok... I have to share this video of LG last night...

Why yes...she is on the pot...and her daddy is making gotta get the videos when ya can...and if it's on the pot, so be it!
I watched this video of my sweet girl repeatedly today - so much so ... that I got the following text:

I just really missed her today!

This morning before a big day with Mrs. A-

Such a big girl!

A small comment on working in an office...THEY ARE USUALLY FREEZING!
I used to have this fabulous space heater in my office named "Myrtle".  Myrtle was faithful for over four years...but passed away a couple months ago....leaving me heatless.  So, I now keep a hoodie jacket at my well as a blanket..  Today... our office was soooo cold.  I almost couldn't breathe.  When I asked the boss to turn on the heat...his eyes basically rolled to the back of his head...and he produced the blanket below ...the one with REINDEER!!!!

Just to clarify... Vic  REALLY had the hood of her jacket on her head today because she was SO cold...and the blanket she actually the one I use to keep me legs/feet warm. YO BOSS MAN...I suspect that you actually read my blog...don't worry... we don't have to have a conversation about it.. so... PLEASE TURN THE AIR UP.  I CAN'T BREATHE....and you'll just have to hear me whine... and then you'll mock my "accent" that I don't really have and it'll just be a vicious cycle.

Confessions for the day:

I'm a complete weirdo and choose my clothes for work two weeks in advance and hang them in a special place in my closet...please refrain from the eye's sorta OCD..but also because I'm not one of those girls who can just whip out an morning, I put on pre-planned outfit...just to discover that it's just not gonna work out...three shirts later... I'm about to have a breakdown ...literally...over my clothes.  Eventually, I changed pants..and shirts again.  All of this resulted in not having the extra 10 minutes to vacuum before work! Darn.
This weekend, I'm going to reorganize my closet!  I need to go ahead and donate/save for garage sale the shirts that I've been trying to still wear that are to "boxy" since losing weight... along with some's time.  Like my recent post about my trusty wind pants.. this is sad/exciting! There really is no point to this story... like most of my posts.. just a recap of the day/ my thoughts!

Today's Calorie Intake:

Bf- peanut butter toast - 155 cal

Snack - nutri grain bar - 120 cal

Lunch - SW chargrilled salad with spicy dressing from Chic fil a - 520 cal

Dinner- Oven roasted chicken sandwich from Subway 370 cal
               BBQ baked lays 120 cal

Total  1,285

This total is higher than I would like... us gals at the office wanted Chic-fil-a for lunch... and then tonight I didn't get home until about 45 minutes ago (It's 10:07pm)... so I stopped at the Sub! I shouldn't have gotten the chips!

Chic-fil- a  really has one of the best restaurant websites in terms of looking up calories.  The meal calculator allows you add/subtract things easily... translation... no excuse not to use it!  The salad I had for lunch is actually only 250 cal....and it's huge and delicious!  The dressing I get is 270 cal... so that's the kicker.  I've gotten the salad without it before...but I LOVE IT and got it today!  I try to look up the amount of calories in a meal I like or would like to get at a restaurant before going...I've told you this before... but it really doesn't take that much time and it's totally worth it !

I'm excited to be off tomorrow... lots of things to do for my home and I get to spend the whole day with LG!  I've missed being with her this week SO much.  If weather permits... we are going to the ZOO!

Until next time.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Counting Again, Part II

No 5am jog... This week really is such an off week.  Work has been SUPER busy.. which is good...but man....

So, Martinez and I love watching Master's one of the few reality shows he will watch with me.... the finale was on last night, but I was at Starbucks with some I missed it.  My daily scouring resulted in reading the headline that Christine won!!!!  I'll admit... I'm disappointed that I didn't get to watch it to find out....but I'm SUPER excited she won!  I think it's amazing that she is able to do the things she does and cook as if she isn't BLIND!!! You go girl !

Today's Calorie Intake:

BF- peanut butter toast -155 cal

    K cup Donut Shop 0
    Splenda                  0
    Creamer                 35 cal

Lunch - Tortilla with 1/4 c of re-fried beans - 190 cal
             Sour Cream                                   - 40 cal
             Chocolate covered pretzels            - 100 cal

Dinner- Sweet & Sour Chicken   -  497 cal

Total-  1,017
The Martinez and LG had rice with their S & S chicken... but too many calories for me... just chicken tonight!
I really believe counting calories works.  Not only have I lost a lot of weight, I'm able to eat things I want.. in moderation.  For instance, even though I have tweaked my S & S Chicken recipe to be lower calorie (I used wheat flour instead of cornstarch tonight) , it's still pretty high... especially when served over rice or noodles.  For me, I'd rather have more of the I just cut out the rice so I can have a larger portion of my favorite part.  I've done this with basically everything throughout this weight loss journey.  It really works...if I want a dessert... I just cut something else out.  I've tried other attempts at weight loss before this....the most recent attempt before calorie counting..... counting carbs.  While I did lose a few pounds, this just wasn't something I could realistically follow through with.   I HEART CARBS!  Something I've learned is that complex carbs are good for you and it's ok to substitute a sweet potato (complex carb) in place of a baked potato....wheat tortilla vs. flour tortilla.. you get the point.  Your body actually needs healthy carbs and it's not good to deprive it!
The best part of my weight loss journey thus far...other than feeling great... is that I've maintained my weight...Why??? Because it's a total lifestyle change... NOT a diet.  I'm finished preaching now.

I'm a tired wife and momma again tonight! I'm so thankful for Martinez....and not just because he swept and mopped the living room because I was too tired to finish!

P.S.  Who walked around Sam's this afternoon with a baby on her hip and her fly wide open??? This girl!
Until next time.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Binge Eating, Confessions & God's Sense of Humor

The last couple of days have been a blur.  They've been filled with a loss from those fabulous Razorbacks, and some serious matters with some people I love dearly (several people).  It seems like when something happens, a ton of things follow... and no... I'm not seriously comparing a college football team to the important issues.  Sometimes... it just really blows to be a grown up:)

With that being said... Softball didn't happen for me Sunday... but this Sunday...BRING.IT.ON :) and no.. I didn't back out. 

So.. last night was the Bachelor Pad Season Three Finale....umm... BEST. SEASON. EVER.  This was actually my favorite season due to game play..yet my least favorite in terms of characters.  Go Nick!  I totally agree with his decision to KEEP the money.  

Next up... Katie Couric's new show is the bomb!  I just love having a DVR... or maybe just cable in general...oh wait.. it's abc, no need for cable.... 

Here's a pic of LG from this morning...

She's quite the poser:)

    *  I have not exercised since Thursday and I feel gross and corroded.  (yes, I know the definition of   
        corroded and that's exactly what I meant to say)

     * Yesterday, I was a binge eater.  No lie.  When I realized that I was doing EXACTLY what Chris from Season 13 of Biggest Loser was doing, I immediately texted the DeShazo and V... and then got up and started dusting.

Discussion of the Confessions:

It's totally ok to "reasonably cheat"... but NEVER to binge eat.  Definition of MY binge eating extravaganza....I left work yesterday with 325 calories left for dinner.. Keep in mind that this 325 calories was PLENTY for the yummy chicken I was planning to have.... Here's where I went wrong...PASTA...Not only did I eat a portion too big to begin with... I kept eating... and when I mean I kept eating... I mean I stood over the pot of pasta forking it in my mouth.... like...disgusting!!!!!  NOT.OK.  After consuming wayyyy more than 325 calories worth, I ate about 1/8 of bag of candy corn, a snack bag of cool ranch doritos, and a cheese stick....Again, Not ok.  One of my friends suggested that this was "being an emotional eater"... and I sort of agree.. but I think this is better known as " binge eater with no acceptable excuse"...It was like I had been fasting all day and started shoveling food in! I've confessed this because it'll help me not to re-offend......It's quite embarrassing....

So, since my weight loss has stopped ( because I need to crack down) ...I'm going to record my food intake again.. just for a little while.  I am happy to report that it has stayed the same... which means I can and have taken control...except for that little binge eating episode.

Today's Calorie Intake:

Breakfast- peanut butter toast - 155 cal

Mid-Morning snack- Nutri grain bar - 120 cal

Lunch- Turkey sandwich - 185 Cal
            chocolate covered pretzels - 100 cal pack

Supper- Chicken Fajitas with sour cream -237 cal
              1/4 cup of refried beans 60 cal (I didn't have fat free this time)

Starbucks Skinny somethinorother iced coffee ( Mary ordered for me...I don't go to Starbucks:) )- 130 cal

Total  987 Cal!!!!!! became really concerned when I caught a glimpse of the DeShazo's computer... here's what I found...

...I always knew she had a thing for Mariah.  You can't hide the truth.

Obviously, today is 9/11.  Everyone has their own story of where they were when they heard the news...what they felt, ect.  Did 9/11 affect you personally?  I'm sure most people would immediately think of how the government affects our lives... but I mean ..does it affect your personal life in an "immediate" way?   Little did I know at the time.. 9/11 would affect my marriage/where I live, ect.  Martinez decided to join the Air Force shortly after the attacks...BECAUSE of the attacks.  He has deployed to Iraq twice, El Salvador, Nicaragua and he also was sent to assist with the damage of Hurricane Katrina.  I had no idea that I would marry a "soldier"... as I always imagined marrying a country fella and living in south AR my whole life.  I'm so glad God is in control and decided to show me that I had NO idea on what kind of man I would need and that he was going to give me the opposite of what I thought was best.  I now live a life I love surrounded by a totally different group of people and opportunities.... and yes... even though AR and OK are neighbors was like culture shock when I arrived... and sometimes I'm still shocked at some things. Do I need to remind you about the gals here who don't know what purple hull peas and sweet potato pies are?  On 09/11...not only do I think about the sacrifices of EVERYONE involved, but my own life and how it has worked out.

While I'm thinking of how my life has changed...I think God has a total sense of humor...not only did he "show" me that I had no idea what I was doing on my "husband search" by giving me a calm, sweet, non-existent tan ( Martinez....stop looking at the tan line on your arm while reading this! ), awesome city dude when I wanted a spirited, tan, country dude... he placed me in the "city" versus the backwoods...changed my career field path from education to criminal justice (which was my initial choice before when I wsa 10) and surrounded me with a diverse group of friends that I love dearly.  I'm now careful not to stay "I'm going to do this...or I'll never do that...(except for I'll never be a band or cheer offense)... because I know God's taking notes and will probably give me the opposite!

Enough for today! Hopefully, I'll be consistent with my food journal like I was in the beginning of my weight loss journey and have good exercise updates to share tomorrow !

P.S......Disclaimer again... I totally realize I switch from past, present and future tense in all my posts....this really bothers me if it's important stuff... but this is just a blog!

Until next time.....

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Exploring the Crafty....just for a short while:)


The day started waking up to a sweet, brown-eyed beauty!  We later met some friends at the best store ever, Hobby Lobby, in order to begin our Halloween party preparations.  Seriously....if  I were to ever become a thief...Hobby Lobby would be my target.  We scoured the fall isles and got some ideas and I think it's gonna be a really fun party ! 

Another task at Hobby Lobby yesterday was to find the materials to make LG some ruby slippers for her Dorothy costume.  After searching several stores online and not finding ruby slippers to fit LG that were also reasonably priced, it was time to make some!  We found some plain white canvas shoes..and after looking at several options of glitter/paint...IT WAS TIME...

Here's the paint stuff..

I forgot to take a photo of the plain white shoes... but you can imagine

Halfway..                                                              Complete!!!

We were getting pretty concerned at first because the stuff paints on pink....but it turns red pretty quickly!!  This ended up being way easier than I thought.... the hardest part was waiting the hour in between EACH coat!!

The best part of this project...finding out that Dorothy was a Razorback fan..

I can't wait to see her all put together with basket and accessories!

Another crafty attempt... the "M" for my Christmas tree topper is painted.. I just have to figure what embellishments I want for it!  I'm too lazy to get up and take a photo of that... so you'll have to wait:)

In other news, fall = football season.... and to me... football season = wearing my wind pants all the time...literally...I'm waiting on the day the boss tells me not to wear them anymore.  All day yesterday, I was thinking about changing into my wind pants for dinner.... and don't judge.... it was low key/comfortable/breakfast for dinner/stormy evening kind of dinner.  So, I get them out and put them on and they were HUGE!  I don't know why, but I didn't think about them being too big now...for some reason, I just expected that they would still fit... happiness and sadness all in the same moment...After trying to roll them up... and got out my other pair... yep....too big too.. and I'm mostly sad about that pair.... I've had them since the first year Martinez and I got hitched!! Five years ago.... The crotch of these pants (both pair) was almost to my knees!  The positive to this...I get NEW wind pants now... and I don't have to buy XL's!!! These pants were SO huge... I'm excited to see if I'll end up in a medium or large. 


Whoever ends up getting my fabulous Adidas wind pants (one pair only 1 year old) from my fall garage sale... love them like I did!!!

 In other news.... while having a night out with some friends, we got a call that little LG our night resulted in coming home to find LG running around hyper....the babysitter covered in vomit...the floor a total hot mess from the vomit...the house smelling like vomit... and the dog trying to lick the vomit. Apparently, LG had something in her tummy that just didn't need to be there because after she got it out, she was just fine.  It was almost midnight when she went to bed...and we spent the night cleaning!
Today, Martinez and I are exhausted!  We are spoiled to having a baby that sleeps from 8ishpm to 7:30isham...

Today has been a day of baby playin', football watchin' cleanin' and lazin' it up!  Nothing super special to report I suppose..

Tomorrow... the first softball game.  I'm thinking of calling in sick.. My nerves have the best of me already and I feel SICK! 

Until next time....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Skinny Girls Eat Cake

Yesterday was a busy workday all around, followed by a busy evening. I didn't exercise at all either.  Super lame... so all I've got is photo of LG...but that's the best part:)

After a hard day of playing with Mrs. A, mommy & daddy..

5am jog today..GREAT.  I beat my latest milestone of jogging a 1/2 without stopping!  I didn't beat it by much... but every step counts !

So many exciting things are coming... ok... exciting in my low key kinda world.. first up... Katie Couric's new talk show starts next week!!!  Woohoo.  Next up...Taken 2 comes out October 5th!!! I heart Liam Neeson..not as much as Steven Tyler...but he's pretty high on the list.  Definitely getting a sitter that weekend! 

Totally random.... who busts their lip while sweeping??  THIS GIRL.  True story... and my lip is still bleeding. 

This evening has been one of those evenings full of grownup decisions... and I'm not sure if want anymore of those this week....there have been enough and I'm ready for some relaxation!

This weekend is going to be super busy/fun.  Mere, Mary (& baby H), and I will begin our Halloween party preparations!  This could be good... and dangerous.  Thank goodness someone with some skill is in on this!  Dinner with these gals, their families and one more Friday night... gonna be FUN... and then... Sunday....the first softball game....translation...MY FIRST game EVER. SCARY. I hope I can at least hit the ball!!

Little LG was ready to go this morning....

I just wish I felt that happy in the mornings!  Just not gonna happen.

So.... I bet you guys are waiting to read about how skinny girls eat cake... but.... I've got nothing!  I just made it up because I couldn't think of a title....and yes... I've read my post and totally realize how scattered by thoughts are. It is what it is.

That's all for today.  Pretty lame!

Until next time.......

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hide Yo Snacks

5am....jog/walk. Definitely not my best morning... but hey- some exercise is better than none!

Today has been pretty productive....One of my highlights of the day.... coming up with a new idea for Martinez for his Halloween costume....wait for it.....

None other than the fabulous Antoine Dodson.... for those of you asking WHO that is... please see click the link below.  You won't regret it... and if you do...we can't be friends:)

This is the best Halloween costume idea EVER.  He would already have the tank!!!!  Of course, Martinez declined, just like all my other fabulous ideas.  Oh well.

Best highlight of the day... picking up this sweet thang..

Look what I found in the mail this weekend..

Lane Bryant coupons... THAT I DON'T NEED ANYMORE!! I'm so excited not to shop there anymore!  Another confession...  I hated having to shop at LB.  I mean, they have cute clothes and they always had something that fit me... but I was super embarrassed to have to shop there.  I hated knowing that a "plus" size store was the only place I could find modern clothing that fit... I hated the prices...I hated the realization of what size I was.  I'm not writing this offend or hurt anyone's feelings for shopping or having to shop at LB...but let's face it... it's not fun being limited to "plus" size clothing stores.  Shopping at regular stores is such an achievement to me.  Even if I stay at my weight now (I'm hoping to lose 20 more pounds), it's a great feeling that I've at least lost the "plus" label and that the 1X's and XL's aren't musts anymore.  I also want to clarify that my weight loss journey is NOT about the smallest size I can fit in or where I can shop (although I talk a lot about shopping... it's easy for me to relate shopping and weight loss)... it's about being healthier and feeling SO much better.  I never realized how bad I felt.  It's nice not be out of breath when I mow the lawn- chase LG, ect.  I never want to go's really sad that you can feel so much better and not even know the condition your body is in!  Mine was SCREAMING!  QUIT JUMPING UP AND DOWN TO BUTTON THOSE JEANS!!!  THE SEAMS ARE RIPPING!!!
OK.. maybe it's not that extreme...or maybe it is...

Tonight's dinner off the new "menu".. Pat's Creamy Chicken in the crockpot. This recipe was provided by LG's summer sitter. It's a recipe her mom makes that's always hit!  It is delicious.  Below is the recipe... but I've cut it in half. 

Pat's Creamy Chicken- Halved
 2 chicken breasts (I used 2)  - 248 cal
1/4 c chicken broth 99% fat free - 1 cal
4 ounces of cream cheese cut into cubes -400 cal ...Don't use low fat!! It won't melt!
1/4 tsp garlic powder -1 cal
1/8 tsp salt - 0 cal
1/8 tsp pepper- 0 cal
1 can cream of chicken soup-275 cal

** At four servings, this meal is 231 per serving!!!  I used the Lose It app to scan the barcodes of my ingredients to get the calorie count. This definitely makes four servings... it could possibly be stretched to five.


Spray your crockpot with cooking spray; put your frozen chicken breasts in; sprinkle on your seasonings; put the cubes of cream cheese in the bottom; pour cream of chicken soup on the chicken breasts; pour in the chicken broth; cook on low 6-7 hours;
After the chicken has cooked all day, shred the breasts up with two forks and swirl around in the soup mixture.  Serve over rice!!
 * I also sprinkle meat tenderizer on the chicken.... it just makes sure it doesn't get tough!

This meal is awesome.  Remember, Martinez is a picky eater and he loves it.  Make sure to MEASURE out your rice serving... this will get ya.  Steamfresh brown rice is the best!

Once again, I'm a tired mama and ready for bed!  I've exercised this morning, been to work, cleaned up dinner (thank you crockpot), made everyone's lunch for tomorrow,played with LG completed two loads of laundry, taken the dog for a mile walk, swiffer swept  and vacuumed.  I.AM.BEAT.

Until next time.....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lazin' It Up!

Today was a lazy Labor Day at the Martinez house!  This was mostly due to our lack of sleep from Sunday night!  LG is super teething right now. She cut a tooth this week and she's got three more that are trying to break through.  Our poor baby was up most of the night in pain!  I have to say... this was the worst night she's ever had and we felt SO sorry for her.
So... we spent the day doing some light chores and watching reruns of Storage Wars... I know.. we are LAME!  After dinner, I took Sammie for a walk and got a little exercise in and now I'm watching Bachelor Pad while blogging... I wonder which one of these guys is gonna sing the worst??  It's looking like Jacqueline may have just sank her partner!

As promised.... here's my menu for the month of September... in a strange way!

This menu obviously lists the options we have available-based off my freezer/pantry "inventory".  There are enough options for more than a month's worth of meals ( if we choose to eat hamburgers 8 times...this won't happen...), so I'm really hoping with this system I can limit my grocery trips and lower the expense in this area!

Another as promised.. here's a list of a few foods that I chose from for breakfasts, lunches and snacks in the beginning of my weight loss journey;

Breakfast                                                                          Lunches
     Wheat toast with 0 cal butter (50 cal)                                Whole wheat tortilla (130 cal)
     Boiled egg (70)                                                                 1/4 c fat free refried beans spread on tortilla
                                                                                              (45 cal)
     Wheat toast (50 cal)                                                          2 tbsp salsa for dipping (20 cal)
    1tbsp natural peanut butter (105 cal)
                                                                                             Fat Free turkey meat sandwich with 1tbsp
    Wheat toast (50 cal)                                                          miracle whip light on whole wheat (200 cal)
    2 slices of turkey bacon (70 cal) 
                                                                                             2 tbsp of red pepper hummas (70 cal)
                                                                                             11 pretzel crisps (110 cal)
     Nutri grain bar (120 cal)
     Chocolate chip granola bar (90 cal)
      Banana (180 cal)
     Yoplait yogurt (100 cal)
     Cheese stick (90 cal)
     Fat free turkey rollups -2 slices (50 cal)
     Special KChocolatey Delight Cereal (120 cal)

That's all I've got for tonight ! There are other foods... but I'm gonna have to review my food journal from the beginning... I  can't think right now!  I'm a sleepy mama and as soon as this episode is over, I'm turnin' in!

Until next time.....

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Bed

Busy Weekend !!

Friday was pretty low key...except for the part where my dog decided that he was gonna be a rock star hunting dog and catch a sweet little rabbit....which he then decided to consume!!!!!!!  Can you say gross?! Little did I know, this meant he would spend the next two days barfing it up!  I'm hoping he learned his lesson... but I bet if given another chance, he'll catch another one!
As blogged about in my last post, the Martinez family was awaiting a new microwave since our fabulous Tivo died.  However, we did not keep the one that arrived Friday.  Apparently, Home Depot doesn't insure the fellas who install the microwaves to drill through tile, or anything for that matter.  So, the microwave went back and we now have a free standing one (I'm really excited not to have one over my oven... although Martinez is not).  Basically, I'm just excited that we don't have to go to the neighbor's house to heat up LG's chicken nuggets anymore! YAY!

 Saturday...Ummmm...Sammie (Martinez family dog) was still barfing...only today... it was mostly in my bedroom.  There was no way I was going to sleep knowing that nasty barf (from a murdered rabbit) was seeping through my carpet.  Needless to say, a carpet shampooer was rented and for three hours we cleaned carpet....and I went extra slow in our room! Just FYI....this was not how I intended to spend the afternoon before those wonderful Razorbacks hit the field, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Saturday morning was filled with mattress shopping.  Martinez and I have known for quite a while that we needed a new mattress, but we didn't want to buy one.  I had no idea they were so expensive...until now! We haven't been sleeping that well and our backs were hurting- so it was time. When we were first married (5 years ago), we slept on my full size bed that I had as a kid! About 8 months later, we graduated to a king size mattress that sweet Mamaw (yes, that's what we call our grandparents in south AR) gave us. Ummm.... that sucker is (was) OLD.  Apparently, we've been sleeping on a 15yr (maybe a couple more) old mattress!   It was squeaking at every move and just flat worn out.  After realizing just how old this mattress was, I started imagining all the dead skin cells, among other germs, that were in this mattress.... I'm definitely gonna try out that mattress cleaning tip on Pinterest on our new mattress.

Old mattress... GOODBYE                                             New! WELCOME
Just FYI...The delivery fellas from Mattress Firm ROCK.  They put little hospital booties on their shoes so they wouldn't track in, put a "red carpet" on the concrete (not sure what that was for), and left us mints!  What more can a girl ask for?  It's crazy how good this bed feels!!


Church, home, shopping, and birthday party! Busy!  Ok.. get ready for a laugh.... Our SS class has put together a softball team and I'm GOING TO PLAY!  I've never played a sport in my life... so this will be the first and I'm super excited!  This is something I never would have considered 50lbs ago!  I know that I won't be much of an asset to the team, since I have no experience or athleticism at all to bring to the table, but it will be fun!  Not only will I get to hang out with some awesome people on Sunday afternoons for the next few months, I'll get to do something with Martinez that fits his personality and is one of his hobbies.  I can't wait for what this will bring...I'm not sure what's gonna happen... but being 50 lbs lighter has changed how I feel about myself and what I can try to do and will do.  It's amazing how weight loss affects your mindset!  We've turned in our league fees, shirt money and bought a bat today- so let's see how this goes !

Today was sweet baby D's 2nd birthday party!  We had a ton of fun and were able to chat with some sweet people we don't get to see very often.  Baby D (although not really a baby anymore) got a fantastic roller coaster!  LG certainly enjoyed it....thanks to Miss E holding her..

That's my small recap of our weekend !  Stay tuned this week... I'm going to post some daily meals I followed for the first few months of my weight loss.  My lunches and breakfasts were pretty much the same... but it's proven that people who eat the same healthy foods repetitively sustain weight loss longer! You can't just go on a "diet"... that's temporary and the goal is to keep the weight off.  You have to change how you eat.  This is how and why counting calories worked for me.  I can still eat the foods I love, just not all the time or often. I have to account for them. 

I'm making a conscious effort this week to exercise more!! I've lost MOST of my weight by watching my food choices.  A person can only do this for so long... and then there's just no way around exercising.  I'm using my new running shoes as motivation:):)

Until next time......